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Everything posted by sobo

  1. dude, watcha mean? wasn't blake like in and out of court last year for his scoflaw ways?!? Touche' mon ami! Blowing off the permit system, with it's attendant inadequacies and the difficulty in permit acquisition thereof, is somewhat in a different legal league as opposed to blatantly pinching materials of intrinsic value from another's possession. And one cannot dismiss the possibility that young Blake learned his lesson with his brief encounter with The Law. Remember, the White Zone is for loading and unloading only, sezs the Central Scrutinizer...
  2. ...and 12 to 24 months as well, if ya get pegged. I don't believe this method of appropriation is in Blake's style.
  3. A recent TR for the Beckey route With the anticipated weather for the weekend (hot), and given the weather from the TR above (snow), I would expect that at least part of the route (3rd pitch?) will be a bit wet. The descent is not that hard to find. Scramble back down the way you went up until you arrive at the base of the "5.7 white slab." From there facing south (toward Concord Tower), follow the sandy track down and to the left, aiming toward the high point of the LB/Concord Tower notch. You'll wander downward through the brush until the trail ends at a pocket and cliff. Look to your right and you'll see a yellow/orange wall. It's got a bunch of bolts and slings on it. Start your raps here. You can get down with one rope.
  4. That's funny, and basically the same reason why I bought mine. I was driving my very own (dirtbag) Volvo (what a coincidence) on my way to work on the I-610 Loop around Houston one morning in ~1981. Now remember, this was the era of Early Road Rage... I was attempting to take my exit, when some yuppie in a Beemer tried to force me out of my exit lane as he was merging onto the freeway. Seems he thought he had the right-of-way because he and his BMW were better than me and my dirtbag Volvo. We were basically at loggerheads at 60 mph, flipping each other off. He reached over to his passenger seat and returned his arm to the window, this time with a pistol levelled at me. I locked up my brakes, let him go by, missed my exit, and took the next one. I arrived at work as pale as a ghost. Stylin' Jim, our old black janitor and Man Friday, informed me of this fact and inquired as to what might have happened to cause such a fright. I told him the story, and he asked, "So what are you gonna do about it?" "I want a gun. As big a fucking gun as there is. Something like Clint Eastwood would carry." I was just venting my spleen to an old man, and I felt better having boasted about how brave I would have been if I had had a gun to level at that yuppie in the Beemer. That woulda made that bastard piss his pants, yessiree! I thought that was the end of it. Stylin' Jim called me back to the janitor's closet about two or three days later. He produced from a paper bag the fabled hogleg: the Ruger single-action Super Blackhawk 44 Magnum, with 10-inch barrel, complete with a leather hip belt and holster, just like an 1890s gunslinger would carry. "So ya think this will do for ya, Sonny?" I was floored! I paid him his asking price of $200 for the whole set. Jim then says to me, "Anything you ever need, you just come to ol' Stylin' Jim. I'll git ya fixed up right." It was then that I realized what Stylin' Jim really did to make his money. He didn't drive that big-ass Coupe De Ville on janitor's wages, that's for damn sure! I ended up buying a whole lotta shit from ol' Stylin' Jim over the next few years...
  5. Funny story: I had one of those almost 30 years ago, as a young lad fresh out of high school, back in my Dirty Harry days... The first time I took it out to shoot it, I struck a "Go ahead... Make my day" pose, complete with the hoarse whisper and Clint Squint. Pointing the weapon at the intended target with but a single hand, at arms length, a la Clint, I let fly with a slug. Goddamned thing whollopped me with the hammer. Left a big dent in the middle of my forehead that took weeks to heal. After that experieince, I always kept both hands on the wheel...
  6. sobo

    Where'd he go?

