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Everything posted by sobo

  1. :shooting snot out of my nose at high velocity:
  2. The only thing here in the fridge at work right now is hefeweizen. I hate hefes. I like my beer clear and dark, not light and cloudy. So I'm gonna watch the Randy Pausch "Last Lecture" video, then cruise on over to a bud's house later and light up some Coronas with him. He just likes Coronas, so I'll humor him and bring along some limes...
  3. Well, I can't read everything posted on this board. But excellent! I have the perfect shirt for that...
  4. I wanna know now so's I can pick out the right shirt for tomorrow.
  5. sobo

    what is a hippy?

    OMFG, that's a Whillans!!!1 How did he spawn after wearing that? BTW, very nice bowtie, Off. What was the occasion?
  6. sobo

    You know what I love?

    I'd use the money to help pay down the crushing credit card debt my wife has racked up. Just like I did with my Bush $ Co. ESP check last week.
  7. Ah! Of course! How could I have overlooked that little nicety?
  8. yes and i hug puppies too but only after she bites their wee heads off...
  9. sobo

    Group Hug Monday!!!

    If it's just punching kevbone around some more, I find that I have grown weary of this as a form of entertainment.
  10. sobo

    Child abuse

    A firm can make a bunch of money with their government services business (Fema Contracts for instance)....doesn't mean the local Seattle office knows how to design a parking garage. True dat. But are you looking at just that one data point? Surely, a firm that was ranked #1 on ENR's list must be able to do something right, no? So eric, I did a some quick Googling and came up with this from Sound Transit's page. Design errors in the concrete beams, eh?
  11. sobo

    Child abuse

    And apparently at least one English classs...
  12. sobo

    Child abuse

    Old Joke Warning... Q: What's the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers? A: Mechanical engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets.
  13. sobo

    Group Hug Monday!!!

    I see we're off to a roarin' good time of a start...
  14. sobo

    Child abuse

    This is such a stoopid post, I won't even comment upon it, except to state that it is such a stoopid post.
  15. sobo

    Child abuse

    Wasn't talking about size, eric. Was talking about rankings, which in ENR are based upon annual revenue. If you ain't raking in the revenue, then one can extrapolate that to conclude that you ain't doing much work. If you ain't doing much work, mebbe there's a reason for that...
  16. sobo

    Child abuse

    :laf: You know I luv ya, Rudy, but c'mon! HNTB or whoeverthehellitisyouworkfor is a fine outfit, to be sure. But take a look at the ENR ratings and see where you stack up against my firm. Give in to your hatred, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete. This bickering is just a new take on an old line... "My dad's better'n your dad, so there!"
  17. sobo

    Group Hug Monday!!!

    Wow, I guess I've been too busy managing projects and missed this gem of a thread while it was still fresh and steaming. But this Fat Tire sure tastes mighty good!
  18. sobo

    Child abuse

    WTF is wrong with you people? We're still two pages shy of being able to discuss global warming. Git with it!!!1
  19. Update pleez, carolyn. OKTHNXBAI!
  20. should douchebag be hyphenated? This site would say "no" in answer to your question. And nice catch, tanstaafl. I was going to pinch the 3rd Place Drone on it until I checked to make sure no one else already had.
  21. See the link in my post immediately above. ^^ I think carolyn and/or rmncwrtr said (in the linked thread) you can get these things (neti pots) at any drug store (Wallgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.). Follow instructions for making the solution, dosages, etc. Do a Google search and a Wikipedia search for "neti pot" and be overloaded with beta. I did, and was.
  22. sobo

    Thanks, all

    Gramps, Glad to hear that you had a fun time and your hike was successful from your perspective. And that's the only one that really matters anyway, isn't it? Come back next year and rip it up.
  23. Time for a little review of the procedure... Grossness to ensue in 3... 2... 1...
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