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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. Of course the sound of a pagetop is better even if you have to post twice.
  2. The sound of one hand clapping is so peaceful [img:center]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ZW3K6N20L._SL500_AA300_.jpg[/img]
  3. Wahoo, or sounds promising I hope it stays that way
  4. AlpineK


  5. This is a cross post from the Freshiezone. Ski In 2012 Lots of snow in the mountains. The skiing should be good. There's lots of nice cragging nearby. You can climb, ski, or both.
  6. Would you rather have a whole or half dollar? Hmmm
  7. Nobody's mentioned Metaline Falls either. Small town, cragging, and close to Nelson and the great white north. Metaline Falls One of the [img:center]http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/24524398.jpg[/img]
  8. If you show up to an ISA Regional Tree Climbing Competition you have to pass gear check the day before the competition. If your gear consists of a bear suit and trampoline or pad that's an instant DQ.
  9. The annual Ski In party is scheduled for May 12 to 13. As always a fun party with camping near Mazama. There is Great skiing and fun climbing nearby. You can pick your poison or do both. Last year we skied and climbed at Goat Wall. [img:center]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-QvRZa4d3DF8/T4s5k7He1zI/AAAAAAAAB28/Z8JSqC6A6B8/s912/W5-2012-04-14_C_Lake_Run_.jpg[/img] If you plan to come send David Parker or me a private message. The property owners requested names of people attending the event, or at least the name of the driver and number of people in the group. I'll let David comment on that. If you don't know the location of the cabin David or I can give you directions. We can't post them online. PS: We've made our best guess for the date of the event based on the WSDOT plowing progress on HWY-20. There is a risk due to weird weather and snow, but it wouldn't be a fun outdoor event without a little risk
  10. After climbing all the 14ers and ascending the glaciers of the RAD state you'll scoff at glaciers in the PNW If you do move to Renton here's an educational video [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FiLz1HYGzo
  11. I was intrigued at first, but you never mentioned hanging out in the hut. Pictures of kite skiing on the Muir Snowfield would be interesting, but you weren't there. Them's the breaks
  12. If you want heals that lock and unlock Randonee = Rando = Alpine Touring. Otherwise you'd be telemarking, split boarding or suffering. You'll be in the backcountry. You need navigation skills. Mountaineering/scrambling, and winter traveling experience is important. Take an Avalanche Level-1 class. Spend most of your money on boots that fit your feet. You can get a beater pair of skis and replace them later.
  13. Wack jobs are everywhere.
  14. Stagnation Sometimes stagnation is good [video:youtube]
  15. If you have a Mac get one of these Lytro If you have a PC like me you'll have to wait
  16. When first posted it was funny [img:center]http://cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/503/Yes_You_.gif[/img] After years and years and years of posting the luster has worn off for most. Raindawg is a long-term relationship kind of guy. I guess that's good, but :[]
  17. Umm keenwesh I'm not sure you understand the reference [img:center]http://www.triumphtorque.com/media/file/68220.jpg[/img]
  18. AlpineK

    never mind

    My dad used to climb in the Icicle and I had to tell him everybody uses rock shoes these days. Rock shoes?
  19. AlpineK

    never mind

    Especially kids. I'd rather have kids scrambling all over the icicle hip-belaying each other in tennis shoes than not at all. As if an organization charging $185 can't afford to have ATC's and pear biners to loan to their students. This is all a 3rd or 4th hand discussion. What did they get for $185? Class time before the field trip too? Do they get more practice time/field trips? Every organization figures out a price to charge. Sometimes it's excessive sometimes not. In any case learning and practicing a hip belay first sounds like a good idea. I had to learn how to do a dulfersitz rap before I could use equipment. I've actually used it 3 or 4 times when we were trying to save weight on a trip (rope but almost no other gear). Forgetting or loosing gear is one of the risks of climbing.
  20. AlpineK

    never mind

    When I attended the Mountaineers basic climbing class the only way we learned how to belay was using a hip belay. I didn't die or kill anybody on belay. Learning how to climb without spending big bucks at the climbing store is a good thing.
  21. Maybe she's related to Timothy Bibler [img:center]http://www.bustedmugshots.com/image/get/listing/mug-shot-17655971.jpg[/img] Timothy Bibler
  22. I met this hot chick with the last name of Smith. I think her family is friends with some folks names Wesson. What do you think? [video:youtube]
  23. Climbing pfft! Mono sports are so dull
  24. That'll cost you [img:center]http://www.spray.com/automated_systems/images/ms1550_main.jpg[/img]
  25. These folks can help [img:center]http://www.spray.com/images/rotating/injectors.jpg[/img] [img:center]http://www.spray.com/images/rotating/spraying.jpg[/img]
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