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Everything posted by sobo

  1. we are talking olympics here, not illegal immigration Ba-dum, ching!
  2. HTF do you hang on to 300 bottles of wine??? One time, I bought 8 cases and all I did was have all my friends over and get drunk every night for about a month. It went by fast...
  3. It's Thursday, one of my "off the wagon" days. w00t w00t!
  4. Christ almighty, who'da thunk it, eh? Vodka Snobs! I don't feel near so bad now about me and my wines.
  5. sobo


    Personally, I don't mind having my presence online known to others here, so I select "No" to the question "Hide from Who's Online?" However, I notice that there's a very large majority here that differs with me on this point, though...
  6. sobo


    The "invisible" status has been around since the beginning, John. It used to be called "anonymous". Minx is reading, she's just not writing. And certainly not to 'bone.
  7. sobo


    Wrong, she's outta state right now. Like I'm gonna be starting next Tuesday. Who's comin' with me?
  8. sobo


    Is it still too early to discuss global warming? It's a 10-page thread minimum for that, right?
  9. sobo

    noo poo thread

    It's a tad too late, then, isn't it?
  10. sobo

    noo poo thread

    Now that's one I haven't heard before, and I do like it better than all of the other old, tired phrases. Good one, dt!
  11. NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!1
  12. "But if... she... weighs... the same as a duck..." "Yes, go on." "She's made of wood." "Goooooood! And therefore...?" "A witch!" Buuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrn her!!!1 goddammit, porter!
  13. Churches, gravy, and very small rocks, of course Given my autosig, I am required to respond, "A duck!"
  14. sobo


    Absolutely! The organic farm is way better than Foster Farms. The hens here are great. And at the other place there was a huge jersey giant that used to kick my ass. Here, I've made top rooster and now I'm in charge. Run into any bad ass drakes lately...? Listen, buddy. That was a sneak attack, and I obviously got the better of him when it was all over. Looked to me like Mr. Drake handed your ass to you for 15 seconds, then a 10 second stare-down contest, then a single peck on the head ("Take that, duck!"), more stare-down, then you turned your back on him. I'd hardly call that "getting the better of him" in the end. Hmmmmmmmm, BBQ chicken of Peking Beijing Duck for dinner...???
  15. sobo


    Absolutely! The organic farm is way better than Foster Farms. The hens here are great. And at the other place there was a huge jersey giant that used to kick my ass. Here, I've made top rooster and now I'm in charge. Run into any bad ass drakes lately...?
  16. But it's all for the glory of the motherland! Surely sacrifices must be made. At least these kids get their mugs on TV, unlike the opening ceremonies singer.
  17. Who was it that wrote here about his trip up Rainier's DC and he ran into some old dude who wanted to "tag along" because the old dude's partners had abandoned him because he was too slow. The old guy's mantra was "slow and steady", that story was a riot!
  18. sobo

    For Feck

    So can your average doofus (like me) take a ride in that thing? That would be really cool...
  19. I get it now. But I guess I just missed out on the trend. That's just like me, day late and a dollar short...
  20. As most people who get on Stuart for their first time, you were indeed sandbagged. Welcome to the Unplanned Bivy Club! Glad you had a nice time.
  21. Sobo will be camped along the SF Clearwater River somewhere near the stone for the week of 8/19 through 8/25, and would be willing to entertain various climbing partners for romps on the fine granite of Lightning Dome during that week. I will have a “base camp” of sorts set up with all the cooking gear, fuel, utensils, and other necessities of life for the duration. Ya’ll are welcome to stop on in and I’ll either drink with you, climb with you, or both. However, be warned that I won’t drink with you before climbing, unless it’s the night before climbing. RSVP here or you can PM me if you think you’ll be passing through, as I’d like a general idea of when to be around camp to meet up with you. I usually set up camp (for free) at Meadow Creek CG (at MP 17.0) or at another free spot that Ken (112) found at MP 14.5 or so. Both have shitters, tables, and fire rings. Water is available at other pay-to-stay CGs in the area, or just pump from the creek. I look pretty much like this guy here, and drive this POS 2-door Exploder (WA tag 956-THI), so if you see this rig around, I can’t be too far away. If you’re not familiar with Lightning Dome on the SF Clearwater, these pics will clue you in. All photo descriptions are in my gallery. So give me a shout and sign up for some fun in the sun in I-dee-ho next week and help to make my vacation a stellar one to remember! Oh, and if you have a #5 and/or #6 Camalot, bring it along! It'll get used, trust me...
  22. sobo

    noo poo thread

    :beer splatters on monitor: Oh, the mental images that presents... "Breathe, honey! Breathe!" or... "You want an epidural for that?"
  23. Naah, she was too busy "reporting" and wouldn't get off the damn phone.
  24. Naaahh, he berated Boukreev for going out w/o oxygen to drag back three of four wannabe stiffs. Then he went to bed...
  25. sobo


    Alright, Kurt. Mebbe some other time then. Where ya headed? BTW, scott, I'm headed to the fridge right now...
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