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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. Does the ski summit still count? Castle Towers mocking me some years back:
  2. Anybody skied this glacier? A very scenic descent.....
  3. It is in Canada @Lostbolt! That is the Vice President (L) and President, high above the Stanley Mitchell Hut. You can't go wrong with a trip in there or the Wapta, or the Bow-Yoho or.... And yes, we will have to do another fundraiser! Who knows, maybe it'll be a somewhat regular thing when @olyclimber signals that the site is running low.
  4. Most climbers wouldn't use a rope on West Mac, but it is not hiking terrain. Steep snow, exposed rock, and other alpine hazards are to be expected @sub4not. You will need experience on all that terrain plus ice axe arrest, and cramponing skills.....at the minimum. Don't think of @off_the_hook as your average "hiker". Most would consider this a climb, and a strenuous one requiring several days at that. This incident from last summer is still unresolved: https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/trip-reports/trip_report.2022-08-23.9660572281
  5. Such a beautiful area! Thanks for the summer report, I haven't seen much on that area once summer rolls around. I have very fond memories of a winter trip some years back.
  6. No bites? Well, does anyone know these two peaks @Kit is pointing at? We got avalanched off the one on the left. I guess I'll need to go back.
  7. I love how this TR is getting folks out of the woodwork!! Bi-winning. Tiger Blood.
  8. I'd be up for turning over to USFS and managed as wilderness. They would need to retain limited entry for the really popular areas, but I bet the numbers could be increased a bit with some more toilets. USFS does a great job with way more people in the Enchantments. Might slow down the out-of-towners if it wasn't a National Park.😂 And, to be clear, this will never happen. But fun to blather about it.
  9. Anybody got a hut trip to the Great White North in the works? Here are views high above the Stanley Mitchell hut a few years ago.
  10. And feel free to ping @olyclimber if you are having trouble with your login.
  11. That is super cool! This forum probably gets the most traffic, but I could also see it in the rock climbing or Alaska sections. I confess I've never heard of this area, will look it up!
  12. Thanks for the kind words @olyclimber! I am good putting the funds wherever you feel the greatest needs are. This is definitely a fun community to be a part of and I am glad to help!
  13. Yes to keeping it easy with day hikes and car camping until they can carry some of their own stuff and walk five miles or more with some gain (usually age 4-6). No need to torture yourself or family in the name of trying to impress people with what you are doing with little kids. These tough days will pass. I will say it is all about working up to harder things with your kids, year by year, incrementally. That way they may still enjoy it once they get to be teenagers. It is really fun if they do!
  14. That's a tough stage for getting out with a wee one. When our kids were that age I guess we never really found other families to go outside with at and just did as you're doing, for all the same reasons. Now we have a couple families that we've found, but our kids are in jr. high and high school so it is totally different than those early years. BUT, I'm sure that there are families out there who want to do what you are doing! We just couldn't find them up in the Skagit. I'm sure they exist in the Seattle area, and you may find them right here. I know, not super helpful, but it gets easier each year, and suddenly you will find yourself not being able to catch them on the trail. It is weird how fast a dozen years go with kids. But, as they say, the years go fast and the days go so slow. " Family fun", circa 2010: Eleven years later.... Family FUN: Hang in there @OlympicMtnBoy!
  15. OK, the big winners are @Sir Crikalot @bellows and my sister! I will be in touch with details on payment and delivery. Thanks everyone, we've raised significant funds for the site!!
  16. Well, that sounds quite rough. I think a year is probably realistic, unfortunately. But at least you have a supportive wife and young kids to keep you entertained during rehab! Hang in there and keep us updated!
  17. JasonG


    It's so true. His "Range of Glaciers" is an impressive historical tome. My anthropologist boss came to me some time ago and asked if I'd heard of this Fred Beckey guy. She was very impressed with his historical research (this is her life's work) and knew how hard-won that book was. She had no idea of his climbing accomplishments. I told her he was the "Michael Jordan" of climbing and that all of us climbers knew of him and his many legendary exploits. "Yeah? Well MJ didn't do groundbreaking historical work on the side." Fred was truly a remarkable man.
  18. TODAY is your last day to bid on the images!
  19. I am medium salty, nearing 50. You'll probably heal a lot faster than a lot of us older dogs. I am still recovering from shattering my thumb last year and I think "hang in there" about sums it up. That, and don't stop the PT! Not a lot of good that can be said for recovering from a big injury. I will say that being laid up is a good reminder that a well-rounded life has its benefits. Other hobbies, friends, and family often get pushed aside for climbing, and now is the time to rectify some of that deficit.
  20. I'm done! I guess I won't be able to keep the Bulgers at Bay any longer. And yes, you most certainly need to go up there @geosean!
  21. @dberdinka is our resident cornice slayer.
  22. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/barron-ghost-town It is along the route that was originally scoped for the North Cascades Highway (up Canyon and Slate Creeks and over Hart's pass). But that way wasn't deemed scenic enough and so it went over WA pass. Fred was definitely upset at the route 20 took and wrote about it. It would have been way cool to climb up there without the highway. And yes, our house has cleaned up a lot since that photo was taken!
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