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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Thank you, both of you. I'm tetched...
  2. Yes, but if you knew me, you'd probably find yourself sorely tested to behave the same.
  3. We all could hope to be so fortunate...
  4. Thanks, OW, but I've been an old fart for quite awhile now. But at least now, I can ask my doc for a prostate exam without feeling guilty about it...
  5. I've been following that one for quite a while. Lots more get reported and followed every week at this site. Sign up for the This Is True weekly e-newsletter and the True Stella Awards e-newsletter for the frivolous lawsuits.
  6. Sa-weet news! Congrats. Hope Mom and Daughter are doing great.
  7. CBS, I apologize utterly and completely. Looking back thru ancient PMs, I see where I attended my one and only pube club at the Nick back in January 2005, where we shared several pints. I stand humbly corrected. ANd later, whilst searching for a partner for Lightning Dome, you came forth to stand for me and even stated that I can hold my liquor, make decent conversation, and don't pick my nose, or somesuch...
  8. Sobo, you had me on your list. We've met several times! I've met all the ones with x's but not the ones with o's. There's a chance I've met some of them and were not even aware of it. In addition, I'd like to meet all the PDX people, like Bill, Joe, John, Shelly, Iain, DFA (unless he really is Iain). I'd also like to meet crazy Polish Bob, Pope, and deskdriver. Technically, Brian, we really haven't met. I saw you at RopeUp 2005, as you were looking for someone to do CA with you. I overheard your name, and concluded that you were CBS. I wasn't up for that long of a route that day, as it looked pretty sure to rain (which it did), so went to Buckle Up Slabs and did Groundhog Day with DoxManDude. Someone mentioned selkirk. I'd add that one to my list of "like to meets" for this board. And billcoe, I'd put you and JosephH on it too. And just to remind you, both me and minx had iain/CC on our lists. Shite, minx started the thread and listed him in the OP. I chimed in on page 2.
  9. The list is long, but distinguished. In no particular order ('cept the gurlz come first...): minx archenemy MWS carolyn icegirl rmncwrtr Sherri Kitergal/marie snugtop OW ryland moore RuMR pindude ivan rbw1966 wdietsch Bug CBS DeC John Frieh/NOLSe Dru/G-spotter layton iain/CC Doug clucK Freeman Ursa Eagle pu shapp spotly mccallboater ClimbingPanther still climbing Alasdair TTT Agree with OW on the arc/crampon/divot/icefall character.
  10. It hasn't been cold enough nor wet enough around here to worry about F/T at Vantage. That choss falls down all by itself anyway.
  11. sobo


    OW indeed makes two very salient points. It's sad that any new female here is immediately thought of as some long-time user l00zr male poster looking to stir the pot. And anyone who's been around this board a while will note distinctly different styles of prose as regards the named avatars.
  12. sobo

    Fun with "quotes"

    from the same movie - "by the way - i faked all those orgasms" and "it's enrico pallazi!" Gonna take a shot here... A lot of in Caddyshack...?? How about this one? Should be easy for this group... "We'll make it. " "I don't think so. But we shall continue with style. "
  13. sobo

    USS Porter

    Youch! Touche'
  14. sobo

    USS Porter

    Ulee pwns Dru
  15. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    I actually use one of these on less rigorous trips. It goes on all "car camp" trips. Yes, I am a snob... :snif:
  16. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    Who said anything about schleppin' the bottle along? Put the tasty beverage in a dromedary bag. Or buy the Tefft Cellars boxed cab/merlot blend and pull the bag out of the box. As you drink it, the bag compresses. Voila! No extra volume wasted in the pack. Yeeesh, 'kirk, you really are an amateur. And I had such high hopes for you. :tsk: :tsk: :tsk:
  17. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    Exactly! Any drink can go with any sport. It's all about what's good for you.
  18. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    Yummy. I'd give alpine a go if that was the reward Every time... So what peaks did you have in mind?
  19. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    Cabernet in a dromedary bag :tup: bring dark chocolate truffles...
  20. sobo

    USS Porter

    never mind...
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