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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Big Dog!

    That thing looks one-half of a fucking AT-ST Imperial Walker. Ain't much for the stealth approach with that whiny 2-stroke powerplant, tho...
  2. Ba-dum, ching! ouch, that stings. but kinda funny, in a morbid sorta way.
  3. or mebbe some Quilter's Irish Death from Iron Horse Brewery in E-burg, hmmm?
  4. Maybe I don't know what "soft" is these days. I always thought Tieton grades were harder than Squamish, Leavenworth, Smith, or the very few 5.easy climbs at Index. If anything, Tieton will seem a lot harder to a new 5.easy climber because it is steep. Maybe you mean Vantage is soft... I caught that one, too, F4. Tieton will scare the crap out of a new trad leader who doesn't have his skill set down pretty good going into it. The exit moves on many a climb are contemplative, to say the least.
  5. OK, ya got me. And I will not resort to stealth editing.
  6. Not making any judgments here, SS, just pointing out the facts. Any chance then that the shooter on Sauk has a history of torturing small animals? I have no idea, nor any idea why you think I would know that. Non sequitor. Well it is supposed to rain on saturday. Duh. The price of tea in China has certainly been on the rise lately...
  7. Not making any judgments here, SS, just pointing out the facts. Any chance then that the shooter on Sauk has a history of torturing small animals? I have no idea, nor any idea why you think I would know that. Non sequitor.
  8. Not making any judgments here, SS, just pointing out the facts.
  9. Mr. Vang apparently had a history of intimidation of others with his weapons.
  10. Yeah, but can you take it all with you when you go?
  11. I remember vividly when that happened. Kevbone, Obviously, there's more than one contributing factor that led to their deaths. Think outside of your box.
  12. Yes, that old formula works very well. I use it meself to verify whenever anyone tells me how steep shit is. Another variant: 1) Hold your arm out straight in front of you with your elbow locked. 2) Clench your fist, and hold the fist as if you were going to punch something (vertical orientation). 3) At arms length, the angle formed between the bottom of your fist, to your eye, to the top of your fist is approximately 10 degrees of arc. 4) "Stack" your fists (up or down, as the case may be), beginning from the horizontal, to approximate the angle of whatever it is your want to know the steepness thereof. This method works well for anyone with an Ape Index of 0.95 < AI < 1.05 Ape Index is the measurement of your armspan (fingertip to fingertip) divided by your height. Anything greater than 1.0 makes you a knuckledragger (mine is AI = 1.03). Leonardo Da Vinci believed that this guy has an AI of unity. Da Vinci wrote, "...The navel is naturally placed in the centre of the human body, and, if in a man lying with his face upward, and his hands and feet extended, from his navel as the centre, a circle be described, it will touch his fingers and toes. It is not alone by a circle, that the human body is thus circumscribed, as may be seen by placing it within a square. For measuring from the feet to the crown of the head, and then across the arms fully extended, we find the latter measure equal to the former; so that lines at right angles to each other, enclosing the figure, will form a square." Ergo, Ape Index = 1.0 QED. Class dismissed.
  13. Ah yes, I have heard of it referred to as that before. How could I have missed such an obvious reference? Clearly, my mental state is deteriorating more rapidly than my doc's prognosis indicated...
  14. You working on the Panama Canal expansion project? Or am I missing a more common reference to somewhere else?
  15. OK, so you're only pitching it out for a half rope length, and you're setting pro. That was not clear in your original description. Thanks.
  16. The rising moon from the nose gunner's position was the best.
  17. Man, oh man, the opinions on this thread are so thick you can chew on them. I’ve done it about a dozen times or so over the past 20 years, so while I’m no “ex-spurt” I do think I’ll throw in my $0.02... So, in my treasured humble opinion: 1) I’ve camped beneath the ice cliff about half the times I’ve done the route. It's just a matter of knowing the weather history, recent ice fall activity, and assessing the situation when you get there to decide if it's the place to camp or not. To say, "No one smart bivies there" is just a dumb thing to say. Like natazoo implies, Beckey and Smoot indicate that it is not a sure-fire way to die, and it has been an established camp for generations. Just use your fucking judgment before you commit to crashing there. 2) And WTF is this statement supposed to mean? "The upper ice step (aka what people misname the ice chute - there is no chutte." (sic) Well, it sure the fuck looked like a chute to me the many times I went through it. Which leads me to... 3) Never saw, heard of, or used the fixed line to rappel down into the "chute". Oh, sorry, the ice step. Always just walked around and down, except once I did climb up the rock wall to Hazard to avoid ascending the chute. Oh, sorry again, the ice step. 4) Never brought a ski pole on the route, nor found the need to do so. 5) Never brought a second tool on the route, nor found the need to do so. 6) How does this "sending the tools down" work if you’ve put in any pro along the way? If you haven't put anything in, then what is the point of pitching it out a rope length if you happen to skitter off? You looking to drag both of you down the hill or what? And if you're just lowering the tools down on a line, why bring the extra weight (the rope) if you're just de facto soloing anyway? BTW, nice job on the route, benb and natazoo.
  18. fuckin' tease... whydja even bring it up then, eh?
  19. sobo

    For Couloir

    I don't go anywhere near CPB, nor do I let him anywhere near me, thankyouverymuch. Hmph!
  20. sobo

    For Couloir

    Love the new batch of avatars, man. Very nice. :tup: Keep the rear view shots coming. They're my faves.
  21. Now that looks like the minx I know...
  22. Can we all just get back on topic? This thread is about minx, and her (not) climbing with PP. Please keep up with the rest of the class, people.
  23. Бідний Рогоз - той чує дзвін а не знає де й він. han lever, bra, og bor i en hule WTF, Tokogirl, you speak Polish now, too? Shite, I'm 50% Polak and don't know a word of it. BTW, the link works fine for me, but the connection is reeeeeeeeeeealy sloooooooooooooow. And I've seen similar pictures from as far back as WWI. Nothing new to see here. War is hell.
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