Wait 6 months and see me?
No really, I'd see someone who attacks problems from a biomechanical standpoint, rather than a rack-em-and-crack-em subluxation based doc. Stay away from the ones with flashy ads, ask how long regular appointments are (no less than 15 min!), ask if everyone gets x-rayed (don't do it), ask if they are going to "scan your spine" with fancy equipment (scam or patient retention tool), see someone who does more than just "adjust". Sometimes good docs offer free 1st exam/tx to get patients...but more bad ones do that. Ask if the doc treats sports injuries specifically, not in a roundabout way by adjusting your neck to free the nerves or whatever. They should take a thorough history, perform a relevant physical including orthopedic tests, and give you a good reason for their treatment. Be aware of the package deals, although it is a good idea and a way to save money, a lot of scumbags use this. Not everyone needs to be treated 12 times.
I wish that the folks in my profession giving us a bad name would
be forced to change their titles to technician, not doctor. It's not solely their fault, I think if insurance companies would shape up, the crappy docs would do.