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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    candy mountain

    In this context, the "W" in WTF stands for who instead of it's traditional meaning. I know the where, I'm pretty sure about the what, I just want to know the who. I might know you, or know of you. Send a PM.
  2. Clearly, JayB, you have more time on yours hands than I. All of these threads should keep scottk busy for a while. I must go now. My work here is done.
  3. JayB's right. Here's one from a year ago... Here's one about disability insurance, if you find yourself interested in that at some point... You might wanna check out that Steve Kobrin guy. He's mentioned in this thread (by ericb) and in the first thread to which I linked (by RichardKorry). Steve Kobrin Amazing what 15 minutes will net you if you set your mind to it...
  4. I have to agree with markwebster and others who find joy and contentment climbing at Peshastin. There is a host of good routes to test any level of slab climber, and the run-outs are not really death-cheaters (unless you're talking about the right side of GCT and the left side of Austrian Slab). I have many happy memories of climbing there... and of only a few groundfalls. Slender Thread comes quickly to mind. ouch.
  5. sobo

    candy mountain

    Still haven't answered the first question...
  6. sobo

    candy mountain

    CP, WTF are you, anyway? Clearly, that shot is from the Tri-Cities, as your avatar location would suggest, but it looks more like that was shot from Badger Mountain than Candy Mountain. As Paul Newman keeps asking Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: "Who are those guys...?"
  7. sobo

    Good Sound Rocks

    My old man had some Sansuis back in the day when vinyl was king, too. Man, did them fokkers ever rock!
  8. sobo

    Good Sound Rocks

    You'd might like this, CC... The sun is hot, the sun is not A place where we could live But here on Earth there'd be no life Without the light it gives We need its light, we need its heat The sun light that we seek The sun light comes from our own sun's Atomic energy
  9. sobo

    Good Sound Rocks

    The sun is a mass of incandescent gas A gigantic nuclear furnace Where hydrogen is built into helium At a temperature of millions of degrees
  10. I know what it's like out there. I ain't going anywhere. They're all coming to me.
  11. The same thought occured to me, Dan and dmuja, although this site is better. Stick, As a father myself (5 yoa male and 3 yoa female) and a climber of 20+ years, I have to question your motivations, as others have. I have summitted Hood a few dozen times, from several aspects, and in all kinds of weather. This is not someplace I would haul my kids, no matter how much they might think they want to go. Kids this age can't possibly fathom the depth of commitment, hazards, and objective danger that something like this will entail. And by your own admission, you have no experience in this environment. Spend some time getting A LOT of experience before you embark on this venture (not just one "scouting trip"), and consider that maybe a low-commitment outing would serve the same purpose. My vote is to take him backpacking or, if you must bag a peak, go do something way mellower. Good luck. PS: Choss is loose-as-shit rock that falls off practically under it's own weight and within scant seconds becomes unguided missiles that have you as their primary target. Hood is made entirely of this shit.
  12. sobo


    It won't let me vote more than once...
  13. sobo


    Beyond your years, wise you are, Youngling. Knew you would, I did, Padwan.
  14. sobo


    Han Solo: "I don't know... I've got a baaaaad feeling about this..."
  15. Old Saigon, right down in the middle of Quan 1. Traffic lanes are totally ignored, signals are merely suggestions (and not very well respected at that), everyone has a worn out thumb from mashing the horn button, and a speed limt? WTF is that? And there is ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NO SUCH THING as right-of-way for a ped. You are all TARGETS! I have this great video that I took while I was chauffered around on the back of a motorscooter by "Mr. Phuc." I swear to Dog we were almost killed at least 7 times in 2 hours. And that's not counting the boat bandits that boarded us when we caught a "ferry" (it was on old rowboat to which some enterprising capitalist had affixed a trolling motor) across the Mekong. Good times...
  16. Sobo, when was the last time you actually had a root beer? In Blacksburg in 1974? Well Brad, if you look at the timestamp on that message, it was right after lunch on a Monday. Now, I can't very well let my employer know I'm drinking on the job on a Monday, can I? They'll think I have instability issues, or maybe something worse. No, I need to wait until at least after 4:00 pm on Wednesdays. That way, I can fool them into thinking I'm normal... sorta...
  17. I'm down with that. Yo.
  18. Okay, lets make it halfway up Lightning Dome, I fully intend to take that tour with you. It's a well-known ritual that one must insert PF's Momentary Lapse of Reason CD into the player upon leaving Meadow Creek CG on the way to the crag. At "slightly over" the posted speed, Signs of Life will get you from the CG to the first view of the Dome, at which point Learning to Fly busts a move out of your woofers and into your being. All is right with the world... :ahhhhhh:
  19. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh. One day, you and I are going to have a serious disagreement...
  20. Yes, I will, Mistress Archenemy. I'm sure I will, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress. May I have another?
  21. Can I get in on that? Even if I have to stand outside the window?
  22. Stuff from The Offspring is another one that takes quite a hit...
  23. Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?
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