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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    salsa or guacamole?

    WTF, Bala??? No one even mentioned huge, or big, or epic, or substantial, or ginormous in this thread, except you. Just kiddin' ya, fella!
  2. This thread has drifted so far away from the original discussion, and it is almost midnight and I have a big meeting tomorrow, that I must sign off, go home, and get to bed. Matt, Brian, anything else to say before I turn in? OK, good night, all.
  3. Now THAT was fuckin' funny, I don't care who ya are.
  4. Wow, they really mean it when they say that timing is everything...
  5. HEY! I'm an old retired surfer d00d critiquing the current generation of visionary prophets from my armchair! Oh... nevermind...
  6. I'd hafta say "yeah" on that.
  7. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! That was one big wave!!!1
  8. He is neither, and I don't believe he feels himself superior to anyone. Where he is contemplating the installation of bolts does not lend itself to toproping, since it is beyond the reach of standard climbing rope lengths and the top is shit for permanent anchors. I suspect that any bolts that are needed will be put in on lead, if I know him as well as I think I do. Go rest now.
  9. Subic Bay, Philippines. OK, so I looked that up. From what I read here, it would seem to me that giving up the base wasn't entirely voluntary on our part. As in, the USA would not confirm nor deny the presence of nukes on Philippine soil, which led directly to our involuntary ouster. See below: "In December 1991, the two governments were again in talks to extend the withdrawal of American forces for three years but this broke down as the United States refused to spell out in detail their withdrawal plans or say if nuclear weapons were kept on base; nuclear weapons were forbidden on Philippine soil. Finally, on December 27, President Corazon Aquino, who fought to delay the pullout to cushion the country's battered economy, issued a formal notice for the U.S. to leave what has been the U.S.'s largest overseas defense facility after Clark Air Base was closed, by the end of 1992." In conclusion, issuing a formal notice to leave does not sound like voluntarily turning over a base to me. So what else ya got?
  10. sobo

    salsa or guacamole?

    you double dipped that post on purpose, didn't ya?
  11. I don't disagree with you. I thought it was wrong in 2003 and I still think it was wrong. Saddam had nothing we were interested in except oil. We wanted control of it. Shit, I half-believe that GH Bush put his boy up to cleaning up his unfinished business. Shit, maybe Scott Harpnell is right, about "going back in". What if GH Bush had marched all the way to Baghdad instead of just chasing him out of Kuwait? Would we be where we are now? And you're also probably correct about that base. Has the USA ever voluntarily given up a military base in modern times (since WWII) anywhere? Anyone?
  12. I did not like the idea of either war (Afghanistan or Iraq), but I felt that at least for Afghanistan, we had a "better reason" for going in, because that is where we knew Al Quaida was churning out recruits and that was where OBL was hiding. And the Taliban were not "down home boys" either. Truth be known, if we wantd a fight, we should have started a fracas with N Korea, cuz that muthafuckka is fucking crazy, he has nukes, he has control of them and his military, and he's just plumb crazy enough to push the button. There, I said it.
  13. Since you invoke Nuremburg and "waging aggressive war", I think you probably should read up on the definition of war of aggression. Where is our "territorial aggrandizement and conquest"? We have no intention (at least I hope to Dog we don't) of colonizing Iraq and/or Afghanistan (ergo, no territorial aggrandizement), and we ain't getting oil any cheaper (ergo, no conquest), so I think your argument falls a little shy of the mark.
  14. sobo

    salsa or guacamole?

    no, but I can be easily convinced...
  15. sobo

    salsa or guacamole?

    I find that they should be anything but mutually exclusive. Dip a chip in guac, then dip in salsa, eat. It's not double-dipping, I swear!
  16. Wow, the increased content in that post is ginormous.
  17. Mine are too, and with the surviving wife and the deceased's friend. RE: beta... As of 3.5 hours ago, MRNP has suspended the descent/rescue operation because the window of opportunity has closed. The weather is improving, but not so much as they will risk a helo evac. The forecast for tomorrow looks better, and they have two choppers on standby. A CH-47 (Chinook) from the 101st Airborne out of Camp Lewis, and a lighter, privately-operated, A-Star from WorldWind Helicopters (Renton). The name of the deceased is still not being released because the NPS is having difficulty in locating the deceased's family. His wife is one of the survivors at Camp Muir, if I didn't make that clear at the beginning of this post.
  18. sobo

    salsa or guacamole?

    so what kind of tomatoes were they?
  19. linking this thread back to an earlier thread in the Climbers Board, because it was posted about 4 hours earlier over there. Let's move the discussion to the Climbers Board thread. OKTHNXBAI
  20. sobo

    For Sobo....

    OK, mebbe I'm just a prudish old shitster, but I find that article kind of funny, in a weird sorta way. BTW, if Doc Bitchslinger's right, then my two kids are gonna be the healthiest breeders on the whole fucking planet!
  21. and remember the responses you received from your first thread on this topic. Your ability to navigate in a whiteout cannot be overemphasized. See the news item linked in CascadesHiker's post immediately above. That happened just today. This is not an uncommon occurrence on this snowfield. Download the GYB sheet and know how to use a map and compass or a GPS. Now go out there and have some fun!!!1
  22. they're in the category of "colossal", which is more epicer than "substantial" BTW bill, it's "ginormous"
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