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Everything posted by erik

  1. quote: Originally posted by klar404: Whoa dude.... you, like, need a FLEECE SHEILD to keep eric from harshin' yer mellow. ya i know that guy erik who spells his name with a 'c' is a real jerk, just ask anyone....
  2. actually allison the accepted pub club attire is naked......
  3. matt, i still don't quite think the issue lies with people just stealing the hangers....sure thats what they are doing, but why???? and to put in glue in bolts you would have to redrill and that is messy and if they retro bolted alot of the those routes with as many bolts they have in them now....i might just weaken the rock..... and i also dont think making the bolts and hanger more permantent does anything but detract from the area..... i still say leave vantage alone for know.....there was controversy putting alot of the routes up and there will be alot of controversy taking them down...... i am going out there again this saturday and i will preport back some more of my investigations... anyone else want to come, it's only cragging might as well bring everyone!!!!!!
  4. we will ever know....another of lifes little mysteries
  5. quote: Originally posted by Charlie: How about the commercials during the superbowl- which was your favorite? charlie, the blasaphmay!!!! which one was everyone favorite.........i drink pepsi for one reason!
  6. another thing special is that the other night i was over at my friends house and caught a glimpse of the new christina aguliara xbox game.....pretty cool stuff....i really liked the way i could choose 1400 different colors for her hair....and the amount of clothing options blew my mind away!!!!!!!!!
  7. quote: Originally posted by specialed: Does anyone know when Britney Spears' new album is coming out? special email dwyaner i believe he already has a copy and also the new best of dvd....that guy has the hook up sometimes.......
  8. meatb the 1st step is getting rid of your kayak....like zena said you might drownd......i personally would say that kayaking is more dangerous then talking shit about lesbians in san francisco..... i sold my soul recnetly for a chica and i am now only starting to make principal payments to the devil to buy it back..... i say go climb, move from argon and hide in the mountains until the heat has passed.....
  9. i think the original idea was so that you would not have to take your pack off to get to the tools...you just reach around undo the buckle and viola... but i may be wrong i am sketchy
  10. climb the muir tree!!!!! thats the best thing to do in the valley hands down.....
  11. erik

    sleeping bags

    you know i am reading about all these sleeping bags for sale and the such and it brings up a couple of old stories of mine..... what are yours cause i need to judge how appropiate i should make them
  12. you know i am starting to wonder anut gregm first the naked baby now some gay people plus he has lust for dan larson......were you in thr army greg??? scary
  14. you know the thing that gets me about these rags is the lack of photo galleries.....what the fuck!!!!!! i always thought those were the best part of the rags and now if there are two pics it is a miracle...... i say we blow them up!!!
  15. okay okay i got one: 'specialed' thank you thank you please hold your applause!
  16. quote: Originally posted by MATT B: I have a problem but I want to face it. My name is Matt and I I need help. About 3 years ago I moved from Yosemite, got a job, got a girlfriend and got a kayak. Is there a cure for me matt in my professional opinion i would say you are screwed....run for the hills and leave your tupperware at home.....
  17. fairwether et al..... please spell my damn name right....it is not like there is no where to find the correct spelling..... anyway i am the 25th person my family to carry my name so atleast do it for the respect of history...
  18. that or try this website http://www.freedomofmind.com/
  19. quote: Originally posted by Gordonb: What do you guys mean by it is best never to fall? If you always climb with the idea that you can't fall how do you advance and try new skills? I am new to climbing and I expect to be falling a lot while I am working on technique, and I do. I do almost all my climbing on TR right now. If I started out with the idea that I couldn't fall then I would be stuck on 5.7s. I know that many of you would NEVER be seen on a bolted sport climb, so how do you push the limits of your skills? Or are you that are the deriding sport climbers the same ones that are hanging (and I mean hanging) around Vertical World complaining about the route grades? [ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: Gordonb ] gordon, it is not tjat we are saying don't fall. it is that we are saying don't accept falling....i mean we waste soo much money on all this gear that we use, that if you have made perfect practice at placing perfect pieces the fear of falling on them is just that a fear and all fears can be overcome, wether it be by many many succesful routes or just simple conditioning of your mind.....i don't like to fall, but i do....up until only recently i was really weirded out about falling then i took a phatty(thank you yellow alien) and after that i had no resvervations about it..... all fear is self created it is preconceived notions in our heads.....mostly what it was for me, was that i over thought the situation trying to factor in all the variables......i was getting into my own head and defeating myself....how can you push yourself when all you can think about is getting hurt???? simplify the route, like drul saud break it down into smaller parts....when i am leading a route i only look at the immediate, where is the next piece what moves does it take to get there.....i do not ask myself wether or not i can make, cause i know i can...even if i am at my limit....visualize success not faliure....
  20. quote: Originally posted by Dru: "why did the moron wrap his gerbil in duct tape?" "I'll tell you tomorrow" oops wrong punchline! going home early today to experiement drul???
  21. i would say sack it up and foregore th bouldering all together and climb the big stone...that way there is no question if the crash pad works or not. plus who wants to lug around some huge pad just so they can climb ten feet......?
  22. quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: Fred is cool, but people who get a woody cause they're in the same room as him need to catch a clue. what he said!!!
  23. jayb i commend your effort and i am all for replacing the missing hangers. but ask yourself this, will someone steal my hangers after i replace them??? and why are these people steeling the hangers??? and if you want i'll even help you replace them.... i still think though that until a reason or person is found, then maybe vantage should be left in it's current condition....for what i saw there appeared to be no dangerous situations......
  24. winter, now you are the same as fairwether with your comments. so repub vs demo is allworhtless anyways......just like most media....i wonder what ted turner thinks???....hmmmm lets turn on the the tv and find out......the media is as crooked as the most crooked politician.....what can i get for myself??? i think all people have had a valid opinion with this subject, but this is also a subject that has many different correct opinions. you just have to wade through the bullshit and pick up the facts that you believe are important and either hold true to your original opinion or maybe even form a new one.
  25. erik

    Don Humble

    quote: Originally posted by CleeshterFeeshter: SheeitU homies all gotza da Aidz in yo brane and yo lungz gonna splode. Talkin smack sheeit bout some kannok n da norf po drinkin likka. Dis OG buss yo azz in da pub n e time. Yo c me out dere an bess not thro no salt n muy game. a homey from bosie, na dats sum fukkin sheeit, sup homes ja b bringin eh on o whut foo.... me c u sum claims dood, sheeit u aint tuff just fluff.
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