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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hey, that's my girl... how'd she get over there? Pretty scary, all that karma coming back to us in another 10 years or so. And I got 2 beauties that can't keep clothes on for more than 5 minutes. Waitasecond! That's my daughter! Can't keep her underwear on her to save her 3-year-old life! And she's, shall we say, "spirited"... I think that's just her mother's way of saying she's stubborn, hard-headed, and won't listen to a goddamn word Daddy says! My boy (5 yoa), OTOH, is gonna have some girlfriends. The little shit can lick his nose... easily! Yeah, he's going to be popular with the ladies...
  2. I just wanna know WTF a "fixie" is. Contextual reference would seem to indicate a single speed bicycle...
  3. I'm no chemist (where is CBS when you need him?), but my understanding is that if it contains phosphates, it's definitely a detergent. If it doesn't contain phosphates, it is not a detergent. Phosphate-free = non-detergent. Detergents remove dirt by breaking the surface tension between the water and the garment. Chemicals that do this are known as surfactants. They are also responsible for the loss of the "beading effect" on your GTX garments. Nikwax apparently cleans your GTX without the use of surfactants, but I don't know exactly how. I just know I love the stuff, but I, too, agree that it's way too fawkin' expensive.
  4. And it is because you live in this country that you are free to say that. And I am free to say this: "You're an ass." v7/j7, if you hate it here so much, then do something positive to change it to your liking. Or just STFU and leave. Or just STFU and stay. Or just STFU.
  5. tattooed That sort of tattoo has many names, but my favorite hails from the northeast: Ass Antlers So do guys back East ask each other, "How many points does she have?"
  6. That's all well and good, Mike, if the consumer has the understanding that they need this additional information. It goes back to leading horses to water... I vehemently disagree with you. By extension of your logic, are you saying that the shop owner that sold the snowboards to the three kids that got killed in the Crystal Mountain BC is somehow to blame for their deaths? I thought not... It would be great if folks would take the time to listen/watch, but who watches local broadcast TV weather reports anymore anyway, besides the work-a-day commuter? "Mountain savvy" folks get their beta elsewhere, like NWAC, CSAC, NOAA, etc., NOT KOMO or KING-5. More horses and water... Probably none, except that (IMO) the people that are most in need of this information wouldn't pay any attention to it anyway. Again, equines and troughs. You want my personal opinion? I suspect that the people getting the chop in the BC are folks that watched a few too many Warren Miller films or X-Game broadcasts, and fall into the "insta-grat" (thanks for the term, dmuja) category of fun-seekers that believe there is no preparation/education requirement beyond having the financial resources to purchase the equipment before being entitled to that fun they seek. "It's out there waiting for me to enjoy it, therefore I should just go get some" sort of mentality. No belief whatsoever that they need to educate themselves of the subjective and objective dangers of their chosen activity. Read that as No Personal Responsibility. A quick perusal of any issue of ANAM would indicate that there are extremely few accidents that aren't caused by the parties themselves. I just finished ANAM 2006, and there are only two or three (reported) cases of "unfortunate position" or "falling rock" (not human-caused), where the people did everything right and still got caught. The point? The point is that folks cause almost all of the bad things that happen to them (or others) in the mountains. Self-instigated education is the key, not warning labels or holding shop owners accountable. Finally, lest you think I'm being all high and mighty, if/when I get the chop, you all can postulate/speculate as to how stoo-pid I was in doing whatever it was that got me killed. I won't mind, because odds will be that I brought it upon myself anyway.
  7. Does this apply to the NWAC Web site? If not, why would putting the same information in the hands of more people via news casts or other outlets offend your sensibilities? No, Daniel, it does not apply to NWAC or CSAC. I was referring specifically to warning labels pasted onto products/contained within product literature. This practice of attempting to protect the public from injuring or killing itself through its own stupidity (read: Social Darwinism) has so confounded me over the years that I now find it nigh incomprehensible. To think that a particular manufacturer of a product (any product) must now devine the myriad methods by which one may kill or maim themselves whilst using that particular manufacturer's product, and then be held financially responsible for the consumer's death/dismemberment because the manufacturer didn't provide a warning for that particular form of demise, is unconscionable to me. Where has the "ethic" of personal responsibility gone?
