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Everything posted by rayborbon

  1. Well just heard FB cannot make it. Will try with him next week in Seattle or wherever. He says if it's sausage fest he will not go then though Be in the Quah later tonight.
  2. I'll be there in Issaquah around 6:30 or 7. Icegirl you are invited. Allison cheer up you'll have a party 6 times over there before I get one again. Dont be greedy we have waited a long time -Ray
  3. Stay tuned, I may never be nice. So kiss it
  4. quote: Originally posted by icegirl: It seems like the "official" pub club is gonna be in 'Quah.. and us lame asses who don't want to drive will be having a cold one at the Park, so what are the rest of you freaking out about... Oh, wait, this is CC.com. Spraying to spray and increase our number of posts... What was I thinking... You are invited. Just dont expect me to be sober or nice It's like a brawl i tell you I win!
  5. quote: Originally posted by allison: Holy Maybelline, Icegirl, the Lads Who Love To Spray have gotten all SENSITIVE on us! Jay-zus H. Jimminy! We'll see you guys next week, hopefully with slightly thicker SKINS!!! PS. You want us to show, offer to drive us. Lemme see Holly rode with me last time I went. I dont think you are on the right track. Thin skin rules! Bit me!
  6. Funny thing is has anyone looked at
  7. quote: Originally posted by specialed: FB works? Yes FB has worked all his life and still does. Ulti Respect because he has and done so much... Just watch your woman in case he shows!
  8. quote: Originally posted by icegirl: fine by me... I only piped up about a pub club because no one else had... Not here for an argument or sprayfest, just trying to figure out if the drinking is close to home or not. I apologize if I made the E. Siders feel shorted by ignoring their request for a Pub Club, but as I've been working quite a bit as of late, have not been up on the Pub Club discussions about desired whereabouts for a couple weeks. Honestly I really don't care tremedously where it is, and yes, I went to Issaquah even though the "Official" one was in Tacoma. I'll go to ones that strike me as interesting (FB showing up for example, and I do apologize for getting there late BTW) or close to home. This is all getting awfully regimented for something that is supposed to be a fun thing for people to drop in on... Whatever... I agree 100% with you. I only said I will see if FB will show no promises on short notice like this. He is a pretty old guy and drives a bit to go to these from work. But he lives near Iassaquah
  9. quote: Originally posted by allison: Have a nice Sausage Fest, boys. I dont need any people like you showin' if you plan to be like that. Personally I take this as a whimsical humorous personal insult. Plenty of friends will show I am sure. PS I dont cater to women when drinking or climbing. Never have.
  10. quote: Originally posted by icegirl: Seattle is where some of us are drinking tomorrow. (unless of course FB is willing to give us another chance) My rational could be way off, but here goes... (Pullling out the Spray Umbrella) Seems to me a lot of the pub club-ers who I've met (at pub clubs) live in about a 5 mile radius of the Ballard Bridge... We are all happy to drive now and then (I've been to an Issiquah Pub Club) but 3 weeks in a row on the outskirts? (correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Alki, Tacoma, and now aiming for E. side?) Why not something like this... Alki - Seattle - Tacoma - Seattle - E. Side - Seattle - North somewhere - Seattle... etc.. For those of you going to the Seattle meeting for the public input on the Mt. Rainier GMP/EIS thing; do show up, the fun goes on into the wee hours, don't feel bad about getting there late! Oh brother here we go again. This has been discussed. Fuck it you guys go where you want. If that is the way you are you can kiss my I think it has been 4 weeks? since east side? I dont want to drink with whiners. Even the last pub club in the Quah was a near no show anyway. Icegirl barter but the standard will certainly be in the Quah. -R
  11. Bogus all but me and Cascadeclimber. I call it in Issaquah. Long overdue. Mattp we on? Erik?
  12. I would like to go. But dont know yet. I will see if FB is available to go too. Last time few people showed and I\he was dissappointed If he shows I show. PS there is a smoking section. No need to be a robot. -R
  13. [ 03-09-2002: Message edited by: rayborbon ]
  14. Oh brother Erik is soo the authoritator. Tell you what. You cannot erase what I say in real life. So you can moderate this Either way I have friends to drink with and dont need to visit Toilet town. Squish was way better than any pub club anyway. Nice people no tudes, Fred hitting on every woman imaginable, and mechanical bull throwing victims onto the barroom floor. Thanks for the offer Kevin. -R [ 03-04-2002: Message edited by: rayborbon ]
  15. http://www.promountainsports.com has some pants Kelty for 80$ wb if you believe in that wb bs. I got a pair cuz I always kick holes in mine while climbing. I do not see any need to buy 450 gore tex..
  16. All right whiners I am not going to Tacoma. Also bring your own Krispy Kreams. I just want a stout beer!
  17. I hereby declare next weeks at Issaquah Brew Pub again. Fred might be in attendance depending on his schedule. Just had a few beers with him in Redmond He said he likes to party!
  18. Did someone do a new route on Sloan last year or year before? Do you know who it was, and if so, how get hold of the person? Interested. Thanks,-Rayrayborbon@hotmail.com
  19. Maybe round 2 should start?
  20. Huh!?
  21. Bottom Line your name is Lamboner so you will never be in Also we are not the Trad Kings anyway.
  22. Yeah and to be honest in most situations if you need that much I say practice on easier, shorter, less travelled routes. Don't hog up the crags and then drop your water bottles and radios on me. Gimme a break
  23. Shrinkin Ball Disease hahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahaha
  24. Ron, You may be a nice guy but did we think before we drilled? http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000203.html http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000232.html MX On Belay posted 03-25-2001 06:29 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I did the route last week and must say it's really nice. It's a great, pleasant line with varied climbing and lots of fun movement. The approach offers a nice warm up and super views of the Stuart Range. My only complaint is that the route is overbolted. I appreciate the route setter's desire to make the route safe and popular, but anyone who can climb 5.10b can deal with a fifteen foot runout on 5.6 slabs. My advice is to do it in three and a half pitches. Bring 16 draws (or tweleve and skip a bunch of bolts) and do two "pitches" at a time. Basically, it's a nice three pitch route with super views. IP: Logged Freerider unregistered posted 03-25-2001 11:02 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you MX for your constructive comments, they have been duely noted! I'd rather be outside, ron
  25. Hi everybody, This is all interesting. I think I am with Jordan's well thought out comments. Mitch, you might just have the balls of steel I may never grow heheh. -RB
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