    The ? He's ^^ right here.
  7. Thanks....I get that alot. 'bone- It's not what you think. They're telling you that you're just a big dick.
  8. Wow, that's just crazy. A freakin' tank. fawk!
  9. And who could forget... -
  10. you forgot - slit tauntauns, crawl inside
  11. And just so one one feels left out... U.S. Navy rules: 1. Adopt an aggressive offshore posture. 2. Send the Marines. 3. Drink Coffee. Army rules: 1. Show up after fight to provide security and help hand out food to all of the displaced civilians. Air Force rules: 1. Watch this all on cable in a BOQ [bachelor Officers' Quarters] while drinking a beer.
  12. Seems like a good place for this: USMC Rules For Gunfighting 1. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns. 2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive. 3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss. 4. If your shooting stance is good, you're probably not moving fast enough nor using cover correctly. 5. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral and diagonal movement are preferred.) 6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and a friend with a long gun. 7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived. 8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running. 9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on "pucker factor" than the inherent accuracy of the gun. 9.5 Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. "All skill is in vain when an Angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." 10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty. 11. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose. 12. Have a plan. 13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won't work. 14. Use cover or concealment as much as possible. 15. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours. 16. Don't drop your guard. 17. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees. 18. Watch their hands. Hands kill. (In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them). 19. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH. 20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get. 21. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet. 22. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one. 23. Your number one Option for Personal Security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation. 24. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun the caliber of which does not start with a "4."
  13. Shouldn't that be browjob? "Me so horny. Me so horny. Hey GI, love you long time." "So what does $10 get me?" "Anything you want."
  14. JFC! You are such an idiot! Again! I don't know the first fucking thing about these two, but a Google search using "pulver faber" turned up, in about, oh, 3.62 nanoseconds, a MMA (that's Mixed Martial Arts, so you don't have to ask about that one) fight coming up. Quit being so goddmaned stupid. Or lazy. Or both. Relax Sobo…….I am the trolling king…..and ……I caught another fish (you)…….isnt that the point of spray? No, it isn't.
  15. JFC! You are such an idiot! Again! I don't know the first fucking thing about these two, but a Google search using "pulver faber" turned up, in about, oh, 3.62 nanoseconds, a MMA (that's Mixed Martial Arts, so you don't have to ask about that one) fight coming up. Quit being so goddmaned stupid. Or lazy. Or both.
  16. Lawn and sprinkler shit on Saturday, then taking the wife and kids out for Mother's Day dinner. Me and The Boy are going trout fishing at some of the small lakes in the Blues east of Dayton on Sunday (he doesn't know that MD is always on a Sunday, so we "switched it" to Saturday so he can go fishing without a guilty conscience).
  17. sobo

    Measles outbreak

    I think the inference here is obvious. We haven't had a good religious spray event discussion in a long time either...
  18. Something made me think it might have been you as the anonymous partner. As soon as Amar said, "she"... Nice work, Hannah! Have a bottle of red on me.
  19. Thnx! Nice! [preemptive mention]Tape for R&D? WTF??? Tape is aid. blah blah blah[/preemptive mention] There, it's been said. That should keep most folks from giving you any shit about it. Looks like you had a lot more fun than me that day...
  20. Kevin, my point is that in less time than it took you to type your first post on this thread, you could have answered your own question. And saved the 'bone-bashing in the process.
  21. Jeezus H Christ, 'bone! Just how fuckin' lazy are you, anyway? A search on this board with erden in the Subject Only box, searching all forums, date range newer than 7 years, brings up 7 fucking pages of hits all the way back to 2002. From any one of those threads, you can pick up his last name, Eruc. Then... A Google search using erden eruc nets over 40,000 hits in like, 0.04 seconds. I should think anything on the first 2 dozen pages or so should fill you in. Or do you want us to read it to you as well? You offerred yourself up as a punching bag in another thread, but we're really getting tired of throwing you left hooks... Oh yeah... Way to git 'er done, Erden! :tup:
  22. sobo

    Caption Contest

    "I musta taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque."
  23. Cant you go to Kayakers.com for that? If that isn't just askin' for it, I don't know what else would be...
  24. Predominantly classical, although the somewhat more obscure classical. Usually written in a minor key, and with a strong violin section. But my musical tastes are highly varied. To say I only listen to classical music would really be misleading someone.
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