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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. OK, OK, Tahoma it is!
  2. Sounds like @Kili2016 wanted to reuse the bug mesh. But I appreciate that his desire to exact revenge spurred him to create an account here. Dedicated!
  3. Yes! Please do! I often forget....
  4. You know I'm recruiting you @kmfoerster!
  5. Wow, quite a list and quite the photos of Waddington! Thanks!
  6. I can't, but I bet @olyclimber can....
  7. Will do @Fairweather, and absolutely, post up a pic or two!
  8. I'm in for all of it @Phil K and @olyclimber! Other dreams....Hoping for Sunset Ridge on Rainier, Lincoln Peak, a trip to the Sierra, ski trips to Roger's Pass and Waddington, etc. Talk is cheap though!
  9. Hmmmm....I don't, but there isn't much in the way of convenient ice cragging in these parts. I'm guessing there is more of a community around Leavenworth? I think there is an outdoor club at Western? That might be a good place to start. Or, the Bellingham Mountaineers. I know they are pretty active as well.
  10. Thanks! Yes, a real camera still does things a phone can't do, at least for now. But I would like to find something not quite as heavy. Got to convince the finance minister that I NEED a mirrorless full-frame camera.📷
  11. Ah, yes. @ZakG is very urban, and very elite. He must be throttled! I tried when we were young, but he's too big for me now. Better let the NPS handle it.
  12. JasonG

    Is it Now?

    We really have slipped, haven't we? Just not the same without @ivan chiming in.
  13. https://www.districtbrewco.com/beer For MV, this place probably has the best combo of seating and hours. Up in Bellingham I'd say Wander or Stemma....
  14. Yesterday, with @Kit and @kmfoerster in our usual chossdawg environs:
  15. JasonG

    Is it Now?

    We save warning points for people who post wearing masks.
  16. Yes, good running into you as well @Kameron! And wow, was that snow ever great!
  17. JasonG

    Is it Now?

    Oh, I know a few that you'd get along with swimmingly. They all have concealed carry permits and hate masks! But don't worry, Pub Club will be traveling out of the Seattle Metro area, @olyclimber promised. Mount Vernon is on the list, if you can stand us! Welcome back to the Jungle @Fairweather. Where did you end up retiring to?
  18. That looks really cool! And a ton of work, well done!
  19. The mountain biking on Galbraith was better than expected today though. 😉
  20. My first pub club!! Really fun to put some faces to avatars like @JonParker @olyclimber @OlympicMtnBoy and @Rad. Can't believe it has been so many years without meeting you misfits in person.
  21. I don't, the the forecast for later next week looks like ice!
  22. It's true. We had a fun and far-ranging discussion, including a few financial topics. He even brought some civilized treats to accompany our sampling of the upper snowpack. It was my kind of academia!
  23. Got out with the none other than @lunger today. So fun to hear about some of the legendary TRs on this site first hand!
  24. Great idea! I know a lot of folks will find that pretty useful. I tend to like figuring things out on the fly, but I know that I am in the minority.
  25. Rad, all the way around! And great work finishing the Bulgers! I hope to finish one day but there are a lot of other peaks/routes that are distracting me in the meantime.
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