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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hope your cab isn't too dry...
  2. Tonight's St. Louis style ribs on the barby, so Fuh Q! OMFG! It's a Distel-style drinking photo assault!!!1
  3. 4:20, time to crack open XX #2... (since I don't partake of the fine herb anymore)
  4. Eat yer heart out, sac licker! (taken just a scant 10 minutes ago)
  5. It's pop-a-top time! Sorry, but I'm off to a late start this afternoon, but with great dispatch, I intend to catch up to where I should be had I started an hour ago as I originally had intended. Pssssst! Ahhhhh, Dos Equis today... with limes...
  6. sobo

    Blue Angels

    I never grew up in, nor or saw firsthand, an active war-torn area. I have visited places of battles and wars that were long past. I have never seen the Blue Angels perform, but I have witnessed the Air Force's Thunderbirds perform in three different airframes over the decades [F-4E Phantom II, T-38A Talon (trainer version of the F-5 Freedom Fighter), F-16A Fighting Falcon] and have never once failed to be amazed and awed by their precision maneuvers and sheer power of the aircraft. I love watching this stuff.
  7. [thread drift] Hey man, the Etruscans RAWKED! [/thread drift] Back on topic: Wife's outta town to take her court reporting exam in Oly this w/e, so tops start poppin' here today, I'm gonna say, around 3:00. Be there, or Pythagorus will spank ya!
  8. That actually is a famous climbing quote. Good job, rob!
  9. No, it is as it is written. Trust me on this. The Princess Bride memorable quotes page
  10. inconceivable! "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  11. Actually, I think it was "LOOK OUT BELOW!!!1" And it was indeed rather tricky. There was a concern that I might shit upon the rope, which is never good. So I pulled up a bunch of it and draped it over the tops of my ankles to keep it out of the impact zone.
  12. Really had to take a crap badly on the rap down from NF of N Peak of Index a few years back. Was desparately trying to keep the beast contained until we could get off the raps and into the scrub at the base of the route. I was first on one of the very last raps, the beast was about to escape into my trowzerz, and I just couldn't wait any longer, so I rigged an autoblock and dropped trow while still in mid-rap and in harness. Now you know the reason why the Alpine Bod harness was invented. I have yet to find another harness as light as the AB and where one can remain tied in and drop pants to shit.
  13. I live by this as well. Another one: "The key to a happy life in the mountains is to be well ventilated." Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrttttt!!!1
  14. You're looking for this: Clint: It's warm! Kennedy: I thought you'd draw the line at hauling ice.
  15. You're looking for this: Anderl Meier: You're very good. I have really enjoyed climbing with you. Clint: We'll make it. Anderl Meier: I don't think so. But we shall continue with style.
  16. This vid from yesterday now becomes stunningly apropos... Rvv2D5d7Z9o
  17. Think of it as a blessing. I do. I'll start counting... 1... hmmmmm, I guess that's about it...
  18. You're right, it's probably more genetic than anything. Polish father, German mother... I'm doomed to life of alcohol dependency...
  19. You know, sobo, there's research out there that drinking coffee strongly reduces the risk of getting cirrhosis. Perhaps instead of abstinence you should drink (more?) coffee. I drink a pot of freedom-pressed java every morning. Perhaps this explains my functional alcoholism...
  20. Not tonight, 5K. Gotta give the ol' liver a reprieve sometime, ya know...
  21. And you didn't too well in grammergrammar/spelling/punctuation- it's "geography" (no caps). And you didn't do too well at spelling, either.
  22. yeah, spraying all over everything without so much as a thought for others...
  23. you certain of that? did you see him do it? or you just thought you did?
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