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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Old parenting maxim: You spend two years teaching them to talk and walk, and the next 16 years trying to get them to shut up and come home on time.
  2. sobo


    Bummer, rob. This also happened to me more than once, the last time being about a year ago. I have always been lucky so far, being able to cancel the cards/accounts and getting a full refund of all charges back to the credit line and all of the fees were expunged. Like 'bone said, check your credit report in a month or so. You can get a free one from each of the Big Three credit reporting agencies every year. Any more than that, and you have to pay. Make sure you're using the secure link, as there are other sites out there that aren't what the gummint has contracted to have set up for you for free. Link to free credit reports
  3. You spelled "Who", "be", "to", "understand", "we", and "her" incorrectly.
  4. Methinks you believe the commercials too much. It has been shown that regular douching actually upsets the delicate pH balance of a woman's vagina and contributes to yeast infections and promotes the development of other noxious odors. For me, I like it the way she smells and tastes au naturel.
  5. Ya'll can end the speculation. If you look at the bottom of Thinker's OP, then you can see he's already sussed it out.
  6. I can see Bala's pics just fine. Not so much with yours, still.
  7. I often ask the same question. The Boy will be six next Thursday. The Princess will turn four in October.
  8. Where has TG been, anyway? Haven't heard from him in ages.
  9. Just move it around every night or two. Try on the north side over by Roche Harbor (it's about as far away from the ferry landing as you can get, and hence, equally far away from the gaggle of yuppies that drink/shop in Friday Harbor). You could try parking/dirtbagging on the side of the road to the dump/landfill. Cops got no business going by there; you should be good to go there. Stay away from islands like Orcas and Lopez, they're full of artsy/fartsy types and wineries, which will attract tourists, and hence cops to "protect" them. No cool bars that I know of, and the "babes" at Doe Bay on Orcas don't shave...
  10. I'm just here to pluck this so Dru or porter don't get it.
  11. Gag me with a pitch fork!! How about a pork sword instead? I am so witty, so witty and pretty am I! Can you be witty in a box? Can you be pretty as a fox? Can you be witty in your socks? Try it, try it! You will see, You can be pretty in a tree!
  12. I tend to really like the stuff that's coming out of the new Red Mountain AVA (Fidelitas, Kiona, Kestrel, etc.) and of course the stuff that's been coming out of the Walla Walla Valley for some time now (Leonetti, Three Rivers, Canoe Ridge, Glen Fiona, etc.). Jus' sayin'...
  13. sobo

    noo poo thread

    Both of those paragraphs were well written, poignant, and I have been in the position of both at one time or another. I, for one, vote to include them within The Guide. :tup:
  14. How'dja know? Cuz I'm married with kids, too?
  15. Still "no joy" on the pics. I did a "Quote" toggle, and can see where you have the image files and tags, but for some reason, this is the only thread in which I cannot see pics. Weirrrrrrd... Oh yeah, you're right. It is NEXT WEEK that I'm headed to LD. 8/19-8/25
  16. shit man, this thread is echoing with ba-dum, chings!
  17. guess he wasn't into crossfit then, either. Ooo, touche'! that's rich, too!
  18. mutually exclusive dry reds are where it's at
  19. it wood b jus plane krimnul to git wun a thoze on this heer webzite
  20. WTF?? why aren't the pics showing up for me??? Nice job Kevin and Bala. You guys should come craggin with me at Lightning Dome this weekend! C'mon, ya know ya want to...
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