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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Ask Archie AAAAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-chieeeeeeeeeeeee (a la Edith Bunker)!!! Can you come in here? :flush: Whadizzit, Edit'??
  2. after falling almost all the way into the fumorale i finally snatched my ice tool from the daisy and got traction right where the slope eases off into the steaming crater - i was a wee bit chagrined of course having done this in front of 50 tourons on the hogsback - the fun part was having to chope steps the whole way back up the top of the crater rim to retrieve my crampons! and yes, i did still top out Nonononononono, ivan! You're supposed to say, "Well, hell. That's when I got killed!" Another story: One President's Day weekend many years ago I got the bright idea to ski off the top of Hood. It was icy as shit, but I was determined (and younger and stupider). I launched from the little shelf on climber's left immediately below the Pearly Gates. I got in three good turns, then hooked an edge on #4. Shortly thereafter, I was cart-wheeling and yard-saleing all the way down to the fumarole; it must have been 500 VF or so. Stopped just a hundred feet or so from the crater. Climbed back up to retrieve my yard sale items, got put back together, and then shot full speed at the hogsback and got air going over it into the Devil's Kitchen. This was in front of a President's Day crowd. The "air over hogsback" thing was the least I could do to try to regain some modicum of decency over the whole affair.
  3. well, we know how to "fix" tomcats around here...
  4. You really do stalk her, don't you?
  5. So can I: My son: 0, my daughter: 3 (but I'll say 4, cuz I know it ain't more than that). But my wife thinks that a single swat to my girl's butt with my hand, with her clothes on, is child abuse. it's causing problems...
  6. for some it does. I have one, but my kids are adopted.
  7. Are you talking about Jamin? Whatever happened to him anyway? Did he survive his last outing? A check of his last post shows he was still looking for bits for his rocpecker. He found god. See post on NWFudgePackers.net oh Dog.
  8. you can only have one "first trad fall".
  9. What does that mean? Is that sort of like they get separate water fountains, bathrooms, restaurants, or seats at the front of the bus or what? How does one "favor" a family in this instance?
  10. Yeah, if they knew we posted in a forum called "Cafe' Sensitivioso", I'd think they would have a heart attack.
  11. That works fine now, for his age range. That ain't gonna work so well in a year or two - kids aren't stupid. I've been there with two kids already, both of them raised in the same style as your Miles. I'm just sayin'... But hey, good luck with that.
  12. Don't even think about doing that intentionally again. 95% of the calls I go out on are people glissading with their crampons on. There is almost no excuse to do that (although I've done it for very short stretches myself).
  13. sobo

    salsa or guacamole?

    You had me right up until "dimpled." yeah, me too...
  14. yeah, I took 2 huge boxes of diapers back to costco and had a shit-eat'n grin as they gave me $80 or whatever it was. I do know that for us, the second child is much easier to deal with in many ways. I fully credit that to the better parenting habits of both myself and my wife. I'm sure they both have plenty of unique differences about personality and behaviors but coddling and giving into a kids every demand (like my wife tended to do with our 1st child) is not helping the child in the long run. Sure, kids need plenty of love, reassurance and support but they also need to learn to entertain and calm themselves down too (IMHO). I agree with you on this; my wife was the same coddling way. Worked fine until they got to taking advantage of her, like they will at about 2 or 3 years old, once they figure out how things work and how to play the heartstringed instrument. Learning "no" at 3 years old is a tough duty for both kids and parents. It's awful late to be getting that education. My daughter is in Remedial No class right now. It's been tough... So how old is Miles now, Kevin? Year and a half or so? That's still working good for you - great. We'll check back in another year or so and see how well that's working for ya then, m'kay? My son never threw a tantrum until about a year ago. That put him at 4.5 years old then. He saw how well his little sister's tantrums were working with Mommy, so now he's attempting to add that weapon to his arsenal. It don't work with Daddy, tho...
  15. sobo

    salsa or guacamole?

    That sounds an awful lot like my recipe, except I skip Habaneros all together (wife can't stand the heat) and just vary the number of Jalapenos. I'll give yours a try soon, ken!
  16. I'm with ken4 on this one, denali. Our son (now 5) always falls asleep as soon as he hits the pillow. Been that way almost since Day 1. OTOH, our daughter (now 3) won't close her eyes until everyone else is already in bed and the lights are off. It almost seems like she's afraid she'll miss out on someting cool going on. It may be that we adopted our son at 5 months of age, and he always knew just us. We adopted our daughter at 14 months of age, so she had a somewhat different upbringing in those first crucial months of attachment/bonding. We actually think she has abandonment issues, which might be why she waits until everyone else is down for the night before her battery dies. And getting the kids out of diapers was like a $50/month raise.
  17. You've got some pretty thin skin there, nattybump, if you take offense every time someone utters a standard internet phrase. "WTF" is not a personal attack, just so you're aware. Regarding your page layout, here's a hint: Go in to My Stuff, My Preferences, and under the heading "Total posts to show on one page when viewing a post in flat mode: (default is 25)", select 25. Then view your threads in flat mode instead of thread mode. Then you'll be in league like most of the rest of us who see 25 posts per page. It makes claiming the that much easier. Oh, and have a nice day.
  18. CF- I'm quite familiar with Moon Rocks, but I can't picture any "impressive cliffs" across from Moon Rocks. That stuff is low angle by comparison, scrubby scree, and choss. Are you sure you aren't talking about some other venue in the Tieton?
  19. The deceased is Mr. Eduard Burceag. His wife (the doctor) is Mariana Burceag. The friend is Daniel Vlad. Seattle Times link
  20. Now THAT'S a substantial fall. Dare I say ginormous? And that was your first one? Sheeeeeeeeeeeit
  21. Like marc leclerc, I had never led trad nor placed gear yet, it was a lieback section of the route, and my forearms pumped out. Unlike marc, I did not finish the route that day... It was a Coonyard #3 wired stopper, the 30-year-old ones, not the larger BD #3’s of recent vintage. I took two 30-footers within 5 minutes of each other, falling from the same spot both times. I scurried away with my tail between my legs after the second flight. Went away and trained harder, came back two weeks later and sent flawlessly. I retrieved the nut on rappel, and it has hung from the rear view mirror of every rig I’ve owned since that day in the fall of 1983. It’s hanging in my truck right now. Excellent conversation starter. Oh yeah, it was Zig, 5.9, Bridge Buttress, New River Gorge, WV from last year's "Pictures from the Wayback Machine" thread
  22. Are you talking about Jamin? Whatever happened to him anyway? Did he survive his last outing? A check of his last post shows he was still looking for bits for his rocpecker.
  23. 12 pages? WTF?? What thread are you reading?
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