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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Hahaha!! Holy shit that boa constrictor picture is hillarious. I've had demented fantasies of watching my cats duke it out with my roommate's new boa.
  2. with a ticket stub in your hand!
  3. Matt, thanks for posting this. If folks have questions about the settlement on Mt. Hood let me know. We've all got a lot of work left to get done, including a wilderness bill, land trade and protection of the Crystal Springs watershed, so we're far from done.
  4. http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/09/28/delay.investigation.ap/index.html Those fucking grand juries in Texas are run by a bunch of liberal freaks!! This comes at possibly the worst possible time for Bush.
  5. That's a lot different from a court enforcing fair market value.
  6. Except our government has to pay fair market value for the property. Pretty big difference.
  7. Blame the aliens, blame the aliens!!!
  8. "Playing in a rock and roll band is a lot of hard work." - Dee Dee Ramone RIP
  9. Where's the info on House's climb?
  10. Attended third weekend of weddings in a row. On the up side, I got totally waxed. Are there still mountains out there?
  11. This whole story is really funny, because I met him in the Bugs last year shooting the shit with Mark Synnot and then climbed with him at Smith with MtnHigh this past spring. He was relaying a story about the NE Butt of Slesse being a dream for him and a friend and the knocking it out and realizing that it was piece of cake, so he started soloing. We put up some .11a sport route on the shitpile, and he's like "sweet, I've never led .11a before." He aced it. Really nice guy. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he's a pilot and not a guide unless he got a new job.
  12. Have you tried smoking it yet? Could eliminate a few possibilities.
  13. His plans must have changed. We talked back in the fall about a possible trip to AK during the spring but I couldn't swing it. Haven't spoken to him since, but we has planning a trip up the West Butt with some friends.
  14. Aw shit I know Aidan. I think he was piloting for TAT this season in AK. Did he mention something about that?
  15. We started the crux pitch from an obvious slung horn and then led straight up and slightly right through a notch in between two small roofs. Then further right on small holds to a grassy ledge. Not sure if we were on route ... prolly not, but it worked.
  16. and they make your shit blue on top of that.
  17. Guys did you know that the credit companies keep a detailed sexual history of you and your spouse and give you negative points for gettin your dick wet in the wrong place. Seriously. RBW had his score knocked down about 75% from what I hear.
  18. Ralph Nader would be so proud of all of you!! Gold stars all around!!!!!
  19. Guys they can't confirm it, because then only have one of this two urine samples. Furthermore, 15 other samples tested positive as well, and we don't know how many they have. Why don't we hear about the other 14 riders being identified publically and questioned? Because the French hate Armstrong and want to bring him down b/c he dominated their support. And they smell like armpit.
  20. Pittsburgh Steelers? Come on!!! Does this guy look jacked up? They weren't the "leaders" ... everyone was doing it and they didn't even know what it was.
  21. Wow, the "end of climbing?" Come on. That's pretty reactionary. Defendants love to bitch and complain about all the bad things that can result from a plaintiffs' verdict. Its called a PR campaign, and apparently its working pretty well. You think 1 $10 million lawsuit is going to convince the park service to close Yos to climbing?Yeah right. What's the climbing business worth to the local economiy there? Let the process play itself out before everyone starts passing judgments about a situation they know very little about. They've got a tough case to prove. Maybe win maybe lose, but crying about a speculative impact on the sport seems like an over reaction given the suffering that the family has gone through.
  22. I blame TG for world's ills and the bad case of the runs I get every monrning.
  23. aw right like that's freakin original. i liked the climb into your mom's bed.
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