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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Watch out for steaming coilers...
  2. Horseshoes? Horror show? Bad digits? Bad days? I'll never get this crap. :frustrated:
  3. exactly, but now we're moving backwards through the script...
  4. Can't they refer you to an outside PT outfit? I've had docs do that for me in the past.
  5. Catharsis? On Insult Somebody Tuesday?
  6. Precisely, young squire. So tell me, how do you know so much about swallows?
  7. Bite your tongue!!!1 My mom and dad would still wash my mouth out with soap if I came home with CPB's vocabulary in Polish! Like any good student of languages, they still remember all of the naughty bits...
  8. Do I have to surrender to drink it?
  9. They's all dead. My remaining aunts and uncles don't remember enough Polish to spit-shine a jackboot.
  10. I'm OK with that, but could you just send the beer now? I'm out of the good stuff, and I'm tired of waiting for the courier to arrive with replacements. If this keep up, I'm actually going to have to get up off my ass and go find my own beer...
  11. and the other thing is that posting in foreign languages that most of us don't have the time nor inclination to decipher is a great way to kill a thread. And seeing's how I'm just sitting here killing time until more beer arrives, and Spray is stunningly slow today, any thread, no matter how lame, is still somewhat entertaining. Unless it's just more kevbone bashing - I've grown so tired of that
  12. You see how well that works? Thank you.
  13. Use MS Word. Select the Cyrillic font, compose post, copy from Word, paste to cc.com reply dialogue box, and voila!
  14. Please to excuse me. I must to go home and drink massive quantities of frosty, malted beverages, become ludicrously inebriated, and pummel my adopted children now. So sorry.
  15. you clearly just don't get me, do you? I am closer to you philosophically than you think, but I don't appreciate inferences and conclusions being drawn about me from concepts and words not expressed by me. Is that so wrong?
  16. Right idea, wrong thread.
  17. no, because you infer things that were not said
  18. especially the two at my house. I beat them senseless almost daily.
  19. what if they're adopted? does the curse still hold?
  20. Nodoby ever said I'm sensitive. I'm probably one of the thickest hided people you'd ever be likely to meet. But I am a stickler for spelling, grammar, comprehension, and meaning. You do not measure up in these regards, as you infer far too much from any given exchange.
  21. never said anything about being smart or not. It was about whether we have "real" jobs or not.
  22. meaning that engineers don't?
  23. My, Scott, your really do keep up with this shite, eh?
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