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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    salsa or guacamole?

    absofuckinglutely! Go hot or go home!
  2. sobo

    Brown Out!

    Although I have no experience with Depends (yet... ), I suspect they wouldn't appear to have big butts until *after* the deployment of The Weapon. So they'll have at least a few moments of airtime in their svelte state, before they fill their trowzerz.
  3. Sad indeed. My condolences.
  4. O_W- Believe it or not, the stuff on GE is indeed andesite. And thanks for providing Joe's web addy. I left it out in my first reply above. flashclimber- Justin is no stranger to bolting, although his preferred medium is granite and granodiorite.
  5. sobo

    Brown Out!

    So why doesn't Re-create 68 just go to Costco and buy a gross of Depends and suit up?
  6. sobo

    For Sobo....

    look at the funny man!! Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! Remember to tip your waitresses! Hey, you guys have been great! I'll be here all week!
  7. Justin, Where ya headed? And MattStan's right, the Tieton is predominantly andesite, depending upon your elevation. And Andy Fitz is probably the best resource on Tieton bolting that regularly peruses this board. Joe Puryear, too.
  8. sobo

    Damned Word 2007!

    Now that's funny, Oly, even though the only thing I can read on The Blue Screen of Death is "WARNING"!
  9. sobo

    For Sobo....

    "An' if ya are, then let 'er rip!"
  10. sobo

    For Sobo....

  11. sobo

    For Sobo....

    WOW! I bet that'll wake your ass up!
  12. sobo

    KOA harms climbers

    mutually exclusive I was hoping we could share. For you, Sherri, the probability is high. Statistically speaking, of course.
  13. sobo

    For Sobo....

    Oh dear me, no. Not fabrications at all. Perchance a little subterfuge and obfuscation, tho...
  14. sobo

    KOA harms climbers

    mutually exclusive
  15. Yeah, CFF, I'm with ya on this one. It properly belongs in a "what did you do this weekend?" thread, as opposed to a TR.
  16. sobo

    For Sobo....

    that guy sorta looks like me. but w/o the bald spot and the horn rims... aQm7YpxgOnA And yes, there's a whole head of hair beneath that cap.
  17. Perhaps you could salvage the day with a little neti-pot session. Just sayin'...
  18. sobo

    Petaflop Achieved

    "The next thousandfold goal is the exaflop, which is a quintillion calculations per second, followed by the zettaflop, the yottaflop and the xeraflop." ...and then by the whatthefuckaflop. Which will ultimately result in... the wefuckedupaflop.
  19. sobo

    For Sobo....

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no, I don't think so. Although I might keep up with the calesthenics in the second vid. So I Googled this neti pot thang, and it's fawking true. It's like colonic irrgation for your nose (boy, this group can run with that set-up...)!!!1 But I think I'll treat my sufferfest with benadryl and NyQuil, thankyouverymuchcarolyn.
  20. sobo

    Avatar Images

    With the change in Bug's avatar image from the toadstool to the anatomy class penis image, the post above no longer makes any sense. Bug, please return to your previous avatar immediately. And you, too, Couloir!
  21. OK, mates, I've put in an extra hour here today just for you. I'm outta here!
  22. sobo

    Ah, leadership

    I really think it was because of stress. He wrote that note a few days before the operation began. He knew it was June. Can you imagine the weight he must have been feeling? Wow. I think changing from a non-possessive "the troops have been withdrawn" to the possessive form of the action, "I have withdrawn the troops", says a lot about where he was making sure the blame was going to fall if the operation went down the toilet. You gotta commend the man.
  23. Well, c'mon over, ferchrissakes, instead of spraying there whining about it.
  24. will you notice if I pour thunderbird into an empty carlo rossi jug? that depends. how drink did sobo get me first? How first did drink get me sobo??? WTF are you saying?
  25. sobo

    Ah, leadership

    He was under a lot of stress when he wrote that, cuz Ike (nor anyone else for that matter) couldn't have known the outcome of the invasion of Normandy yet, on June 5.
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