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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Avatar Images

    OK, jon, so I have to ask... So some guy on this board, who's surfin' cc.com ON HIS WORK TIME, sends you an email and says that somebody's avatar pic is too offensive for his work environment? WHILE HE'S SURFING CC.COM ON WORK TIME? I just don't get some people... And please don't make Couloir change his avatar images to anything less than he's been providing us, m'kay? OKTHNXBAI! PS: I heart you guyz.
  2. Maybe you need to do more frequent tick checks. perfect reply and use of the emoticon +1
  3. Tell her it builds character. And that it will make for wonderful memories later in your marriage, after the kids show up...
  4. Hey Craig, how many pitches is it? From the trees, it looks to be at least two, mebbe three? Sadly, I can't commit 3 days during your timeframe, but thanks for asking. Good luck on getting it done!
  5. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    You're talking out of your ass, 'bone. To wit (from the OP, with emphasis to show when your ass is speaking): It would seem to me by your choice of phrasing, you are indicating pretty clearly that he was sketching. For you to now back up and attempt to cover your ass after you outed Alex in your OP as being sketched is indeed LAME. :tdown: Yeah, what he said.
  6. That's pretty cool. BTW, does it really snow in Charlottesville? Ever? Please tell me you PhotoShopped that in, right?
  7. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    Disco inferno... burn that mutha down...
  8. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    now that is way better form than canyondweller's post... although you coulda done w/o the 8D that much was implied without needing to be so specific. Kids these days...
  9. I'll have to go back after work and get a little further along.
  10. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    Or......... EPIC I know, I know, it's cheating...
  11. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    now why'd ya go and throw a comment like that out there? Just when we were having so much fun with 'bone. threadkiller...
  12. That would be really cold, even in the middle of summer. Even here at the lower end (Tri-Cities) it hovers around high 50s/low 60s in the middle of the holocaust season. Plus, I don't know of anyplace where the cliffs over the Columbia would lend themselves to DWS. Anyone? Oh, and I be up for it!
  13. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    Methinks that may lie in the eye of the epic-er and the epic-ee, perchance?
  14. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    kevino will be pleased to hear that
  15. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    And you just blow! yes kevbone, yes i do somebody introduce me to minx not untilyou introduce me to kevino Now you understand why I borrow certain people's words.
  16. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    minx, ya know I luv ya too. It was in the spirit of the greatest flattery that I chose my words so carefully. By those words, and the other adjectives employed, I was bringing kudos and laurels upon you, billcoe, and yours truly.
  17. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    And you just blow! yes kevbone, yes i do somebody introduce me to minx
  18. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    I would have to agree with jlag's assessment. Even if it ain't colossal or ginormous or substantial, it is at the very least scary, and almost certainly epic.
  19. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    you misspelled "you're" minx beat ya to it
  20. That is an awesome photo, Billy. BTW, who won that little tussle?
  21. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    Round and round and round we go again... kevbone (pictured above) engaging is his favorite pasttime.
  22. We already have that option. It looks like this:
  23. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    I'll take "colossal", since you mentioned it twice.
  24. sobo

    Huge fall at Smith

    who left you alone with the thesaurus? Onward... to lunch!
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