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Everything posted by jon

  1. Recent thread on the subject... http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/1006703
  2. Osprey. Saved two servicemen today.
  3. 10 more days to get that kick ass TR in for the random giveaway.
  4. Did someone say Via Ferreta?
  5. Word. And if you have a rockstar TR from the past you've been thinking about posting, take our advise and get er done before the end of the month. We have a little surprise in store.
  6. Hi Everyone, Our host has been experiencing some major problems for the last 12 hours. We are sorry for inconvenience but we're sure your employers appreciate the increase in productivity.
  7. We've just published our review of the Petzl Ergo ice tool as well as a comparison of the Petzl Ergo versus the Black Diamond Fusion ice tools. We have a few more tools we are finishing up reviewing from CAMP/Cassein and E-Climb. These were written by Dave Burdick who also wrote our excellent Introduction to Ice Climbing Article. Check em all out. Black Diamond Fusion versus Petzl Nomic Comparison and Review Petzl Ergo Review Ice Climbing Gear Review
  8. There are 3 prizes and 6 TRs this month. Pretty good odds right now!
  9. Hey Everyone, To celebrate 10 years, 1 million posts, and 20,000 registered users, we will be giving away three $50 gift certificates to Pro Mountain Sports to three randomly chosen trip reports at the end of the month. The rules: - Must be posted in March. - Must include at least one picture hosted on cc.com. - Links to a TR on your own blog/site will not be considered. - You must have been registered by today. - You ARE allowed to post a TR from any point in time, last week, last year, 5 years ago. In fact we encourage it! Please let all your friends know about this who use cc.com, Facebook it, Tweet it, blog it. You think the prizes aren't that great for a 10 year celebration? Let's just say next month we have a bigger surprise.... stay tuned. Join us on our new FaceBook Page (yes there is a group which is going away and an account, please "Like" the page) Join us on our new Twitter account to find out about latest news and deals. For those who use Twitter it is actually a great tool for keep up to date on things you care about. Stay tuned for a bigger announcement.
  10. Me likey. Can we archive/delete irrelevent/obscure/outdated/retarded(...) political rant posts? We are looking at our options for archiving and deleting spray threads. Due to the sheer volume of spray though it might be more algorithmic then subjective. We don't have to do anything right away though. Thanks to the individuals who donated, we are already scheming how to use it.
  11. As you've probably discovered the shoulder is probably the most complicated part of the body. Christian Peterson did my shoulder in May and I can't say enough good things about him. Make the drive to Seattle and find a top notch PT in Bham.
  12. BTW none of the above geekspeak or any of this would be possible without the support of the local businesses that have supported us for so many years. Make sure you let them know you appreciate them supporting us with some purchases.
  13. It used to be a shoestring, literally a basic hosting plan for quite a long time, but those times are behind us. We are essentially on a dedicated box for just the webserver and then are on a shared high perfomance mysql server. I've got a separate VPS for the SOLR search service I'm about to implement (can you says lightening fast enterprise search?). We are contemplating moving all our static content to a CDN or a separate server running nginx, especially since our forum software doesn't use sprites and has a lot of dependencies (look in safari developer). Probably TMI for most posters here.
  14. I love the GoPro ad that pops up LOL! Here's to high DINs!
  15. Hey Everyone, We recently passed a pretty cool milestone here with 1 million posts. It's looking like we will pass the 20k registered members here in a few weeks. Please take a few minutes to read the rest of this message and find out the easy things you can do to help us. While that many posts is extraordinary, it also causes problems. Our database for the forum is incredibly large. It takes an hour to backup, and hours to transfer. So that is time we are waiting around for that to happen. The photo directory is another story, it takes half a day to compress and half a day to transfer to safe storage. Another interesting fact is about 42% of those posts are spray. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but by us allowing spray to be as free and popular as it has it's also made our job much harder when it comes to dealing with technically running cascadeclimbers.com. For people who spend a lot of time in spray we ask, actually we challenge you, to do a few things that will help us out tremendously. We are committed to keeping spray around but please understand the burden it creates for us! -If you spend a lot of time in spray please consider donating some money using our paypal link in the sidebar. We promise to you that money will go towards producing more cool articles like the Colin Haley Alpinism article, the Cam reviews, the Ice Climbing Intro, and the Backcountry skiing article. Two of those are in the final stages of being updated right now. If you have suggestions on new articles please let us know! -If you can't make the donation please spend more time making trip reports and answering questions in the various forums to help keep the content quality here high. A recent cool trend is that more people are posting links to their blogs, both with TRs and other info. Sharing that info is one of the points of this website. A huge thing everyone who has a blog or website could do is hook us up with some links back here. If you link to your site here in the form of a TR, in your profile, or whatever hook us up with a link back! Share the love! If you have questions on what kind of links help us the most contact me by PM. Thanks again for making this site so great with awesome trip reports. We are working hard on some exciting things that we hope to share very soon! Cheers, The Stuntaz.
  16. The question begs to be asked why don't you just buy a splitboard? Especially if you don't already ski it makes more sense.
  17. The S95 is a nice camera, a big plus is it doesn't require a lens cap which is great for needing to take super quick shots. I went with the LX-5 and I love it. No lag at all, great pictures, one button video record which you can zoom on. One big reason I went with it is because of the wider angle lens for landscape. It is bigger then the S95 which is a consideration. Pretty good in auto in snow, but you can quickly change the settings to underexpose by a stop or two. Lowlight is incredible. The only thing that slightly annoyed me early on is the flash will not work if the it is in burst mode. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/q42010highendcompactgroup/page18.asp I was going to buy a new DSLR to replace my D70. I was looking at a D3100, but I finally decided if I'm going to lug around a bunch of SLR shit then I'm going to bring a boss camera like a D7000. And I hate carrying that crap so I went with the LX-5. Mirrorless is all the rage these days, but I just feel it's a glorified point and shoot at this point. And yeah Layton that isn't the same DP review site you frequent
  18. jon

    Photo Gallery Down

    Hey folks, we are going to roll with the old database, there was only one photo added since then. Let us know if you experience any problems.
  19. jon

    Photo Gallery Down

    Hey everyone. So it appears our photo database got corrupted somehow. This is just the database and not the actual photos. I have been able to restore functionality but with a database from a few days ago. However I have turned off the gallery so I have the opportunity to assess the situation and hopefully recover from this without any loss. I'll let you know when things are back up. Thanks for your patience.
  20. Please keep the spray out of this thread.
  21. jon

    Photo Gallery Down

    The gallery is back up. Let us know if you notice anything funny.
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