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Everything posted by sobo

  1. mmmmmmmmmmm. have to google the lyrics. googlebot is searching the database... processing...
  2. something about the promise of a brave new world beneath the clear blue sky.
  3. I was gonna say that I shaved my beard off earlier this spring, but that second comment just blew me away.
  4. I've noticed this, too, in recent times. I think it has more to do with "where's does the money come from" for the particular station. Stations that must appease mainstream advertisers tend to do the bleeping, while indie and college stations let 'er rip. And I agree, I think it's pretty lame. I mean, WTF's virgin ears are they trying to protect, anyway?
  5. any time any where Can I get in on that? Even if I have to stand outside the window?
  6. Could it have been from the Kuran...?? You apparently got lucky and survived, ya infidel.
  7. ...and their engineering.
  8. ...The aircraft, with tail number MSN 856, was due to be delivered to Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways, "in the coming days," Airbus says. Looks like things might be a little backed up at AUH next week...
  9. sobo


    Mel, Archie makes the same points that I did upthread ^^ about care-intensiveness and salmonella with regards to the rugrats. The "tiny turtle" to which you refer is the Red-eared Slider, which is the same species of turtle that features so prominently in my diatribe above. If you feed it, it won't stay tiny for long. The big red flags you're seeing is your sister's tortured and angered face for you doing this to her. Unless she's the type to just dump it when the going gets too tough...
  10. sobo


    Jim makes a good point, Mel. Check out the rescue groups. That's where all of our pets come from, except the ones we pick up crawling across the middle of four-lane urban arterials... And regarding the lettuce: "iceberg" lettuce is virtually nutritionless, for both you and your herbivore/omnivore pets. It's basically water trapped in a plant matrix. Better to get "leaf lettuce", like green leaf, red leaf, endive, escarole, etc. Much more nutrition in those types.
  11. sobo


    Yeah, I thought of that. And hassenfeffer, too. Never could make myself get excited for kitty fritters or puppy chops...
  12. sobo


    We had a turtle once... for years... Little red-eared slider (type that was popular while Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ran) that we rescued from the middle of a four-lane urban arterial here. It had been run over. I thought it was a goner. My wife forced me to divert to a vet (I forget where we were actually going) for an emergency operation and, $400 and an hour and a half later, he had super-glued the little thing back together. Over the next several years, she (yes, it was determined that she was a she) grew and grew (and I replaced aquarium after aquarium) until she was the diameter of a large dinner plate and I had one of those black polyethylene backyard ponds sitting in the corner of my living room. When the first kid arrived, I thought she a goner again because of the risk of the baby picking up salmonella and all that. But nooooooooo, we ended up putting up a chicken wire screen around the pond in my living room. Kid still managed to get past the screen and play in the water. But he lived. When we finally moved from Yakima to Kennewick, my wife decided it was "time for Marty to go be with her own kind." But there was no way my wife was going to just "dump" her at a golf course or park pond or anything like that (you must understand, my wife is the reincarnation of St. Francis of Assissi, and I mean that in the kindest way - 8 rabbits, a one-eyed cat, and a geriatric dog, each one a sob story in the acquisition). So I ended up spending about $200 to FedEx her to a "turtle rescue sanctuary" somewhere in the Florida panhandle. She now resides on the banks of some warm pond in 300 acres of her natural habitat, has a few boyfriends (or so I'm told), and I get to send $150 a year to the operators of this place as a "donation" for her continued upkeep. So Mel, you want to saddle your sister with a turtle for the next several years, eh? Who's gonna clean the aquarium every week? As it grows, the filtration system won't keep up - turtle shit is the worst, man. Where ya gonna put it when it outgrows the aquarium? In a pond in the living room? You do know it can't stay outside in the Willamette... it's too cold there in the winter. They're native to the Southeast, not the PNW. Not putting the kibosh on it, but just putting some things out there to consider... Remember, I been there, done that. But when it was all said and done, it *was* kinda cool to have a huge turtle living in your living room. We'd let her out of the pond every few days (if she didn't escape first, which she managed on several occasions) to wander around the house for a few hours. She seemed to really like it. The only pain about that was when she got stuck in the fireplace. All those ashes... The cat thought she was a h00t. The bunnies regarded her rather suspiciously. The dog hadn't arrived yet...
  13. Met Fred and Joe already some years ago in more intimate environs than a pube club or crag. Saw Colin at RopeUp 2005, but wouldn't even think of interjecting myself into a group of his good friends that were yucking it up with him. Likewise with Lowell, Jim, and the other three guys you mention. They're just out of my league - I could never hope to stand in the same room with any of them. I'm the fat kid now.
  14. Ya know, I'm surprised about that one too. But if you and Larry are gonna git all a-skeert about a little looseness on the Goose Egg-ness, then it serves ya right! And thanks for the birthday wishes!
  15. Shit, you think YOU were confused? RuMR sends me a PM at lunch to go read this thread. I open it, and the first names I see are (what I think are supposed to be) mine and my wife's!!1 Seriously, nice work there Drew! BTW, whip that old tool every few days just to keep his lip zipped, will ya? Oh, and Rudy, this one's for you, pal...
  16. You'll have to wait for the TR to find out! I'm not saying one... word... about... this... to... anyone...
  17. Of course not. If you'd take the time to look around the TIT site (no pun intended), you'll find that Randy C. consistently supports, mentions, and links to snopes.com. And snopes is on my hotlinks so I can check/debunk all the BS glurge that peeps send my way every day. So there.
  18. Thanks. I don't get the climbing rags anymore. Since "kiddin' up" a few years back, I just don't have much time left to peruse the climbing pr0n.
  19. Thanks, minx, ya scornful tease...
  20. Thanks, 'kirk. Sorry you missed the first brush at my list. Back on track: Would have liked to have met this one. She's been gone from here for a while now. I don't think we were her type.
  21. Thanks kev. So are you the one with the orange helmet, or with the fancy hat?
  22. Willy is a stand-up sorta guy...
  23. are they one and the same? could be... You know who else I forgot? BoulderBoy! That's right, ol' distel32. Would love to share a pitcher with him and discuss his travels in Mongolia, et al.
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