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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I agree with most everything dmuja said (although I don't agree with the notion that you shouldn't get on RnD if you've never led cracks before - it's an excellent first trad crack multi-pitch lead, IMO), and with everything that Jason said. To sum up: bolts are not necessary, nor required, on this route for any reason.
  2. Wow, that's a story worth telling, Craig. Consummate perserverance, my man.
  3. That's funny in an eerie sort of way. I've been saying that myself before every rap (just the first clause, though) for 20+ years now. It makes me pause and think a bit before I commit my weight to the anchor. Plus, if I do die, at least people know what to put on my tombstone. "Here lies Sobo. My, how he hated rappelling."
  4. Hmmmph! The first answer to that question that comes to my mind is: "Twenty-five or six to four Staring blindly into space Getting up to splash my face Wanting just to stay awake Wondering how much I can take Should I try to do some more? Twenty-five or six to four"
  5. sobo


    Is nothing sacred???
  6. Oooooooooooooooooooooo... Calling Peter Puget. Mr. Puget to the white courtesy phone, please...
  7. I thought you would never write!! Maybe next Friday, Mohitos and chips! See ya then, big boi...
  8. sobo

    Blue Angels

    Take the test here. Let us know the results. I get to live to be 88. Another 40 fucking years on this rock.
  9. I could stand to be delayed a few minutes by getting stuck behind this cyclist...
  10. This is true. Mikester is referring to those funky yellow (or white sometimes) signs that are emblazoned with the header, "PLANNED LAND USE ACTION". This is a requirement of SEPA, and applies to everyone, including the state agencies, with few exceptions (the feds fall under NEPA, a similar program that is kinda like the national version of SEPA). Building a golf course would NOT be one of these exceptions. Follow the links on the SEPA home page for the list of exceptions, or click here and follow the links to the RCWs and the WACs.
  11. Really wish I coulda been there for your shindig, bill, but the wifery was outta town this w/e and I had the rugrats. Next time fer shure.
  12. You were wonderful, TT. Worth another night, even.
  13. bumma'
  14. not to worry, mate. the coconut bra is only a 32A
  15. sobo

    Blue Angels

    now that's worth rememberin'
  16. wow. very sad indeed.
  17. hey, I'm just lookin' to get leid...
  18. sobo

    Blue Angels

    If it's the back end your looking at, what difference does the face make?
  19. It's party tiiiiiiiiiiime!!!1
  20. D00d, the third soldier fell at 4:30, only a half hour into the battle. You've been gone, my friend. The 6-er is empty. I just ripped a huge gutteral utterance, and will be heading toward the ranch soon. I like to pace myself for the drive home.
  21. sobo

    Blue Angels

    The Snowbirds... them's the Canookian ones, eh?
  22. Paul, That is just plain, fuggin', kick-ass awesome! What a feat. Jeebus man, the company you're in. I am a wanker by comparison.
  23. You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (excepting Alice)
  24. Hardly... Still catching up to where I shoulda been an hour ago. WTF is this Sobo guy, and why is he on my monitor???
  25. Still missing the point, eh? Where ya headed this w/e?
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