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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Thank Obama!

    I guess not. You understand my first post was tongue-in-cheek, si? LOL. Nice work. I was naming people who's ties you couldn't criticize at the memorial service because they were not there.
  2. jon

    Thank Obama!

    Are you following me yet, Fairweather?
  3. jon

    Thank Obama!

    More importantly, what color tie did Glenn Beck wear today?
  4. jon

    Thank Obama!

    What color tie is President Bush wearing?
  5. Where is his polypro? Hey folks seriously make sure you come on Sunday, please tell all your climbing friends, send out emails, facebook it, tweet it, spray paint it on police cars, WHATEVER! We have put a lot of work into this and it's going to be a really great event. Great food, a f'ing AMAZING beer "special", TONS of stuff to raffle off (can someone say Camalots?), some pretty awesome slide presenters like your American Alpine Club President. You will not miss this! We still have some space available if you want to show your slides. We want to stay true to our event and make sure that everyone who wants to show has the opportunity. Send me a PM if you are interested.
  6. Just wanted to bump this great event. My apologizes to Tod at Edgeworks for not getting this on our front page sooner!
  7. jon

    Flu Vaccines

    OH NO HE DI'ENT!!!
  8. 2. Go to SausageFest and help us raise some funds for LTW!
  9. I think it would be funny for you guys to list all the good things you do for society. Clearly you have to do more then just bitch about what other people do.
  10. jon

    Flu Vaccines

    It doesn't baffle my reading comprehension, but then again I AM a virologist. When she said non-mutated virus what she meant was strain.
  11. jon

    Flu Vaccines

    there is no "original non-mutated virus". every virus falls into the definitional category of "mutation". So does every human. You obviously have the RTRD reading comprehension mutation.
  12. I can't believe how much stuff we have to raffle off. We might not even have time for slides. The drink special is in full effect.
  13. I have some friends in Victoria and it really depends on day and time you are going. Big question is if you need a car in Victoria. If the answer is no the best option might be taking the Amtrak to Seattle, catching a cab to the Clipper terminal, and going that way. Driving depending on the time of day you can catch traffic all the way and then get stuck in a couple hour border lineup. I've driven to Victoria and it has taken 6 hours taking the Tsawwassen ferry. It has also taken over 9 hours. Coming back on Thanksgiving a few years ago it took 12 hours with the worth winter driving I have ever experienced. So yeah it's hit or miss. Getting a cheap Clipper ticket is a good way to go if you are just going to hang out downtown. Opps just seeing your post. Yeah PA is the way my friends always go, avoids the Peach Arch chaos. Each person can bring 1 case of beer if you are staying over 24 hours. Not sure if there is a Duty Free going that way.
  14. jon

    Flu Vaccines

    I wish I had more time to write this. I am not a flu expert. I am not a huge opponent to flu vaccines, I personally will not get flu or H1N1 vaccines, but there are some things that need to be understood. Flu vaccines, even "live" vaccines, only prime the immune system for primary exposure. It DOES NOT prime your immune system for primary infection or persistent infection. There is a difference between exposure and infection. You go get a flu shot great, get it every year great, you might get sick, you might not. If you don't and you are exposed it very likely could be because of the protection afforded to you to primary exposure by the shot. Great. The problem is you are never "teaching" your immune system to fight off a primary or persistent infection. The viral antigens involved can be vastly different, as well as the immunological compartment involved in fighting that infection. In the event you do get a primary infection, since your immune system has not been primed for it, it doesn't know what to do and you get really sick until it figures it out. At this point you have developed a lasting immunity to fend off future infections. The same goes for antibiotics. Yes antibiotics are for bacterial infections, but it's the same concept. I do believe the concept of herd immunity does exist, it developed over thousands and thousands of years. What changed is we started sending kids to school, centralized pathogen breeding grounds. Now it's not the hunter gathers risking primary exposure, it's the progeny.
  15. Everyone this is really shaping up to be a great event. Lots of beverage. Lots of prizes. Please put this on your calendar and come! Tell all your climbing buddies!
  16. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/415668/Re_SausageFest_Reloaded_Slides#Post415668 http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/542571/Re_3rd_Annual_SausageFest_Slid#Post542571
  17. Folks! Please put this on your calendar and show up! We've got a lot of gear we will be raffling off. As always there will be a drink "special". If you don't know what that means you better ask somebody.
  18. "He finally got into a "stable" relationship! " ROFL!!!!!
  19. "The "green" solution would be to buy one of the millions of houses already sitting empty. Not build a new one." Gotta love the comments on the Times. People think spray here is vicious.
  20. jon

    Reporting Bugs

  21. jon

    Reporting Bugs

    You need to (on a mac) ctrl click on the image to 'Copy Image Address' http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3218/3091420640_779607035c_b.jpg
  22. Historically it has been pretty favorable to those who come, and I can't see it being any different this year. There will be a drink special. Shultzys arguably has one of the best sets of rotating taps in Seattle. It's not uncommon for them to have one of two kegs on the westcoast of something from Europe.
  23. Folks, More details to come in the next few days to week. SausageFest is scheduled for Sunday Nov. 15 at Shultzy's restaurant in Seattle. For those of you don't know about this, or forgot what happened when you were there, this is our big slide show/party we try to put on every year. I know we haven't done this for a few years so we have a little something special planned for this one. PUT this on your calendar, you WILL NOT miss this event.
  24. jon

    CC.com Turns 9

    Thanks to those individuals who took the time to privately write us with your feedback.
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