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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    define "good" climber

    I'd tell you that you have a nice ass. Does that make me a good climber?
  2. sobo

    always right

    Normally, I don't pay much attention to you or GGK/CPB, but I think you've crossed a line when you start dissing an entire nation with the above post, and a "calling out" is required. Clearly, you don't know much of Polish military history, especially where it coincides with US military history, or you would have remembered that were it not for Gen. Casimir Pulaski, our precious USofA might not even exist today. Also, ever hear of a guy named Nicolas Kopernik (first to scientifically prove the Earth is not the center of the universe)? Steve Wozniak (yeah, the Apple computers guy)? Maria Sklodowska (right, she's also known to the West as Marie Curie)? Lech Welesa (surely, he must merit more than a mere paragraph in your text)? Should I go on? Or should I just refer you to a wiki page that's chock-ass full of important and famous Poles. Sometimes, FW, you can be a real asshole. That post was one of them.
  3. I wish he'd fucking stop with the fucking animated fucking gifs. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!1
  4. WOW! Half of L150M for nothing! I'd send him my info, but I don't know what a swift code is. Jeebus, at least find a decent translation program.
  5. Just picking up slack. He failed to correct you when he posted after you. Just keepin' it real.
  6. Thanks all, guys! Just finished quaffing the last beers I'll see for a few days weeks. And Bill, we'll be designing a 4-lane roadway bridge... over the railroad yards of Pasco. So it's not a RR bridge, but a roadway bridge crossing the RR. And thanks for the well-wishing!
  7. your officially one of the elders now, your will now start to shrink and turn green You spelled "you're" wrong. And you spelled "you" wrong.
  8. sobo

    define "good" climber

    Dont you have kids to attend too? She's not Alison Hargreaves, ya know. minx don't climb.
  9. we are doing the bridge ourselves. we do that kinda thing a lot. I'm goin' drinkin' now, cuz it's the last suds I'm gonna have time for for a while now...
  10. Make that two. see wfinley's posted article.
  11. I just wanna know who the hottie in the spaghetti strap gown is.
  12. Yeah, I wanna see that new-fangled duct tape Florida gaitor ('gator??).
  13. Some of you out there in cc.com land are aware that I was working pretty hard on a huge proposal for a big new railroad overpass project here in the Tri-Cities a few weeks ago. After submitting the proposal, we got short-listed to interview for the project. Then there was the weekend spent preparing the PowerPoint presentation for the big interview. Then there was the big interview in front of the client. Then there were the second round eliminations. It was down to my firm and two others. Then there were the third round eliminations. Then it was down to my firm and the competition's team. I've been sweatin' bullets for almost two weeks while the city pondered which team was the best for this $20 million bridge project. Found out about two hours ago that... WE GOT IT!!!!1 The client wants a draft scope of work and fee estimate by COB tomorrow night. I'm gonna be so damn busy... I just wanted you all to know that if you never hear from me again, I'm not dead. I'm just buried.
  14. What an enchantingly morbid "well-wish" you've got there, 5K. note to self: uncheck "Show birthday in calendar and profile" in my cc.com profile
  15. 50? Just getting broken in.
  16. sobo

    define "good" climber

    So exactly how many safety breaks per route are required to be a good climber?
  17. sobo

    define "good" climber

    defining the "good"
  18. sobo

    define "good" climber

    See? I told ya things would improve if you'd just spit out the gum.
  19. What do you mean? An African or European swallow? Huh? I-- I don't know that. Auuuuuuuugh! How do know so much about swallows? Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know. And now you know where my autosig line came from.
  20. WTF? A Dutch Oven, dude. Haven't you ever heard of it? Also known as a Submarine. Ah-ooooo-ga! Ah-ooooo-ga!! Dive! Dive! Dive!
  21. sobo

    I'm done

    "You had a 10,000 bottle wine collection! What happened to it?" "I drank it..."
  22. sobo


    you forgot slovenly hag I think "khunt" looks better with an umlat...
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