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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. You could always buy a cheap sacrificial hard shell like this. Or, go to Value Village or Goodwill and find something. That might be your best bet for higher quality at a low price.
  2. The other thing to keep in mind is that some people can get giardia and be pretty much asymptomatic. It doesn't hit everyone hard, and sometimes you can be a carrier without feeling terrible (or so I've read). I guess what I'm saying is that the same methods won't have the same result for everyone. The good news is that there are effective drugs if you do get a debilitating bout of giardia. They work to almost completely remove the infection in 24-36 hours. It's amazing.
  3. Blue c AKA blue collar climbing hangover!
  4. Da Toof speed record is only with dog, by definition. Mount Si is where to go if you can't speed climb without your cat.
  5. @cgolden123 yes, there will be. Jon is working on the replacement page. We know that this is the most important part of the site and it will be coming back. Until then you can still search and find what you are looking for but agree that it isn't ideal.
  6. And....back to the filter issue, I've found that most tend to be a bit on the heavy side once they have been used and are soggy. AquaMira saves close to a half pound on most. Which I really care about since my camera gear is so stinking heavy. But if you weren't carrying an SLR and several lenses I can see why a filter is a no-brainer.
  7. Don't you guys know about raw water? pH balanced for white people! C'mon, it's the only way to go!
  8. I've had giardia twice, and it isn't much fun. Once it hit full force when I was back in East Creek below South Howser Tower. That was a very unpleasant walk out, and also cost me a rope gunned trip up the B-C. Unfortunately, that was the second time I got giardia, AFTER I had been selectively treating water, thinking I was being pretty safe. Due to the variable incubation time I have no idea where I actually got it, but it was likely above treeline and off trail in the North Cascades (based on the trips before the Bugaboos). Mountain goats are carriers, turns out. I worked two seasons in the Alaskan bush where we drank directly out of beaver infested waters for months on end and I never got sick, but I guess you never know. I don't carry a filter and haven't for many years. I use chlorine dioxide (AquaMira). It works, if you use it. Four months in Nepal/Cambodia/Thailand and this is the only treatment we used. Never got sick once (from the water). All that said, I still selectively treat water. I'm a slow learner.
  9. Old Lookout trail up Sauk Mtn (usually snow-free from TH ~500' to 2500') Oyster Dome (good conditioner that is snow-free most of the winter). Suiattle River Trail from road end is often snowfree for miles, though flat Same for Thunder Creek, Boulder River trails You can often get a couple thousand vert on the Sourdough trail before you hit snow. There is probably more to do hiking wise over in the Olympics (but rain is still an issue). I'll probably think of more in the N. Cascades.....but there really isn't a lot of hiking in the winter around here (at least with elevation gain and good views). The weather and huge snows tend to limit opportunity.
  10. Oh right, I'm mixing things up. That was my pre-nup.
  11. Sorry to hear that @Choada_Boy, hopefully things are looking up for you all. Agreed that climbing is far from the most important thing in the world.....
  12. We have a forum for that! Keep up the posts from the other coast! I've never done much back east so I at least would be interested what you get up to.
  13. I don't have a FB account, but posting a TR from your phone is super easy now. Just did a test over here
  14. Trip: Mount Baker backcountry - Top secret Trip Date: 02/01/2018 Trip Report: January total was over 235 inches! But really I'm just posting this to show that in a few minutes you can post a TR FROM YOUR PHONE! NO EXCUSES PEOPLE. 😁 Gear Notes: Skis Approach Notes: 542 to the end
  15. What do you consider the North Cascades? i.e. how far are you willing to drive from Seattle? Do you have skis or snowshoes? Or are you looking for typically snow free destinations?
  16. That's fine @Bronco, but I think the board could also benefit from quick TRs that focus on conditions/access updates, similar to what you find on WTA for hikes. I think once the TR database gets back up this will be even more helpful for people looking to see what is in good nick. Also, we're talking about having a sticky thread at the top of each TR forum for condition updates. So either place would be great to throw up a few pics/comments when you come back from whatever. I don't think you have to worry about being cutting edge, few of us are!
  17. And just so you guys know @pu and @CascadeClimber, the searchable TR page will come back. Jon is working on a replacement.
  18. If you figure that out @CascadeClimber let us know! Good to see you back here, I know I've personally gotten much out of your TRs/banter over the years. The new board is super easy to post on (even pictures, gasp), so we hope that you can continue to contribute for the next 18 years! Don't be a stranger now, you hear?
  19. This good enough @bonathanjarrett? https://wyeastblog.org/2010/11/24/building-the-timberline-trail/
  20. I use that lens on glaciers (around here), but I sometimes have to squint a bit (like on Rainier). I love them overall though, great for thrashing the bushes and the transitions between snow and rock. Put them on and leave them on. A steal for $100.
  21. C'mon @Trent, the new site makes it easy to do up your own separate TR on your Africa adventures! We want to hear all about it!
  22. I was waiting the the annual installment!! As we have come to expect, Adventure travel/climbing, with a capital A. Such great images too. Thanks for keeping us desk jockeys entertained this week!
  23. I was a little miffed by the "thread to nowhere" descriptor. C'mon! That's how we roll! Nowhere IS our destination.
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