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Everything posted by rayborbon

  1. http://icehome.in.pi.cnr.it/Icehome.htm I really like the gallery.
  2. Anyone have these? I would like feed back on them if so..
  3. Mike, you would make a great defensive player!! I would avoid you that is for sure. Maybe you should play for the Tbirds since they could use a real "enforcer" type of player! Wreck someones day and it's all legal. [This message has been edited by rayborbon (edited 02-15-2001).]
  4. http://www.geocities.com/~gibell/trip_reports/index.html
  5. The Messner quotes are amusing but not always fitting the situation.... If bolts are necessary I guess put them in. If not don't. If you are putting up ice routes then I would assume you would be able to make them calls considering the experience necessary to do that(maybe not Jim Yoder though). Pitons may be an alternative since they can be removed. If it is mixed I would understand bolting even more. -Ray [This message has been edited by rayborbon (edited 02-13-2001).]
  6. Don't get me wrong I am just really busy at work. Lyle is a great source of information and a really friendly guy. I think if you read his last post I agree that you should explore around and give Marble Canyon a break. -Ray
  7. I am a Redwings fan so DIE Canucks! [This message has been edited by rayborbon (edited 02-13-2001).]
  8. We will have a round 2 of drinkin now! Get ready to be demolished by my abilities! I was aiding up Plan B screws every 3 feet! I even placed some ice hooks too! -Ray
  9. Five days ago, our friends at Free Our Forests (www.freeourforests.org) created an Internet "Petition Against User Fees On Public Lands". As of this morning, the petition had already gathered 190 signatures. This is remarkable, given the short time and limited exposure the petition has had. Now the trick is to multiply this number 100 fold or, hopefully, much more than that! In fact, an older printed petition (downloadable at www.wildwilderness.org/docs/petition.htm ) has already gathered more than 19,000 signatures. But, gathering signatures on paper is a slow, manually intensive and time consuming process. It has taken over two years to accumulate those 19,000+ signatures on paper. Due to the urgency with which we must communicate to Congress the widespread opposition to Fee-Demo, we enthusiastically support the use of the new Internet petition which appears at http://www.petitiononline.com/feedemo/petition.html . We encourage you to not only sign this petition, but to make the existence of this petition widely known. Filling out the Internet petition takes but a moment. For those who'd prefer to sign a paper petition, we encourage you to download and use our older petition. Thanks very much for your help and support. Scott PS... Please feel free to distribute this message far and wide. ----Petition Follows---- http://www.petitiononline.com/feedemo/petition.html To: President George W. Bush We, the undersigned, object to the proposed collection of additional user fees (for parking, hiking, camping, riding, etc.; Public Law 104-134) outside of developed campgrounds on our public lands (U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife) for the following reasons: · As U.S. citizens we have already paid taxes for professional management of our public lands. · Once fees are implemented, history shows they increase over time. · While these fees may not seem excessive to some now, we have watched fees at other sites, i.e.. National Parks, double in one year. · We believe it is the right of all Americans to have free access to these lands, not the right of only those who can afford to pay fees. · We believe it is unlikely that the fee program will benefit public lands. History shows fees returning to the general fund once fee program is established. Despite claims that the money will return to the site where it was collected, Congress historically cuts the agency's operating budget by the same amount as the amount of fee money returning to the site. · We oppose plans to charge users of backcountry and undeveloped areas to pay for development of campgrounds and "front country" they are not, and may have no intention, of using. · We believe that Congress should re-evaluate its priorities and allocate sufficient funds for the proper management of these cherished resources, held dear to all Americans. Sincerely, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scott Silver Wild Wilderness Bend, OR 97701 e-mail: ssilver@wildwilderness.org Internet: http://www.wildwilderness.org ********************************************* [This message has been edited by rayborbon (edited 02-13-2001).]
  10. Lyle, I just know you cannot keep up in the drinking department for sure. Jordan and I were wondering if you even knew we had your book let alone where it was We did the Tube, hard to protect the crux in it's conditions, Loose Lady, and yes we had to do pitch one of Icy BC. We investigated in the vicinity of Salmon Stakes and I got somewhat wet so we made for plan b but that area kicks ass (not the climb I know why it is named such). I guess you were too scared to get up for the drinkin eh. Oh, BTW I don't take advice on routes from Canadians just on conditions. -Ray [This message has been edited by rayborbon (edited 02-13-2001).]
  11. Not one of the 2 mentioned but not to be overlooked if you are looking for a tool. My friend recently purchased Dmm Flys and really likes them (I am jealous). You can still bash the knuckles on steeper 4-5 ice. However the pick seems to be solid. The parts between the pick and hammer on top is ergonomic for alpining. The grip is great and rubberized only where you need it and they are extremely light. Not too specialized for Waterfalls is what I like.. Some tools I find do not perform as well on lower angle ice like Grivel Top Machine and Quarks and other radically bent shafts... However that might be what you want. The pick also releases easier than most if you overdrive it. The price cannot be matched for the value you get in my opinion. -Ray
  12. Get the West Coast Ice book by Don Serl and some other guy. It has details. -Ray
  13. ...Dreaming about Climbing in the Bugs and Pickets for sure!
  14. Start it up dude! It is off the subject from this.
  15. Gargle it! Is there not a climb by this name?
  16. Colin, My advice don't climb slurpees if you can't get good pro.. If you are in search of good ice and nothing is in consider Canada. Join me on my next trip if you want. I am heading up today. -Ray
  17. Dan you are killing me over here
  18. Just get trash bags and duct tape wear some crappy shoes underneath for the wade....
  19. I agree with the teaspoon comment. Just try and dig out something for real and you will wish you had a honkin' large one. But if you just want it for camping in the snow it should do the job. -Ray
  20. I say you guys duke it out!
  21. Wonder if the Mountaineers or WAC are teaching this method? <joke>
  22. Tis the sign of a hardened veteran there. I hope to find a partner that could teach me those coiling skills. -Ray
  23. My favorite rope handling technique. Check it out eh. http://home.t-online.de/home/gordon.nudd/fidget3.jpg -Ray
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