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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hey, don't discount us...
  2. Take another look at the vid, Mel. Notice the cable anchored to the side of the wall the whole way up? It's a climber's handrail. Put on your harness, girth hitch two slings to it, and add one biner to each sling. Clip one biner to the cable handrail. When you reach an anchor point, clip your other biner on the opposite side of the anchor from your first biner. Then detach your first biner from the cable. Walk to the next anchor point. Repeat ad infinitum.
  3. This: Look at the size of the colored square on the map, then compare that size to the legend next to the pic... you'll see that quake was a 6.change and this: puts you in the 6.whatever range. By clicking on the colored box, you will find that it was a 6.3 temblor.
  4. 4:35 AM? WTF?? You just can't wait for the half-yearly, can ya, eh?
  5. I can only imagine what that one was about... "Holy crap, man! I coulda shat myself when I was way sketched out 30 feet above my last pro. I was looking at a grounder fer sure. I almost brownpointed my shorts!"
  6. sobo

    Has anybody wished...

    stop that. just stop it.
  7. That's why we call it the Dry Shitties! Or the Dry Titties! Or the Tri-Titties! ewwwwwwwwwww...
  8. ...Feck a Happy Birthday yet? If not, allow me to be the first... Happy Birthday, Kurt!
  9. I don't live in TPSoWA anymo'. Done moved up a bit and now live in the Oklahoma Dustbowl of WA. But I started this game on the east coast.
  10. I've been climbing for 25 years now and I never even knew what pinkpointing was exactly until Rad explained it above. Shows how little I know...
  11. It's still "no stalls, no falls" then, yes?
  12. This is some jargon of the sport that has eluded me in the past. What is the difference between an onsight and a flash? My understanding is that an onsight means to lead a route clean (no stalls or falls) without any prior beta of the climb. Walk up and do it. Is not a flash the same thing? I'm just old skewl enough to not know these things, not that I ever cared...
  13. Depends. Rap bolts could save valuable cragging time as opposed to walking off each route. Would you want to walk off each climb you do at Royal Columns, or would you rather rap from one of the myriad stations and get to your next climb that much sooner? Also, the scree is really loose at the top of routes at RC and Vantage, and traipsing across the top of the columns poses a potential danger to those below you on other routes as you cross above them. Again, rapping would be preferable in those instances.
  14. sobo

    Timeless Wisdom

    that's kinda what we were hoping for... hey sobo - fuck you! You clearly didn't catch the sarcasm/humor. Note the thingie. Lighten up a bit and enjoy life, HC
  15. sobo

    Timeless Wisdom

    that's kinda what we were hoping for...
  16. lummox is back!!!1 where's the bouncing tits avatar?
  17. sobo


    Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls??? Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game???
  18. sobo


    Is the Al Jolson blackface the latest interwebz rage?
  19. sobo

    1 sandal

    There's going to be some guy chasing around with a sandal looking for his Cinderella... So, if we go with minx as Cinderella, Mel and Sherri come up a little short as the Happy Stepsister Trio. Where's Archie to complete the package? Or is that just a little too harsh? PS: The role of Fairy Godmother is already taken... sickie
  20. Pissing off, aye sir!
  21. Obyasnenie ego vvedenie prostoe: vo vremya molodosti sered kommunisticheskikh gospodinov on prosto prinyal sliskhom mnogo russkie khui v zhopy da rot. No habla. Post in Engrish or send PM if it's that important when I attempted to translate that, my proxy server sent me a warning message saying that it was blocked by websense. What did you write?
  22. Welcome back, C. You forget your password or what? And yes, we are, like, weird. It's why you luv us. It's my semi-yearly delurking season (sort of like the semi-yearly womens sale at Nordstrom, only different). The rest of the year I watch. And wait. What are the sale prices on women like at Nordstrom's? If you have to ask you can't afford them. The purchase price is the least consideration. The maintenance costs are what will bleed you dry. And the resale value is typically very low. Resale value!?...don't you usually have to pay to get rid of? That's just the beginning. You might be on the hook for years afterwards. It's like a Superfund site. Even after you thought you were in the clear, you keep having to pay for the clean-up for years. If they can find you...
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