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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I would posit that it depends highly upon who is doing the yanking...
  2. sobo

    1 sandal

    Then I'm a born-again virgin about 60 times over
  3. cuz it's in Sweden. You only need fences around cool/rare stuff in America. When are you gonna put up another avatar pic? We're dying here
  4. Nice to hear that Kevin got out and got some. Chad, are you the Chad that is to be the SMR liaison to me at CWMR? Kevin handed over the reins to someone, and your name rings a bell.
  5. sobo


    I don't think anybody got it, Sherri
  6. That's just what I was thinking...
  7. Mebbe it is time to book my trip to Chamonix... for work, of course...
  8. I look forward to my new issue of ANAM like a kid looks forward to a visit from Santa Claus. I read it a few times, then put it aside. Then I pick up a few of my back issues and re-read them. It seems like there's always at least an issue or two floating around in my truck. Makes for great lunchtime reading, being as how they're sorta like a book of short stories...
  9. Nope, never paid (haven't actually been ticketed yet), but I write them back on every warning. I seem to get a lot of them. Mebbe they have me "bracketed" and will send in black helicopters on my next "infraction." I've had unpaid parking tickets (by an ex-GF using my car) keep me from getting a home loan. Her $15 ticket in my truck turned into a $130 settlement to get my loan approved. Goddman bitch, knew there was a reason I dumped her... AFAIK, I think they can only try to take you to court over the Fee "Demo" (bullshit!) thing. But ask ivan. I think he really got raked over the coals for his ticket a coupla years ago. ivan- that was you, wasn't it?
  10. All right, I couldn't stand it. Here's a thread from a few years ago with some creative ways to beat/fight the ticket (John Frieh's is especially creative). That thread links to an even older thread about this shit fee demo program. Wade through all the shit in both threads. You'll have time to do so before you get your "friendly reminder" in the mail. This pic from mtnnut's post is classic! PS: Scott Silvers' website is wildwilderness.org Check out this link.
  11. sobo

    1 sandal

    naah, she lost that a lonnnnnnnnnng time ago...
  12. I've gotten warnings before, but I DID contest every one. Be PROACTIVE in your dissent. I wrote a standard complaint/not gonna pay it letter, based off the verbiage from Scott Silvers website (some here may call him a crack, but I'm with him on this BULLSHIT "demonstration" fee program. You could do a search on this site with Fee Demo in the title and use "newer than 7 years" as the timeframe. I'd do it for you and send you the link, but I'm crashing on a deadline for work this weekend.
  13. clearly, clucking isn't one of them.
  14. So Dane's a clucker after all
  15. Uh, maybe you should have opted for the stitch. Just sayin'. Ya think I went a bit overboard with the surgery, eh?
  16. A lot of people are clowns, and a lot of people have feet. But NO ONE has guns like hers! ID-ing her was a slam dunk. BTW, the clown feet thang is just a ruse to distract would-be Sherri hunters. They're elusive creatures, those wood nymphs...
  17. It's all right, Off. I'd miss you if you were dead, so you're covered.
  18. Not trying to be a holier-than-thou type, but your first quoted passage generally only works if you're single or have a wife/GF/SO that you don't really care much about, or have kids that you don't really much care about. I found that I had to quit any high-end soloing once kids entered the picture. Even with a half million in life insurance, I'd feel like a real dick if I deprived my kids of a father because I wanted something that made me be irresponsible, inconsiderate, and obnoxious.
  19. Really? Do they work now? Yes, they are working now. Whatever you did, Kevin, thanks. Looks like a nice trip. Way to go get some of it.
  20. sobo

    "it is what it is"

    It's how we ride.
  21. i want to go wenching...
  22. She really was a trooper. On the ride back to hospital, this time to check her in, she was calling her workmates and letting them know she "wasn't going to make it in tomorrow." You had merely misplaced your magic wand that day. Perfectly understandable. It healed up so well you can hardly tell it happened. It's all in my genetics, ya know...
  23. Youch! Six weeks and still no shuffling about. I'd say you're right about who got the worst of it, friend.
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