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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    Take a look again Z-man. For some reason our settings got screwed up in our upgrade. You should be able to edit your photos as well as upload up to 20 photos in a day (it was previously set at 1!).
  2. jon

    Go Bruins

    Party like it's 1999!
  3. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    9,573 total to be exact.
  4. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    I'm not sure what the problem is so I have disabled comments for the time being until I get a handle on this. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
  5. Upper right hand of the photo gallery main page. http://cascadeclimbers.com/plab/uploadphoto.php
  6. Out of respect for the two guys who just lost their friend let's not speculate on what they could have done since we know nothing about what transpired.
  7. So does this include color enhancments? Stiching and color adjustments are fine.
  8. Sorry peeps you should be able to post now to this thread
  9. Steve, when you mean post, do you mean to the photo gallery? I've upped the file size limit. The problem was people were posting photos directly off their camera and our storage usage was soaring. Wayne, very embarrassing my bad. It's fixed now people can actually post.
  10. People need to stop worrying about Greece. They are small potatoes. If Italy, Ireland, and Portugal require more bailout, which they will, there will be nothing left for Spain, which by all accounts will need it. Spain will make or break the Eurozone.
  11. I apologize, actually I don't. We have made some minor changes to the user agreement, and to avoid in the future having to have everyone agree to it every time, we are just stating that we will post changes to it here and that it is your responsibility to understand them. I've seen some pretty interesting, and overbearing, user agreements and we want to keep it as simple as possible, protecting both your rights and ours. If you have any questions please feel free to drop us an email or PM.
  12. Graham from Cilo Gear is throwing in a $175 gift certificate for the photo contest. We are working out which prize that is going to go towards. I will tell you this. You will not win anything if you don't enter!
  13. I was notified by a user regarding the thread and after quickly reading it decided to toss it in the garbage can. I have deleted the non-related material and have returned the locked thread to the forum.
  14. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    Did you delete the photo? I'm trying to figure out why anonymous users are allowed to make comments, which shouldn't be the case.
  15. Cascadeclimbers.com 2011 Photo Contest presented by American Alpine Institute Thats right! It's back and badder then ever! This year we have over $2000 in prizes. We haven't had our photo contest since 2007. If you happened to miss that one check out the 2007 Photo Contest. This years contest is presented by American Alpine Institute and they have generously donated $1000 in gift certificates for guided trips or classes in the northwest. AAI is located in Bellingham and have some of the best guides in the world, many of whom post here on cc.com. You can find more about their their various programs here. Other generous sponsors include Pro Mountain Sports, Seattle Bouldering Project, and Backcountry Gear. Speaking of Seattle Bouldering Project, if you haven't heard about them they recently opened in May. It's Seattle's new bouldering only gym and I believe it is one of the largest in the US. www.seattleboulderingproject.com This years categories are the same as last time. Prizes for each category are listed. The Categories Alpine -- $330 AAI Gift Cert* Cragging -- $120 PMS and $120 Backcountry Gear Gift Cert Scenic -- $330 AAI Gift Cert* Skiing/Boarding -- $330 AAI Gift Cert* Bouldering -- 6 month pass to Seattle Bouldering Project valued at $432 Ice -- $250 PMS Gift Cert Humor -- $120 PMS Gift Cert Rules and Instructions: -Post your photos w/ caption in the photo gallery and then embed them into your reply in THIS THREAD. -Photos posts in photo gallery must be appropriately named including title, description, and keywords. -Photos winners from previous years contests CANNOT be submitted. -Only one photo per category per person, so that means only 7 max. -Contest is only open to users currently registered on cc.com as of today (today as in the day I posted this and not the day you read it) -No Photoshoped photos except for the Humor category. Stiching, color adjustments, and border effects are fine. -Entries will be accepted for 3 weeks (maybe longer if we feel like it). -Top entries will be decided by a group of volunteer users and those finalists will be voted on for one week by all cc.com users. -Rules and instructions are subject to change. Please help spread the word on this! Let us know if you have any questions. *Subject to course availability. Email us for questions.
  16. jon

    In Other News...

    Who's families were brought here against their will and forced to work in poor conditions without pay and were abused and murdered. They weren't immigrants. Should we post images of piles of bodies at the Dachau to remind all the Jewish posters here of their painful history?
  17. jon

    In Other News...

