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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Excellent work, Off! Glad to see the ol' GE is getting some traffic. Man, I'd like to get up there...
  2. Dude, so you're gonna be there this weekend? You riding in the truck? Be there this weekend, yes. Riding in the truck, no. Family obligations on Saturday morning will prevent departure prior to noon. See you later in the day.
  3. From my experience in mountain rescue, we don't get consistent cell reception on Adams. So when we're on missions there, we use FRS and the "county sherriff band" radio (TAC). If you're just looking to stay in touch with your group, the FRS radios will do fine. They have a 2-mile LOS range, and I've actually gotten 8+ miles out of them (from the Turtle on Rainier to Cougar Rock Campground) before. If you take the FRS, make sure you have a pre-departure agreed-upon contingency plan if comm gets lost. Pick a couple of numbers for channels and codes that are easy to remember, and which order to tune them in. For instance, our TAC band ends in the decimal ".205" so our first choice for FRS comm is Channel 2, Code (subchannel) 05. Next choice is "911" (you can discern the significance of that), meaning Channel 9, Code 11. Use three digit numbers that are easy for anyone in your group to remember: month/day of brithdays, anniversaries, etc. You get the idea. Have fun on your trip!
  4. I found it humorous that he employed a well-seasoned flavor of sarcasm, harkening back to the Cafe' Sensitivioso thread, in juxtaposition to your whinnying dissection of the varied nuances between "acsent" vs. "free ascent". That, followed by your proselitizing about Rudy attempting to turn his progeny into elitists. That's what I found funny. Get it? Got it? Good.
  5. youngest ascending the GW Too funny!
  6. All I can come up with is that they've all watched The Eiger Sanction one too many times.
  7. I understand, Porter. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate witcha. After all, I have no soul, and therefore nothing to uncage.
  9. that's great, Porter, and I agree with what you're saying, but we're clearly looking at a class here. So would that equate to 1 instructor and 2 students? Could take a while to cycle the whole class through the module, hmm? [GAPER WARNING] Since this seems as good a place as any to interject this, CWMR will conclude its Basic Mountaineering Class this Saturday with much of the same as what you see in the OP pic (except the class size is 18 and 6 instructors, and we will be split up into two groups and separated). We will also be on the Nisqually. [/GAPER WARNING] On Sunday, the unit members of CWMR will hold their own unit training for the use of litters in crevasse work. Maximum party size will be 12 souls. Well, 11 souls and me, for I have no soul.
  10. I count no less than 30 people in that pic. I thought party size in MRNP was limited to twelve?
  11. I am glad that they have been found. My condolences go out to their friends and family. Again. Thanks for posting that , Kevin.
  12. You've missed the point, Cornfed. Thirty dollars per annum isn't going to set me back very far, either. I also support AF and I've been volunteering in Mountain Rescue for more than 5 years now. The issue is not how much it costs, but rather the fact that it costs anything in the first place. The fee is another tax, one which I already pay every year when I file my IRS 1040. The fact that you believe your "donation" goes to support trails and stuff is just more government disinformation. The trailheads where I've seen the signs and gotten warnings don't even have any "amenities" for which I would have ostensibly paid, were I to allow myself to be swindled out of my $30. Your money goes to support timber sales wherein the government sells the timber below market value. It also goes to support actions/policies/regulations designed to benefit groups/organizations the likes of which I do not support. It goes for enforcement of a misguided program that isn't needed in the first place. Lastly, it was a program that was never commentd upon by teh users - that's you and me. It was attached as a rider to an omnibus spending bill years ago, and by virtue of its fraudulent perpetuation, it became a law. And it's a discriminatory one at that. So in my mind, it's more than "just $30 a year." It's a principle.
  13. yeah, kinda do. You got one lying around that you're not using? couldn't resist it
  14. yeah, kinda do. You got one lying around that you're not using?
  15. Good for you, Rudy! :tup: Mine's a proposal interview for a new grade separation project over in Pasco. Tomorrow at 3:00. Come 4:00 tomorrow, I'll be poppin' tops! :brew:
  16. From my linked thread above from 2004: I thought this shit got repealed (on NFS lands) a few years ago?
  17. that's pretty funny. i'm gonna have to try that in the mall here. btw, she was pretty hawt. I can't repeat that part...
  18. sobo

    1 sandal

    oh, nothing then. nevermind, hon. carry on...
  19. Thank you, pink and tvash, for that lovely little banterfest of presidentialisms. That was a fine break for levity during my lunch hour. I must now get back to work - crushing on a deadline, ya know... Good day!
  20. I was implying that I would be seated in biz class. Silly Clavote...
  21. Fatherly "Somebody's agonna getta hurt real baaaaaaaaad."
  22. sobo

    Old Tuna?

    Puss. It passed the sniff test. It's TUNA fer chrissakes!!!1 It smells the same a week later as it does on the first day, no matter what's wrong with it (or not)! DANGER!!!1 WARNING, WILL ROBINSON!
  23. sobo

    fat climbers [Tvrash]

    FAWK man, you working this weekend, too? I've got an interview for a grade separation proposal on Wednesday, plus I need to do the QA/QC review for the US-95 (CDA to Sandpoint) project this coming week. I'm gonna die...
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