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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Just imagine that inside that cast, your flesh, bone, and muscle is undergoing a state of slow, decomposing transition. That should take your mind off the itching...
  2. that dude has a package and breast implants sickie Breast implants, probably yes. But apparently Dru hasn't "flossed his teeth" against enough pubic mounds to recognize a 3-finger gap when it's staring him in the face...
  3. So Alex, has Dropline finally seen it's FA? What else didja get on? Spill a TR, man...
  4. Weird Al is my hero... [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsfVw9xxoNY
  5. Hmmmm, she seems mighty proud of a motor that's (alledgedly) never been started before...
  6. :laf: That's an excellent suggestion, Craig. When are ya headed in?
  7. thought you might like that...
  8. There's a story that several may recall of something shitty I said a year or so ago, for which I was called out on and I apologized for. I put it up there to remind myself how easy it is to be an asshole online. What I write now is what I'll say in person. I just reviewed your list of posts, and read through the "multiple posts to the same thread" batch from about a year ago, figuring that there would be rebuttals/retractions/continuing discussion/etc. and didn't find anything noteworthy to apologize for, retract, or get "called out" for. Guess I missed the fun. Care to send me a link via PM, cuz now you got me so fuq'n curious I won't be able to sleep tonight! And I still don't get what this has to do with a headstone marked Pogue?
  9. I've "been around" a few tawdry UK tarts in my day. On the surface, she does not appear to qualify.
  10. Just curious, jclements, why is your avatar a pic of a headstone with "Pogue" inscribed upon it?
  11. Brrrr. You're kidding, right? Oh wait, your Westfalia has propane-fired heaters, doesn't it...?
  12. A second on this as my favorite climbing quote from a movie. For climbing literature: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from surviving bad judgment." From personal experience: This needs a set-up. Both of my kids (6 yo boy, 4 yo girl) are adopted from Vietnam and China, respectively. This costs several thousands of dollars to do, and there's not much in the way of "receipts" for sums paid along the way. At home one day last year or so, my son was becoming increasingly irritated with his little sister, who had been baiting him mercilessly for the better part of a couple hours... At his wits' end, he asks me, "Daddy, can we just take Elaina back to China?" Me: "Well, you know we can't do that, son." Son: "Is it because we don't have the receipt?"
  13. 60*F here yesterday. Kevino even went climbering at Vantage.
  14. sobo

    Hard Men

    Climbering hats like that were de rigueur for the day...
  15. How old did she say she was...? The penalties for ignorance of her legal status can be pretty severe...
  16. What can I say... Carlos is singularly the most magnanimous climber I have ever met. He rocks my world. If you're looking for a mountaineering/climbering hero, he's the ticket. And Greg Mortenson's book was an excellent read, too. Y'all should get a copy and sit down with it.
  17. Which might explain the time of this post...
  18. WOOD NYMPH!!!1 WTF have you been? I missed ya, Shugga! :kisss:
  19. HTF did I miss this TR? That is crazee, climberin' only two freakin' months outta the whole year. Weird...
  20. One word, Teresa... beans. They'll make you lighter than air...
  21. omg, so hot right now http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/chat :lmao: That is so funny, Trogdor! Seriously, has anyone here ever used the chat room?
  22. It was posted 12-19-08? SOCK AND AWE... Link, Norm? A search using "sock awe" in subject, newer than 2 months, returned nothing.
  23. If Carlos is going to "focus on interesting sub-6,000m peaks", then you can damn well rest assured that you're going to be entertained. Dane, Glad to hear that you're back in your shop and doing better. Take care, man.
  24. I don't have time to search to see if this has already been posted. If so, then my apologies... Similar to the Whack-a-Mole game from days of yore. Comes complete with soundtrack! Aksalser!!!1
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