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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Coming from joblo/virenda, this just makes a whole lotta sense...
  2. Wow. just put a bullet in my ear right now, m'kay?
  3. sobo

    Dogs on Mountains

    remember to wok your dog
  4. that would truly have made my day. NOT!
  5. for which we are forever indebted and obliged.
  6. sobo

    wretched BO

    You don't have to admit to it for us, but please stop telling yourself that it didn't happen, m'kay?
  7. just curious, Rudy... what state are you going to be in next year?
  8. slow day at work today, hmmm?
  9. where ya headed that you're flying? Europe? SE Asia? Oz?
  10. sobo

    wretched BO

    i'll start lookin' right away. i'm pretty sure i know where to start...
  11. minx = Valerie Plame she's going on assignment. kick some islamofacist ass while you're out there, m'kay?
  12. your life is so sux0r, 5K. Ya know, detainees are getting hearings and trials now. You should look into that.
  13. Sobo: 1) It's almost 3:00, time to pop a top. 2) Here, let me open that for you. 3) Where's the fuckin' limes, fer chrissakes!!!???
  14. sobo

    wretched BO

    can we see some pics of you in your leather?
  15. sobo

    Child abuse

    well then, that makes you the most hippy. or the most hip...
  16. how the shite would I know?
  17. I was, munchiboi. In the US, we speak American. Let those British bastards speak English all they wankin' want to.
  18. sobo

    Child abuse

    the one who's having the most fun, of course.
  19. sobo

    Child abuse

    apparently scott thinks so... and he also thinks i'm a hippy too I didn't peg you for a liberal. I mean, you actually work for a living, ferchrissakes! but did you peg me for a hippy Yeah yeah, I pegged you for hippy...
  20. Orientated is currently preferred use in general British use. Oriented is prevalent in technical use, and in the US. Last time I checked, I was still in the U.S. Howz'bout you, Pete?
  21. sobo

    Child abuse

    apparently scott thinks so... and he also thinks i'm a hippy too I didn't peg you for a liberal. I mean, you actually work for a living, ferchrissakes!
  22. Grammar Police sez, "It's all over now, people. Nothing to see here. Go back to your homes. Move along." What is your fascination to with grammar? I don't know... expressions of poor grammar are kind of like when you see a fuzzball on your freshly pressed shirt. You just want to pick it off and throw it away, as it seems to take something away from the whole presentation. It's like cringing when ignorant morons say "orientated" instead of "oriented". That one always get me right here. :thump the chest over the heart:
  23. Now that's fuckin' funny, I don't care who ya are. [thread drift] Not exactly pot, but back when I was in my early 20s, I had a co-worker who had a sister that worked in one of the big hospitals in Houston. She would let her brother Dane know when shipments of nitrous oxide were due in, and would leave the mechanical room access doors unlocked. Two of us would come in dressed like the gas delivery men, pick up a cylinder (they were like 4 or 5 feet tall, big fuckers), and take it back to Dane's house. Then we'd call all of our friends and have what we referred to as a Bagpipe Party. Price of admission was a Hefty trash bag, some rubber bands, and the casing of a Bic pen with the ink cartridge and writing head removed. Take the garbage bag and scrunch up the open end and stuff the empty pen casing into it with the writing end poking out, secure with rubber bands. Force the end of the pen into the cylinder's regulator nozzle and inflate the bag with laughing gas. Insert end of pen into mouth and "play your bagpipe" until you're rolling on the floor When you've had enough and are ready to go about your day, sit back for about 10-15 minutes and breathe normally, then be on your way! No hangovers, no lingering buzz to fuck with your driving, and it's entirely legal (except for the stealing of the gas part)! Great fun! [/thread drift]
  24. sobo

    Avatar Images

    yea verily, dare i see ethereal
  25. No, no! A tunnel! We need a tunnel under the lake. The technology is available NOW. More like: available for the past 15 years, give or take
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