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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Oleg, screw the naysayers and jackasses. Good TR. Glad you enjoyed it. Get out there and climb more.
  2. We had a good showing last night. TG, great hanging with you as always. Where are all the womyn?
  3. shoot fireworks out my ass.
  4. What's the problem with scientists having a policy position so long as the integrity of their work is there? I think its unfair and unrealistic to expect scientsts to remain the only nuetral sector of the public.
  5. beer beer beer beer beer. who wants a beer? is 10:30 too early to start drinking beer? went to cascade lakes brewery this weekend, and their beer SUCKS compared to TG. Steve, wanna open a brew pub in Terrebonne?
  6. FW, you said the roadless rule was clearly a case where the politics was put before the science. Which science was relegated? What science are you talking about? Do you have anything at all to support your statement or are you simply making politically motivated generalization with no factual support? Now you are switching stances and complaining about process? The Forest Service got over 1 million comments in favor of the roadless rule. Which part of the process do you object to? And the 9th Circuit is somehow irrelevant and inherently wrong because they are a "liberal" court and their decisions mean nothing? Do you have any facts to support that opinion? Do you know anything about the courts and judges that have ruled against the roadless rule to somehow place their opinion above that of the 9th? But you did correct my spelling again - good job on that. I give to you kudos on you're made speling skillz. Kepp up the god prof reeding!
  7. Hey FW, where is your support for your argument on the roadless rule? And what do you know about the importance and ecologcial value of roadless areas? Back up your politically-motivated statements with facts or you're no better then the scientists you decry.
  8. Definitely the NE Ridge of Bugaboo. Crowded classic though. W. Ridge of Pigeon is awesome also. Kain Route is so so. Tons of scrambling to get to the good climbing. Lions Way is great for a short outing. If you can climb 5.9, Surf's Up is a great route, with only short 5.8 cruxes. North Ridge of North Howser is supposed to be great, but I haven't done it.
  9. Exactly, he has no integrity so why is it relevant? Thank god, because I was starting to believe I was an obnoxious gay foster child attorney with really bad spelling for a second.
  10. layton how's that for your teabag?
  11. How about this for a blood sucking parasite?
  12. that was definitely dfa's worst post to date - and there's been some pretty bad ones.
  13. Is that the elephant man on the right?
  14. Haha! On the Annapurna Circuit, we crossed a river and got to the other side. The leaches were real bad that day, and we had this little piece of cheese cloth tied in a knot with some salt inside to get the little fuckers off. So we get to the other side, and my friend pulls his hand out of his pants and has blood all over it. His balls were getting sucked dry! He was screaming for the cheese cloth, jumping up and down, but my hands were too cold and I was laughing too hard to get it untied. Holy shit, what a great scene.
  15. oh great mike. just don't write any tr's about the event.
  16. Yeah, let's do the R&R - was there last night and they got hte TG ESG on tap - along with the world famous TG IPA. What time? 8?
  17. Wow, good responses FW. I'm impressed by both your spelling and parenting skills. Keep up the good work skippy!
  18. I think Alan Watts is the best all around climber. Well, after Ryan Lawson. What about the best all around drug smuggler, climber, base jumper, horse breeder? Hmmmmmm .....
  19. Steve, I'm in. I also got the version of Kiss or Kill you lent me. Fun read. Let me know when and where and Kristin and I will probably make it out to drink some of your finest.
  20. Exactly why is the insurgents' side of the story less newsworthy than our side? Let's say hypothetically (and I don't believe this to be the case) that the Iraqis were willing to slaughter some westerners and then hold a big freaking street party just because one of their buddies had a camera and access to AP. Ain't that newsworthy? How would that reflect on the pictures that were shot or the way they were published? PP, I think you make a lot of assumptions about the validity of photo journalism, and your assumptions are informed more by your obvious political predispositions than any objective perspective on the value of the press. Fairwether, you are once sick fucker if you think images of executions are a good thing simply because the people getting their brains blown out are communists. Pathetic. I hope you don't teach your kids these same values, because they'll probably walk into class one day with a sidearm pointed at the class "communist." I suppose you're in favor of the death penalty and war but opposed to abortion, assisted suicide and probably even birth control (since your parent should have used it). Typical conservative hypocracy. And you were being a fucking pussy on top of that by complaining on ascensionist.com about RBW's accident report without confronting any of the invovled parties directly. And why don't you answer RBW's question about your service history? Why didn't you ask Rob or myself about what happened or how it was reported? Probably safer to just hang out in the dark recesses of the internet where nobody can see your face (or what your hands are doing). How's that for personal attacks? Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  21. Isn't relying on a climbing web site for political and civic engagement manufacturing anti-social behavior?
  22. Isn't deceiving the American people with false information on WMD manufacturing a war?
  23. I heard APs directory of photography interviewed on NPR yesterday. He claims that many of the photos, including the ones of burned corpses, were shot by Iraqi photographers. The AP hired Iraqis, beacuse the security situation fell apart and western journalists were being killed. He also alleged that the Iraqi photographes put ther own lives on the line to get these shots and that they were physically thretened and had to flee the scene of many of these photos once the mobs relized what they were doing.
  24. Janet and Sarah would fly to Peru to attempt the first all-female ascent, via the 14-pitch Original Route, of La Esfinge (the Sphinx), a 17,470-foot granite wall in the Cordillera Blanca. That's rich. a 17,000 ft. wall - in only 14 pitches. That's a long rope.
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