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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. He's been off form for months.
  2. You're just pissed cause you'll never get any in the Oval Office.
  3. I took the Mounties basic course and dropped out of the intermediate course. I think the basic course provides a good general background for mountaineering. The intermediate course is only good if you want to stay in the Mounties system. If you want to be a hard core Mounty climber then take the class. If you want to be a competent unaffiliated climber then: climb a bunch, take short seminars, consider hiring a guide for a day or two. The only real bitch I have about the Mounties system is the use of intermediate students(last years basic students) as instructors.
  4. If I've gotta drive after a climb then I drink Red Bull After driving or if I don't have to drive then beer
  5. Wouldn't the obvious next step to be the 120m rope
  6. I would take a single set of cams small-#4 camalot, stoppers, and a set of tri cams (I like em but chuck had some hexes) plus at the very least another #4; we found several placements for a #5.
  7. If you had climbed the route (Flavelle/Howe) you would know that there is about 1000' of mid 5th and 1.5 pitches of 5.10.
  8. Whales are gross.
  9. I can see that working on that route, however I don't think it would be a good idea in general.
  10. AlpineK

    Flash Mobbing

    Folks right here have been, "Flash Mobbing," for 3 years.
  11. AlpineK


  12. AlpineK


  13. AlpineK

    Gay Marriage

    Well welcome to the board you worthless puke.
  14. Yeah, and she was, "rescued," after some Iraqi told the US army to come pick her up. The whole Jesica Lynch thing is almost as big a con job as the president telling everyone that Iraq had WMD.
  15. Cheatin'
  16. I think reparations are ok when you can find the actual victims. Sure give holocaust some money, and Japanese Americans that were interned deserve something. However I think you would be hard pressed to find a living, black exslave. The Civil War was like 140 years ago.
  17. AlpineK

    f' 'u

    That verb makes me a little nervous... So you ran into this herd of sheep....and then......
  18. Sounds fun, but it would have messed with our climbing schedule. Party another time!
  19. I've always wanted to set that shredded rubber at the base of the rock on fire.
  20. Nice to meet ewe.
  21. Fuck yeah, true fredom, that's what we got down here is true fredom. You ain't got none of that shit up in the great white north.
  22. I always liked the scene at the beginning of Men in Black where the slackjawed farmer challenges the alien who's just landed in his yard. Alien: Give me your weapon Farmer: You can pry my gun out of my cold dead hand Alien: Your proposal is acceptable. Mayham
  23. You would think the government would let it drop. I mean I don't think any of those, "human shields," changed the way the war went. Then again Asscraft is a prick of major proportions.
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