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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Pussy! sorry, Keith, but you set yerself up like a bowling pin on that one... yur right. But you are a uterus. Well, not a uterus exactly, but a bag of sorts... Most people who know me refer to me as a douchebag. In a nice way.
  2. Sorry, I've met her. Ruth is an Edmonton ex-pat. So, OW, since you've met her, can you say she's hawt? If so, you can clear my (apparently) tarnished image for thinking she has big lats. Oh, them are muffintop lats for sure, but she's lost a fair bit of weight since leaving Edmonton and she's headed in the right direction. She's plenty hawt, unless you're deeply smitten with the Kate Moss archetype. I feel vindicated. Thanx, OW.
  3. sobo

    USS Porter

    Wasn't Reagan already dead when the CVN-76 was commissioned?
  4. Not exactly... in this case it would be NCC 1701D.
  5. Sorry, I've met her. Ruth is an Edmonton ex-pat. So, OW, since you've met her, can you say she's hawt? If so, you can clear my (apparently) tarnished image for thinking she has big lats.
  6. Pussy! sorry, Keith, but you set yerself up like a bowling pin on that one...
  7. Wow, you see the lats on that chica?
  8. That pic, highlight box and all, is just priceless, tvash. You should send it to the Air Force, and those crazy conspiracy theory fuckers down in Roswell. They'd get a huuuuge kick out of it, I'll bet.
  9. The other thing that I use is just knowing my partner's manner of climbing. Some go all-out fast, others are more pedantic and "cerebral" in their approach. If you're out of sight of each other, and the rope's not moving, and you both have some idea of how much rope is left (which you generally should, leading or seconding), you can make some reasonable assumptions: Lots of rope left, but moving slow? pedantic climber Not a lot of rope left? time to look for a belay Hit a tough move, but capable? give a little slack Off route, and getting sketched? be prepared for air time etc. You get the idea. YMMV Nowadays, once I've clipped the piece/bolt, I say "I'm in." Note that it also has two syllables. ==> just as in "up-rope" or "tension", you get the same result: the slack is removed.
  10. sobo


    Of course, Mistress Archenemy. Anything that you wish. :bow and scrape:
  11. This is the way I learned it as well. It's a syllabic thing. You can't always count on understanding all of the words, but you can almost always hear all of the syllables.
  12. sobo


    Well then, shouldn't we be referring to you as "Mistress"...?
  13. sobo


    Partly correct. The upgrade did indeed trash the custom titles, and has replaced them with the default titles based upon post count (see the FAQ). You could prolly get one of the mods to give you your custom title back, but I have seen that when they do that, you will have two titles (the default and the custom) and they can't do anything about it. It's in the software. The face thingie is the "moodz" that everyone's been asking about. Go the the upper right of your screen, where it says [Log out] and you will see a matching face. Click on the "down arrow" and you can select a new mood. If you are offline, you get the gray sleeping graemlin. Your welcome.
  14. sobo

    USS Porter

    they named a sub after Carter. if that's not a travesty then I don't know what is Maybe I'm a little too old skewl, but I thought our military tradition was not to name a ship after a living president or former president, nor a living naval officer. Did I miss something?
  15. Wow! It's so great to post and not get logged out anymore! I'm going to change my moodz now...
  16. W00t w00t!!!!1 It works! The temp password thingie appears to have worked. Thanks a bazillion, porter, jon, and timmay! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
  17. This is a test message to see if I still get logged out when I post. Wish me luck...
  18. I don't feel so all alone now, after seeing how many other peeps are having this "getting logged off" problem. Even though I pm-ed you, Oly, my stats are: 1. IE 6, SP 2 2. XP Pro 3. Corporate IT managed And for KKK and Dru/G-Spotter for their repsonses to this issue that I bitched about over in the "dat fine Upgrade" thread: STFU!!!!1 BTW, jon, timmay, and porter: thanks for all the hard work. The bitching is not at or about you.
  19. Ah ha! So it's not just me. I get logged out every goddamn time I start a thread, post a reply, or respond to a PM. Just view my posts over the last couple days, matt. I can feel it... it's going to happen again in 3... 2... 1...
  20. sobo

    dat fine Upgrade

    Christ! You peeps are all bitching about moods and titles and shit. Every time I post a reply, edit a post, or start a new thread, I get dumped out of the "logged in" state. I have to then close my browser, expire my cookies, re-log back in, and go find where I just was to check the post or to surf to a new thread. AND THIS HAPPENS EVERY FUCKING GODDAMN TIME!!!!1 And now the goddamn re-direct to PayPal shit is starting back up again! Arrrrrrrrrrrgh! I think I have a legitimate reason to be bitching here, not whining about moods and titles and all that rot. And as soon as I hit the "Submit" button for this reply, I'm gonna get dumped back out again... this makes it extremely difficult to stay up to speed on the latest spray. :anger:
  21. You're prolly right, Kurt. Then he'll be asking whether to bunch or fold...
  22. (El) Portrero (Chico), See my first reply to this thread. ^^ I've blown my phukkin' cookies so dogdamn many times my stomach hurts. It ain't werkin 4 me no mo'.
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