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Everything posted by sobo

  1. 2 years, 4 years, 10 years - that's not the point. The discussion is not about some exact number of years of the enlistment contract, it's about the relative longevity of service. And how do you know that the republican proposal/modification doesn't contain discriminators or some other form of point weighting for what type of service was performed (combat vs. desk jockey)? I haven't read it, nor am I inclined to do so at this juncture. Maybe you have and will enlighten us? Maybe then I can gain some semblance of reality and by some miracle become less stupid, ya dipshit. I'm no psychiatrist, but it appears to me that you have some undiagnosed anger management issues. Please seek counseling.
  2. cue "Jaws" music: nah nuh... nah nuh...
  3. OMG! Prepare to be boarded, Nadine. Run and hide before this sausagefest of a site sees your post! Just noticed: first post after lurking 5 years??? WTF???
  4. Welcome back, C. You forget your password or what? And yes, we are, like, weird. It's why you luv us.
  5. That's by design. Thank the Makers. Design? Cheap bastards more than anything. Well, you should know, andy. Thank the Makers!
  6. Turn that fucking thing off! It makes me dizzy!
  7. sobo

    Looking for your mom

    Good point. I'd like to be known as ArchILF at least once before I die. Arch, based on the posts I've read here in spray, you are already known as this. Perhaps no one has actually put the ILF after your name, but it's been implied. If you have any doubt about that at all, start with the thread where you posted the pic of you wearing a dress. I know there are other threads besides that one, too links to threads with pics, plz...
  8. Kevin, Have you ever heard the story of how Price of Complacency (at Royal Columns) got its name? I'm just sayin'...
  9. Could be the "Gorge Bois" have pinched the hangers. That was happening rather frequently at the Feathers a few years back. Almost any top anchor that could be accessed by flatlanders was missing its hangers. So what I'm sayin' is that someone could have already FA'ed it, and others have kiped the hangers. Do the chalk marks go all the way up?
  10. sobo

    Looking for your mom

    Isn't her 15 minutes up already?
  11. sobo

    Looking for your mom

    Hey, what a great idea for a new porn direction. MILF-DOM.com Patent-pending. Milf's are not a new porn idea..... Clearly, you are overlooking the juxtaposition. But then, we have come to expect that of you, 'bone.
  12. sobo

    Looking for your mom

    now that's funny, I care who the fuck ya are. and minx, you must remain MILFaliscious, otherwise all my dreams are dead.
  13. I've read on this board where kevbone is a honeybucket. Does that count?
  14. Thanks for being such a wet blanket, Erik. Just when we thought we really had something here... Read this, Sobo. Shows climbers are good folk no matter what the site. I know, Mel. I was just ribbing Erik. He knows what I mean.
  15. shit, for a twist on this, why can't we make soylent green power our cars too? i doubt charlton woulda got much attention that way - i'm totally willing to power my hummer on grandma's ashes! Leave Gramma be. However, clearing out Death Row and reducing prison overcrowding has its attractions...
  16. "How do ya git all the way to the top if the rope is only 150 feet long?
  17. Thanks for being such a wet blanket, Erik. Just when we thought we really had something here...
  18. does this make any sense to you? Makes all the sense in the world. More time served => better benefit package. Seems like a very republican thing to do. If you served, say, 10 years and got the same benefit package of someone who served only, say, 2 years, what would be your motivation to stay in the extra 8 years? Does that clear it up any?
  19. 4-year-olds that nap??? How do you get them to do that??? I need to know! We have a 3-year-old daughter who won't go to bed before 9:30/10:00 pm, wakes up not later than 6:30 every day, and won't take a nap. Goddamned if we know how she does it. Just be thankful your child sleeps through the night. I have a 19 month old and he still wakes up 2-6 times a night. Sometimes he wakes up every hour......ahhhhhhh! Been there, done that, 'bone. Through two of them, so that is so old hat for me. Suck it up and get on with it, Dad...
  20. I was thinking the same thing. At least there is some socially redeeming value in cc.com
  21. And he managed to find time to be a US president while doing it Huh? I dont get it.. harding didn't survive his presidency though - he was one of the illustrive 40% of us presidents who either died/was killed in office or survived an assasination attempt Yep, you're right. He died of a heart attack while in office. On a related node,40% isn't bad odds. Now why did the current president have to fall on the other side of that line.... Because you pansies were afraid of Cheney. Bwahahahaha I was sper confused so i googled it to discover that the warren harding that was apresident was a different warren harding than the yosemite climber we all know.. i was really confused for a bit haha Hook, line, and sinker...
  22. I drag 'em outside and play with them almost every night after I get home from work. Tag, soccer, swings, scooters, bikes, walk around the block, whatever. Nothing seems to tire them out. Dad, however, is bushed by bedtime...
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