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Everything posted by Winter

  1. aw fuck blame yourselves first ya fucking pussies. especially you canuckians. media. soccer moms. suvs. arabs. TG beer. TG beer. TG beer. huh, what was i saying?
  2. Winter


    Shit that's the first I heard. RIP As Richard Thompson and Daddy Del sang: "I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome Swooping down from heaven to carry me home"
  3. BTW, the whole East Ridge is like easy 5th class with one move of 5.7.
  4. Oleg, the South Face looks really easy - I think its 5.4 or something? No problem at all. You could also ascend the East Peak from the saddle between the North and East Peaks (start of the East Ridge route). The route looks like its maybe 2-3 pitches and very straightforward with an easy rap back to the notch. I would caution though against ascending that gully with your kid unless there are no parties ahead of you because of rockfall hazard.
  5. There's a huge for sale - sale pending sign on the front of Climb Max. What gives? Are they moving or closing?
  6. Climb: North Ingalls Peak-East Ridge Date of Climb: 8/13/2005 Trip Report: Jessica (jezebal) and I climbed the East Ridge this past Saturday. We left the lot at about 6:00, took 1:15 to the pass and then lolly gagged it to the base of the route. We were the first party on route and were happy to avoid rockfall hazard. Great day to be out. The ridge was fun and easy. Jessica was having a great time. We encountered a group of 8-10 mounties. All in all very nice, but they had the south face totally strung up. Instead of rapping into that rat's nest, we looked for the walk off mentioned in Select Climbs. I think we found it - not sure. We headed straight down the faint ridge to the right (looking down) of the top out for the South face. We headed down and then left on sandy and blocky 3rd class till we got to a bench. From the bench 3-4 gully systems cut down and across back to the gully below the dog tooth notch. We took the most heavily travelled gully on the right, led down one full pitch of 4th to easy 5th to rap slings around a chockstone. Very narrow gully. From there its one 30m rap to the ground. All in all it was a great, relaxed and very fun day out. Jessica was a great partner. Kristin, out with a bulging disk, met us at the lake and walked back to the car with us. Sunday we all climbed at Tieton and ate Peach milkshakes. Ahhhhh ... Gear Notes: Light rack, Single 60 m rope, Mountie repellant Approach Notes: Take the slabs straight up from the lake until forced to the right at the top of the gully.
  7. Nice job!! In the spring of '01 there was no ice. Nice to see it back. Mt. Kenya is pretty much a stand alone mountain with several sub peaks. There are several other smaller peaks on surrounding ridge lines that have technical lines, but not a whole lot. Looked like there was signficant potential for new rock lines on the north and east sides. Great place!!
  8. Ahh but DonnV you did happen to see this blonde on the West Ridge of Forbidden.
  9. Haha! Do you always fantasize when you're with Oleg? We had a great day on the East Ridge. I love climbing (and my wife - now quit thinking about her)!!
  10. Nice job guys. Sounds like you saw Kristin at the lake on the way over. What a great weekend!!
  11. Pete you're driving the wrong way dude. Don't drive anywhere near Seattle on Sunday afternoon. Head back through Yakima.
  12. put em up on ebay and see what they fetch
  13. Shit this thread is rich. Climbing clubs suck and bars are the pits, but the anonymous internet is surely the place to find a perfect soulmate. My advice is to drink heavily, cause then you'll actually be able to talk to women in person.
  14. Winter

    Ok who was it?

    Word is that the legislature in Oregon this year was pretty happy to have some extra revenue from the medical marijuana program, so hopefully they'll become addicted to the money.
  15. bunglehead, your name is now on the list of question-askers. They're watching.
  16. If its any help, I was tied into a 30 m 8 mmm line on a moderate snow and ice climb when the leader fell. The leader took a full 60 m fall and I took a 30 m fall on 50-60 degree terrain. The last guy in line self-arrested. The line held no problem.
  17. I suddenly have a weekend free! Who wants to climb this weekend? Backbone/S. Face Prussik/N. Ridge Sherpa/WA Pass I'm game for anything. I may not have a car, so if you're from Portland, that would be better.
  18. Nice work Bill. Good TR. How's the miss Oregon runner-up?
  19. I blew out one of the trigger wires on my purple Alien during this last trip. I could probably figure this process out, but has anyone in PDX ever replaced one of these? I have the wire attached to the lobe but will need the short cable, the small swage and then the big swage on the other side of the deck. Any metal working gurus willing to donate an hour or two for some TG?
  20. Winter

    The Finest Buzz

    The morning after a binge on TG. Actually no wait - that's the worst part of the buzz - until you take a painkiller - then that's a pretty good buzz.
  21. Uhh, well let's just say that with morning dew on the bush, we were dripping wet by the time we broke out of the jungle.
  22. Climb: Mt. Slesse-Northeast Buttress Date of Climb: 7/24/2005 Trip Report: Drew Hansen and I climbed the NE Buttress on Sunday and Monday. The pocket glacier is gone, and the prop cairn is by far the best approach to the entrance gully. We left the car at 5 am at the first washout and topped out at 9:30 pm. We bivvied on top and spent the next day mired in the hell of the crossover descent. Avoid. There is some snow left above the first step. That's it until the summit. There is a substantial snow patch left on the summit. Made for a perfect bivy. May post some measly pictures when we get back from the next outing. Gear Notes: No axe and spikes, bivy bag no sack Approach Notes: Go from the prop cairn unless you want the full ridge
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