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Everything posted by sobo

  1. That's a good one! So just how immature are you, then?
  2. "You can point, and you can laugh. But you can't point and laugh." ---sailboat racing conventional wisdom
  3. How would you know? You're no cougar, from what I hear... you're too young.
  4. You are funny. That helps. good to know. I'll 'member that... (waiting for witty rejoinder from DeC in 3... 2... 1...)
  5. On a golf course... duh... XqOCzV7bAoE
  6. I'm a screamer. does that help?
  7. There! did it! Time for a yet another celebratory brewski...
  8. reason enough to quit, to me. MGD... Pffffft!
  9. You've really got to work on yer coworkers there, Hugh... seriously.
  10. I really like that label, DeC. That'll wake you the fuck up after a hard night's drinkin', that's fer sure.
  11. is that like an invitation to a firing squad? nothnxbai! otoh it's a good way to ensure a car to car no matter how tired you are. you don't want to bivy! god point - one to remember... Casualty Update: This posts marks the 2nd KIA of the day...
  12. Don't hate me because of my ability. We all have to excel at something, no? I thought you chose to excel at gay jokes? I am ghey, or didn't you know that already? Howdooya think I know so many gay jokes?
  13. is that like an invitation to a firing squad? nothnxbai!
  14. Butter hog! I'm gonna hafta remember that one...
  15. Don't hate me because of my ability. We all have to excel at something, no?
  16. straight tequila with burritos? no one better get behind you...
  17. You're absofuckinglutely correct. I had sent one of the drafters to the store with a wad of cash, and instructed him to get whatever he wanted, but at least one sixer had to be "something different" this time... So I thought he had only bought Coronas, and I posted the OP just before I headed to the fridge to acquire the first catch of the day. Imagine my surprise to find what I currently hold in my hands... a Nukie Brown ale. yummmmmmmmmm...
  18. Well, since I have to leave work a little bit earlier than usual tonight, all of us here decided that perhaps we should get an earlier start than last week. Sooooooooooooooo, here's to the first top to pop today! Coronas with limes this afternoon... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...
  19. Spencer, If you are referring to the Eduard Burceag tradegy, then one needs to look no further than about the second and fourth replies, wherein counterfeitfake and JoshK state that they walked right into what anyone could have predicted they got had they looked at a weather forecast. So you're argument that "No Body not one person on this site" judging them in hindsight just doesn't hold water. We can armchair quarterback on our own local climbers just as well as we can QB about climbers halfway around the world, thankyouverymuch.
  20. WTF, Ken??? You quit the Corps, or just moving to the Seattle District? And who's giving you shit about your coiffure?
  21. [thread drift] Reminds me of a story told by Col. Charlie Beckwith (US Army, Ret.), the founder of Delta Force, in his book of the same name. Story goes that in the Iranian desert, during the night preceeding what was to be Delta Force's first operation (the ill-fated mission to free the US hostages at the American Embassy in Tehran), a helicopter became disoriented in the night while moving to refuel. It crashed on top of one of the parked transport planes and burst into flames, engulfing the men inside the plane (the chopper crew was incinerated). One of the Delta operators was asleep in the plane, and was rudely awakened by the blast and subsequent fire. He leapt from the plane in the classic parachute dive form, and face-planted into the sand, got up, and ran away from the carnage. Afterwards, Col. Beckwith asked him what he was thinking by doing that... Beckwith: "What was going through your mind, son?" Soldier: "When I woke up, I thought we were still airborne and the plane had been hit by a missile strike. I just wanted to get the hell out before it blew up in mid-air." Beckwith: "But you didn't grab a chute before you jumped." Soldier: "One problem at a time, Sir. One problem at a time." [/thread drift]
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