  8. If I see one more stoo-pid warning label ANYWHERE, I'm gonna fill my trousers with my own shite! I appreciate what you're trying to accomplish by your suggestions, Mikester, but as HC says, it just can't be dumbed down any further/made any easier for the masses. Contained within the literature of my last avalanche beacon purchase: WARNING - Wearing this device will not prevent avalanches! Christ, how stupid do they think people are? Pretty stupid, I guess...
  9. I apparently dumped that link when I changed computers a few months back. Googling hasn't brought it back up yet. I have a message into a friend that looks at data like this, to see if he can provide me the link. If he can, I'll post it here. Put this thread into your Watched Topics bin.
  10. That's classic! I'm going to have to remember that when my kids "come of age" and start asking about getting a tat.
  11. Hey, who's that in the hot tub with my wife???
  12. Hey, Bug, it's MORE THAN ENOUGH to know that you're healthy, buddy. I told my doctor "The least you can do is tell me you love me" I think they get that one alot, though. Had my second one a coupla months back. "Geez, Doc, ya got your whole arm in there?!" BTW, I'm healthy, too. Thanks for asking.
  13. Kevin, I think KingsMM knows the climbs are not in. What I gathered he was looking for was a weather/temperature indicator that he could monitor (without committing to actually *going* to the climbs) to determine the likelihood of when the climbs *would* be in. There was a site that I used to have bookmarked that monitored the max/min temps at the NFS campgrounds and kept an archive so you could look back a few days/weeks for the temp trends. It was an information source that proved reliable enough for me to make the trek up in there and usually resulted in climbable ice.
  14. That's why I didn't even start my run until right below the Gates. I don't have the kind of skill required for running the Gates in my AT set-up.
  15. :lmao: Post of the Year thus far! Priceless! I bookmarked the link. Something tells me it'll come in handy around here again someday... BTW, skied the SS route in AT gear from just below the Pearly Gates over President's Day a few years back. It'll go. Just don't fall, it's a long cartwheel to the crater.
  16. Good lord, King, you really dredged the bottom of the barrel to drag this one up, eh? What, this thread dead for almost four years? Check the temps at the NFS website for the campgrounds up Chinook Pass way. Sawmill Flats is the one I usually use. If I can find the link, I'll post it.
  17. I pulled the NW ridge of Sac in April about 10 years ago. I had just returned from a month of ice climbing in Alaska, and was pretty honed. The weather was great on the ski in from Hurricane, but it turned into a hurricane (no pun intended) on summit day. What a ride that was! Still remember that trip as the most fun I've had in the Wallowas, bar none. After a bit of searching the archives, I found it!
  18. I've been into the GRWA many times when I used to live in Crackima. September thru October is a wonderful time to be in there, as jaee previously mentioned, and for exactly those reasons. You'll have a great time. There's generally a pretty good fall weather window from Labor Day to about mid-October or so (Indian Summer). At least, that's been my repeated experience over the past 10 years or so... YMMV.
  19. Clearly, the missing comma adds clarity, but the sentence remains sensical sans the comma.
  20. From the other posts upthread, I gather he's referring to the tricky bit about getting onto the toe of the ridge from the Carbon, as evidenced here: Yeah, I recall having to do some sketchy bouldering moves on crappy rock to gain the toe of the ridge.
  21. Arch: Agreed he could have deleted the comma and the sentence remains valid. Alternatively, he could have added a comma after the clause or "...or pokes fun at,..." But I did not critique punctuation, if you read my reply ^^ again. Crux: You are mistaken. Changing the word "to" to "with" is incongruous with the meaning of the verb "equating". One equates something to something else. One does not equate something with something else. Look at it this way: the word "to" in this context functions as an " = " sign. The word "with" implies addition ( + ), which is not what JayB is implying here: Why are you equating someone who refuses to honor, or pokes fun at a particular set of taboos associated with a set of religious convictions that he does not share = a group of people who attempted to carry out the wholesale extermination of a people sharing a common ancestry? The sentence structure is fine as is. Class dismissed.
  22. The sentence is grammatically and diagrammetrically correct, kev. Subject and verb, the rest are modifiers. It's simple 8th grade sentence construction.
  23. sobo

    Show-and-Tell TR

    Calling ivan... ivan?? Is there an ivan here?
  24. sobo

    Show-and-Tell TR

    Show-and-Tell Sherri, Check your PMs.
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