    Turn your brain on before you post again, Chirp. You too, Ivan.
  18. Sky Sjue has a review of the new Dyanfit TLT 5 Performance ski boot. http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/2011/06/01/dynafit-tlt-5-performance-review-by-sky-sjue/ Lots of new lightweight gear coming onto the market we are hoping to get into some people's hands. For the rest of us who are over 8% body fat and are better off going on a diet we are working on getting a fitness Q+A going
  19. Hi everyone, I'd like to ask everyone to consider check out some of the new social features we implemented in our recent upgrade. These features include Twitter and Facebook share buttons, and today I've added the new Google +1. Why use these? It's a great way to share your own or others trip reports with your friends etc., as well as anything you like on here. Help get the word out about contests or events. How does it help cc.com? It helps us because things like Facebook and Twitter are increasing being used as ranking factors for websites. The better we rank in the search engines the more we can invest into this place. I think most importantly, Google will be using their +1 feature pretty heavily to determine site ranking and search results. By taking just a few seconds to +1 our content you really help us out. I always want to remind people that YOU are cc.com. Yes there are a few geeks here behind the scenes that keep servers and software working, answering emails to help with lost passwords etc. It's you that makes this place so great though. These few small things really will contribute to the success of cc.com. Always feel free to drop us a line with questions, comments, or suggestions. We'll even take criticism in manageable doses.
  20. We just got an email from Mike at BackcountryGear that they are lower the prices on the Black Diamond Camalot C4s to 30% off. Follow the link above.
  21. We've announced the winners for our contest. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1018398 We have two contests in store for next two months. One will be a photo contest so start going through all your photos!
  22. I'm tired of using the word "sorry", but I'm sorry it has taken me/us some time to announce the winners on this. Not like it's not obvious. Congrats to Michael Layton and Erik Wolfe on winning our Favorite TR of all time contest for their TR on South East Mox Peak-The Devil's Club, First Ascent of the East Face. They get to split a $500 gift certificate to Pro Mountain Sports. Or maybe Mike gets it all for writing up. Our runners up are: Joe Puryear for his unforgettable Desert Towers TR. We will be working with his wife to arrange an appropriate gift in his memory. We miss you Joe Steph_Abegg for her climbs in the Canadian Rockies. She gets a $150 gift certificate to Pro Mountain Sports. Uncle Tricky for his hilarious TR for Diedre at Squamish. He gets a $150 gift certificate to Pro Mountain Sports.
  23. [img:left]http://www.backcountrygear.com/graphics/techsheet2011/5-17-11/marmot.jpg[/img][img:left]http://www.backcountrygear.com/graphics/techsheet2011/5-17-11/gopro.jpg[/img] [img:left]http://www.backcountrygear.com/graphics/techsheet2011/5-17-11/bd.jpg[/img][img:left]http://www.backcountrygear.com/graphics/techsheet2011/5-17-11/arcteryx.jpg[/img] [img:left]http://www.backcountrygear.com/graphics/techsheet2011/5-17-11/tnf.jpg[/img][img:left]http://www.backcountrygear.com/graphics/techsheet2011/5-17-11/jetboil.jpg[/img]
  24. We've got a great comparison review of the Black Diamond Cyborg and Petzl Dartwin by Dave Burdick. http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/2011/05/24/black-diamond-cyborg-petzl-dartwin/ We unfortunately got a late start so we are sorry for publishing this after the ice season.
  25. Why do people expect professional athletes and Governators to be such upstanding people.? They are Type A+ personalities that are driven more then you can imagine, even to a fault. I wish I could still believe he was clean, but whatever. How do we expect these guys to race these schedules and stages not using drugs and for it to be exciting? I was at one of the hardest stage finishes in Europe in '05 and it almost killed me riding up to close to the finish line. I'm certainly not sticking up for what he did, and who knows what we would all do if we were presented with the same dilemma. But a couple things that need to be cleared up. The USPS sponsorship actually made the USPS money through the incredible amount of licensed goods produced, enough to cover the sponsorship. They sponsored the team to get visibility in Europe. This is in contrast to the billions of dollars they are losing now. I think this is about taking down one of the "best" athletes in history for this Novitsky guy, not about the good of the people. If you look at it, they spent $55 million trying to take down Bonds, and what do they get? Very little. How much tax payer money goes into ballparks? Billlions. The USPS sponsorship was maybe $10 million a year. How many kids are actually going to get into bike racing versus baseball or football.
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