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Everything posted by erik
quote: Originally posted by gregm: i got tired of itchy and scratchy. and wanted to celebrate his favorite tv show....ally mcbeal
quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: From a healing standpoint, possibly, but from a trauma standpoint not even close. Femur and skull fractures lead the charge there. yea my skull fracture and facial lacerations bleed so much that i blacked out......quite fun when you are a couple miles from the truck....i still have the jersey that i was wearing and what once was blue is now all brown and black and red....bell was nice enough to give me a new helmet, but i was mind F*(&ked enough to sell my motorcycle....
quote: Originally posted by specialed: Ha Ha motherfucker Only if he knows how to fetch beer. I FIGURED AFTER I COULDNT TEACH YOUR SISTER HOW TO FETCH BEERS THAT MT CARRER AS A BEEER TEACHER WAS OVER.....BUT HE CAN DRIVE A SIXFOE WIT 20" GOLD "D'S"
i'll double woppers offer for those screws!!!
double trouble [ 02-06-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
well that is quite harsh allison. just proves sport climbing is that much worse then trad....i probably would have had like 6-7 pieces in by the time i was up to the second clip. you mention your parents find climbing scary...mine too. though the funny thing is that they prommoted us to race dirt bikes while growing up and after a shoulder injury and a head injury, they still claim it is safer then climbing.!?!?!?! (knock on wood)
special ned can i bring my dog to the crag with us???
quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: Chamonix dude go to France and you'll hear the locals dissin on that overprice tourist town. You would be better off picking La Grave for your comparison. But either way expect a posse of Ballardites coming down to T town to teach your punk ass a lesson. bring it on old man, bring it on.... okat i thought about it and i wouldn't want to compare the fine city of tacoma with anything french......tacoma is the the tacoma of the world....the city of destiny home of dwayner!!!!!!!!!!
quote: Originally posted by allison: I'll tell you what I think: This board is an extremely entertaining place to lurk. I have been lurking for weeks. A good sturdy flame suit might come in handy with this crowd. That's what makes it entertaining, but sometimes it's more fun to watch you guys slam each other around than get into the fray. This is my first post. You guys are a riot. allsion, i would agree with you about ballard it is dirty and overpriced and most of the people that live there think they live in the best place in world.....that why we equate tacoma to chamonix....all sort sof hard core dudes chillen creating trouble drinking.....
clod 437.7 miles from your house is hardly your backyard, unless you are ted turner..... what i am saying and i figure you probably know this, but ice changes pretty darn fast.....and two weeks ago is along time..... so gene good luck on finding someone to ride with...and i guess you dont have to worry about climbing with clod....
who cares what clod sayz i say check out the website http://coldfear.com/
quote: Originally posted by Zee: Anyone know the web site address for conditions up there? Thanks! YEAH IT IS RIGH HERE http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=search
yes a good time was had by all, even if i did leave early as usuall...but look at the alternatives.....hotties vs alpine masters???? hmmmm make your choice... and to that are concered garcia vega wasa very smooth guy with a long lasting effect last night.....i think jon is still passed out and where was special ned??? [ 02-06-2002: Message edited by: erik ]
quote: Originally posted by hakioawa: Fall. Thats my advice. Or, if you can find 2 belayers, set up a top rope with a loose belay. They with the second rope belayed from below, "lead" a pitch with variable quality placements and fall on each one. The top rope is there as a backup. You can start by placing a peice, down climbing a few feet below it and taking a little fall. Then fall from a position level with the piece. Then above it. You will quickly figure out a "good" vs. "questionable" placement. The only downside is the wear on your gear. my question to this..is how does this make you a better climber????? practicing falling i would believe make you only a better faller....and what is this crap with plaicing gear on tr then taking a tr on fall on to it.......perfect practice makes perfect.....all this other crap just confuses the situation..........
alpinek make sure you bring special ned down with you, he is always talking trash and then he never shows up and i think it is time i take the trash out........
it is too bad that that dude cannot debate an issue. just get pissed and refuse to listen to something other then his own and his friends opinion.....i guess thats why he couldn't handle the heat...... cause there is always more then one correct point of view with all situations.....especially one like bolting on public land..... oh well his lose.............
yes it is the swiss, we tacomans know how much you seatlle-lites hate to drive through our fair city, so we will make it easy on you!!!!!
bone, i ain't gonna do your homework for you!!!!
if aint english i think we should delate it, cause everyones foreign toungue love letters should be emailed to each other.........it get annoying to try and read that shit or even have it as some sort of game between people!!!!!!!!!!! delete delete delete
i think mattp wants one of you two to hold him on retainer.........cause here comes the judge...
or lock the topic and block his ip address from the website, i am sure that will be the ultimate torture, then he would have to actaully work..... todd, did something bad happen to you this weekend where you now fund this self defacing humor acceptable......i woud say you should call a help line or something.... start here http://www.northernconcord.org.uk/helpline.htm http://www.escoffier.com/ http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/5917 http://www.monkeybiz.freeserve.co.uk/pub_crawls/ http://www.nami.org/ http://www.petdoors.com http://www.victoriaprincipal.com/ http://www.adsnet.net/states.htm i hope all this helpss
and the problem with annexing colorado is that all those peeps will expect some sort of distribution of wealth once they are part of the o so great evergreen state..... send colorado back to mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think instead of killing todd we force him to hold caveman and lambones hands for an entire week.......now that is some punsihment.....and really gross 3 some............. torture at its finest.....
i vote for chucK..... for his honed crack technique and website that brings out the physcadelic visuals we all need during the work day!!!!!!!!!!!!
lucky we do know each other.....i climb with wallstein alot...... i have read into what you are saying, but read into what i am saying...... and i am not singling you out on anything......your final post just finally got me to say something....and i actually have quite a bit to say on it.... sunshine is entertaining place to climb, but is the rest of the area comparable???? for the most part no...but there are good lines out there..it is the rampart and excessive bolting that i think had brought all this on.....there was no problem in recent history(and yesi have heard about the previous incidents) until the new wave of route development went on.........so why nnow and not then.????? either way i am going home NO NEW ROUTES AT VANTAGE.....for the sake of Mother Earth!!! p.s. i am still an conservative