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Everything posted by rayborbon
Super Slab Trad 5.6 Purple Headed Warrior bolted 5.7
Erik, Actually the DMM Prowire is just as light and has a larger gate opening I have each and the DMM is of higher quality too. But it's all just gear anyway!
Pope,I did also hear from another source that Easter Overhang rox the mind. Keep the spray coming. Those moves on Brass Balls are bomber and yes I agree it is indeed short but like I mentioned this is around my limit of flailing abilities so I asked I guess Bo Derek's crux is really some face moves too but it's pretty stellar as well all in all....
I already have the updated topo for that one
Hello, I know it is a longshot but: A friend was asking me if anyone had info on a new topo of Kangaroo Temple. Said he got the info but mislocated it including who gave it to him and would like to get it again. If you have this please send me an email at rayborbon@hotmail.com Thank you
quote: Originally posted by cappellini: there's a great fist crack near uranus....i thought it was nine plus...tape helps I need caving equipment and a parachute to climb the crack near uranus. No big bro or camalot #5 could protect that chasm
http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=001841Best 10b crack thread above :-)
I have not done a whole lot of them but here's a local one that's pretty sweet. Brass Balls Castle Rock Spray Away!
Ok if you say so. I will find the diros and see if I can make it. What time is this NPS stuff going to end?
Dru and Layton, It's good to hear arguments like this. That way I can find out all the names of good routes. Considering I have been to Squamish once I can tap into this info if wanted.
I flailed following Sinsemilla. The best crack I have yet to do out in V. About as good as many granite cracks too. I saw many friends. AlpineK was drinkin and climbing at the feathers. He might still be there. Smelled Dagen's nasty poop. Yuck!
And who is going?
I know who smoky is but I wil never tell
Prusik Peak southern or western routes The Monument's West Face (rope throw and prusik to summit) Toketie Wall aka Smoke a Thai Wall The Botxtop Beckey Route (tunnel through peak) Mt Daniel any route and peak Mt Baker whatever way looks good Mt Stuart N Ridge Dragontail Peak via Serpentine Ridge (Backbone and others look good too) Slesse NE Butt bypass not easier variations Sahale whatever you want
Dont forget your air voyagers
W's response was very tastefull Personally I take most of your comments as toilet talk. I dont think you have even tried to say anything but offensive things to me. Not that I need any friends but get real and dont be a hypocrite if you are going to act so high and mighty. I think I will go out and chop your next sport project for fun.
Here's my version of his documentary: HEY FRED! WHICH ROUTE YOU WANNA TICK? Huh did you say chicks? FRED, YOU GOT ME ON BELAY? Wha? I know your name is Ray? Where are those chicks you were talking about? NEVERMIND. HEY, FRED WHAT ROUTE IS GOOD AROUND HERE FOR TOMORROW? Just look in my book uhuh. They're in there. YEAH THANKS FOR THE ADVICE. Them girls over there look pretty cute. Good eye Ray. YEAH OK. HOW ABOUT YOUR BROTHER HELMEY? YOU CLIMB WITH HIM MUCH. Nope, he lives in Germany. I am going to see if I can get that one gals phone #. OK FRED BUT SHE IS KIND OF FAT! Huh, you say something? I SAID YOU GO DO THAT! TELL HER TO MEET US AT THE PUB LATER!
quote: Originally posted by philfort: A thinly veiled personal attack on me I see. I was simply correcting misinformation. What I said was true: the incident happened Sunday. And, the avi danger was worse Monday than Sunday (based on both the avi forecast, and common sense). That said, I agree the avi danger was bad Sunday. I was at Baker, and we basically bailed on doing any skiing because of it. 2 feet of consolidated snow on ice crust. I skied up to this (safe) 15 foot convex roll and said "Let's see if I can make this slide". I made one gentle hop, and *crack*, and the slope fractured down to the ice crust and slid off. Phil,There are no thinly veiled attacks. If I was to "attack" you it would be really obvious. I have no reason to "attack" you. Get real. I have more fun making jokes and such about you instead... I was just trying to understand why you would write such. Seemed confusing from my perspective. -R
quote: Originally posted by allison: I'm certainly not "scared" to meet you or anyone else associated with cc.com. To wit, I've been to PC in Seattle several times. I'm just not enthused enough about it to drive to I-Quah, that's all. There's always next week... Exactly where some of us are coming from. We simply are not fired up to drive drunk all over.. That is why I pulled the karate chop and demanded we have it. It's been a while. I was just joking about the whole scared deal. Dont worry I am an asshole in person too. You'll find out for sure some day
quote: Originally posted by philfort: I learned of this accident yesterday morning, so I think it happened Sunday (when the avalanche danger was not quite so high), not Monday as the avi report stated. I read the avy forecast sunday. I was out sunday too in Alpental Valley for about 15 minutes... I think the forecast was moderate and supposed to go to extreme that evening. Phil, I dont know how that is supposed to be not so high. Perhaps you are getting your info from somewhere different than mine. But first hand viewing the conditions over the weekend and I will say that I did not need to read the avvy forecast anyway. Just was more curious what it said. Considering the amount of snow that fell over the weekend I cant even try to understand why you would write the above.
I show at the pub club to see the new girls and start bar room brawls. Another reason is that I get tired of drinking all by myself too. I also like to rap with friends bragging about the latest 40 year old testpiece I climbed and lie saying I did not pull on the gear or bypass the cruxes.. Plus I dont mind some trash talk as well. This one should be fun now I can talk shit to Cascadeclimber drunk! I hope Phil shows so I can make fun of him too. My guess is that he will not...
W,Right on you should show tonight in the brew house. Honestly I dont understand the internet people. At least some of them. I dont have any problems expressing my disagreement or even dislike about persons publicly. I guess that is not PC? I dont see it as a big deal to be honest.. Call it spray I call it being myself. A true way of understanding me is just giving up trying to I dont post here for anyone's enjoyment but my own. Anyway sounds like you had a blast in the rockies? Curious about your road trip. Where you headed? If you are coming to the bar then just tell me then. -R
W, Yes it was clear I dont care about the Darwin award talk. Everyone has their moments How ya been anyway? I guess I was supposed to read Phil's mind or into the future therefore already knowing what he might post in response to my comments? I think Phil just knows I dont really care for him is all. Maybe he is trying to come out of the closet as a true homo that once secretly loved me and now hates me since he has found out I am not gay. Barf! How's that for a thinly veiled attack Phil?
Allison if you are too scared to meet us out here I understand. We are a bunch of savages with beer foaming out of our mouths. But if you do show it will prove your courageousness