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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Shit, I've been throwing my nudies around this site for a couple years now, and I get nuthin' from you guyz. Nobody here loves me... :cry: Oh, if there's any stemming invoved in the route, I'll offer up Teabaggin' for a name...
  2. sobo

    Child Raising

    Hell, my 4-year-old daughter acts just like that... without the help of drugs!
  3. CROSS-POSTED TO ACCESS ISSUES FORUM I just had another pleasant conversation with Bruce Berry, John McGowan's assistant at the Oak Creek Wildlife Area, across the street from Royal Columns. The annual eagle nesting closure went into effect on Sunday, February 1, and is in effect now for the reach of the Tieton River Trail from the Tim Pond Wall to the west (upstream) end of The Bend. This closure includes all points uphill of the trail, not just the trail itself. So that there is no confusion, that means the cliffs are closed to climbing. It is also STRICTLY VERBOTTEN to cross the bridges at Royal Columns or at the quonset hut. The closure will be in effect until the pair of golden Eagles nest (if they do), at which time the closure will be limited to a 300-yard-radius around their nest. Normally, this will allow most of the trail to be opened and access to certain cliffs or parts thereof. It has been John’s and Bruce's experience that the eagles are migrating upstream a little further each year. In recent years, the upstream limit of the trail closure would terminate at the metal suspension bridge used to access The Bend. You could go right (upstream) to Moon Rocks, but the trail was closed to the left. Or you could just go on up and use the wooden box bridge at Moon Rocks to get there. So the upshot is if you want to climb in the Tieton River Canyon, go upstream of The Bend. You can start your climbing at Moon Rocks or further upstream and you’ll be all good. And if you see any eagles or falcons up the canyon, be a good steward of wildlife and call John or Bruce at 509-653-2390 and let them know. Remember, we can all get along!
  4. CROSS-POSTED TO CENTRAL/EASTERN WASHINGTON FORUM I just had another pleasant conversation with Bruce Berry, John McGowan's assistant at the Oak Creek Wildlife Area, across the street from Royal Columns. The annual eagle nesting closure went into effect on Sunday, February 1, and is in effect now for the reach of the Tieton River Trail from the Tim Pond Wall to the west (upstream) end of The Bend. This closure includes all points uphill of the trail, not just the trail itself. So that there is no confusion, that means the cliffs are closed to climbing. It is also STRICTLY VERBOTTEN to cross the bridges at Royal Columns or at the quonset hut. The closure will be in effect until the pair of golden Eagles nest (if they do), at which time the closure will be limited to a 300-yard-radius around their nest. Normally, this will allow most of the trail to be opened and access to certain cliffs or parts thereof. It has been John’s and Bruce's experience that the eagles are migrating upstream a little further each year. In recent years, the upstream limit of the trail closure would terminate at the metal suspension bridge used to access The Bend. You could go right (upstream) to Moon Rocks, but the trail was closed to the left. Or you could just go on up and use the wooden box bridge at Moon Rocks to get there. So the upshot is if you want to climb in the Tieton River Canyon, go upstream of The Bend. You can start your climbing at Moon Rocks or further upstream and you’ll be all good. And if you see any eagles or falcons up the canyon, be a good steward of wildlife and call John or Bruce at 509-653-2390 and let them know. Remember, we can all get along!
  5. sobo

    Child Raising

    That was hilarious! I wish I'd had that vid about 6 years ago. Thanks, DeC!
  6. I figured that would happen. Nodder'd that I'd have minded joining you, either.
  7. There's a lot of folks around here that won't get that...
  8. sobo


    Yeah, that has really been pissing me off lately...
  9. WTF, there was a ball game today? I need to quit spending so much time at the office...
  10. I gave up on that shite when my Alzheimer's set in...
  11. Picking up where FW left off... The following is a true story. As a kid of about 12 or 13, living in a beach town in Italy, my buds and I decided to explore the intricacies of pyrotechnics one day. Now, these tiny Italian hamlets didn’t have fashionable landfills 35 years ago like we have today. Oh no, it was just a patch of ground in the woods at the edge of town, where some guy (the dump guy) had a backhoe. Every day, he would sort through the "new arrivals" for anything worth keeping, then dig a new hole and push a bunch of shit in it, set it on fire, leave, and wait for it to burn up. Then he'd come back a while later and backfill the hole and start all over the next day. So my buds and I had found this propane cylinder that felt like it was nearly empty. Now, I’m not talking about a Coleman propane canister. No, I’m talking about what the Italians called a "bombola" and they were used to power your kitchen stove or clothes dryer. These fuckers were about 15 inches in diameter and about 3 feet tall, and were delivered to your home by a service. So you can get an appreciation of how big these things were, figure it’s about the size of a huge expedition pack, almost 6,500 cubic inches. Now that’s fucking huge. So we found this thing that had apparently fallen off the delivery scooter (we called these scooters "relics" for the lack of a better word, cuz they were generally in pretty shitty shape – here’s a pic of a new one). We took turns dragging this bombola along the trails through the woods towards the dump, and we were trying to do this while riding our bikes (don't ask). We had this grand idea that we'd wait for the dump man to light his daily fire and leave, then we'd throw this thing into the hole and see what happens. So we do this thing, and we ran a ways and jumped into one of the other holes in the dump that hadn't been backfilled yet. We're waiting for what seems like forever for this thing to cook off. We thought it would go pretty quick, but WTF did we know? We were just punk kids, right? Anyway, we discussed getting out of the hole and going over to see what had happened. Just about the time we decided to climb out of the hole and go take a look, the bombola finally cooked off. It was ferocious! Loudest explosion I had ever heard; our ears were clanging. And that wasn’t all... all of the cars and houses along the adjacent street at the end of town had their windows blown out. It was a fucking war zone! And the hole had become an even bigger crater – huge I tell ya! So there we are, holding our ears, laughing and "congratulating" ourselves on the event’s outcome, when the dump guy starts screaming and yelling at us. Seems he had forgotten something and had come back a little too early, or whatever, but he was there and he was fucking raging mad! Upon later reflection, it seems that we could have killed him, but we didn’t think about that back then. We all jumped on our bikes and high-tailed it into the woods, splitting up our little group at each trail junction. We didn’t even have a rallying point, so we all stayed "hidden" until we got together back at school on Monday. It took us a couple days before we could muster the cajones to ride down that street and do a Battle Damage Assessment. Glass all over the street, windows blown out, shrapnel holes in the sides of cars... it was freakin’ awesome! But I’m all grown up now and don’t do stuff like that anymore... mostly.
  12. That's a pretty fucking bold statement to make with no metric with which to measure against. Now that's what I call a cop-out.
  13. I'm all over it. :brew: Thanks, Doc Wolfe!
  14. "Who's pickin' banjer, here?" "This river don' go to Aintree..."
  15. You're welcome, Kurt! Glad to be of service.
  16. Uhhhhhhh, Marc's not even old enough to buy beer yet... How old would that make you if you consider him "older"? I guess by your yardstick, I'm a fossil, no?
  17. Ah! I mistook the meaning of your post in response to Norm's post.
  18. Hardly a cop-out, Kev, let alone a "huge" one (like a Smith Rocks whipper??). Get off yer self-described lazy ass and put in a little effort, like a mouse click or two. Christ, do I have to do everything around here???
  19. Uhhh Doug... Norm's right. That was the Marshall Tucker band... linky debut album, second track...
  20. :lmao: I'm sorry, but I just couldn't keep from laughing. Now I need something to clean the beer off my monitor...
  21. Or roundhouse kick it to the recycling center
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