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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Monday, sonny boi. No beer today. Tomorrow. 'course, now ya got me thinking about it...
  2. wouldn't it just be easier to open a temporal rift and send kevbone through to another time/space continuum? Maybe let Q deal with him?
  3. this is perhaps the most damning critique of REI in this thread. As in used too..... damage is already done. it's like trying to put a genie back into the bottle. can't be done.
  4. The cop, while questioning the suspect, was priceless: "A Cannabis Card? Do you get frequent flyer miles with that, or what?"
  5. I judge this caption the winner, and POTD.
  6. Agree, Mel. Cat asshole/Bubba navel image is just plain wrong. On so many levels. :hurl:
  7. Hey, into every life a little "rain" must fall...
  8. sounds like that blows, too, huh? get better soon, so you can climb el cap again.
  9. That always blows, doesn't it, huh?
  10. 25 or 6 to 4 Should I try to do some more? 25 or 6 to 4
  11. I'm one that unnerstanz, Kurt. Cheers, mate!
  12. :lmao: You may refer to me by my name in the arena. Just call me... El Cordobés...
  13. I'm dead and in prison. Who wants my vote?
  14. hey, now. he's got a higher tolerance that that. It's not even 6 yet Thanks, 5K, but I can handle The Doug meself. Witness... Hey Doug! I've got a higher tolerance than that. It's not even 6 yet, ya schlump!
  15. i hear archie also drinks tequila with mexican food. can you deal with THAT? I will be so bold as to proclaim that I can deal with whatever archie deems acceptable to throw my way, even if it is just her sweaty trail panties.
  16. Nope! Not yet, but I'm still workin' on it! :tup: Just astarted into my 2nd sixer
  17. I thought you were the antichrist? A while back at least.
  18. I haven't had a "shower" since this morning... does that help?
  19. landing strip? please tell me it's not a bald spot...
  20. See ya then, sweetie. BTW, is this you?
  21. Given a choice 'twixt the two, I'll meet you at Babeland...
  22. You speak of laughing and cumming (note proper spelling for the vernacular) in the same sentence. I logically (or perhaps not so logically) put the two together to arrive at a scenario where a female would laugh at the supposed brevity of an "encounter" with a male and point at the male's "equipment" and laugh. To avoid a total and humiliating embarrassment, certain protocols have been developed over the eons. Ergo, You can point, and you can laugh. But you can't point and laugh. Oh, and
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