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Everything posted by jon

  1. Good thing he didn't donate his money to Wall Street!
  2. Subaru Impreza. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/injured+rock+slide+near+Lions/4614310/story.html Every time I drive past that there are 2 guys working and 8 guys standing around.
  3. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/1000000 Congrats to Tvash for the 1 millionth post (this includes all deleted posts etc so it's not the "real" 1 mil post). Since it's in spray you don't win anything.
  4. jon

    Lwt is right?

    The Dean Karnazes Diet
  5. Hey everyone. We've decided to go ahead and make a change to the prizes for this contest. This is not a bait and switch. Well it is, but we've switched it with bait. The AAI prize will move to the photo contest. Remember our last photo contest?
  6. We've changed the top prize for this contest to be more appropriate. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1012922#Post1012922
  7. A little update on this contest. We are making a change here that we would not normally do. AAI has offered up an incredible prize that we are finding not appropriate for this contest. So we are taking that prize and saving it for the photo contest. We are replacing that prize with a $500 gift certificate to Pro Mountain Sports. We are also removing the 5th place prize. You want a $500 gift certificate to Pro Mountain Sports? Tell you friends to nominate your TR in this thread. Hell, have a great TR you just want people to know about? Post it here!
  8. Rad, we really appreciate your comments on this. We were really excited about the March contest. We wanted to try out the best TR off all time contest. We wanted to reward people for past contributions here, not create an atmosphere to discourage people who have less exciting TRs. We are going to talk this over and figure out how to proceed. We really value everyones feedback on this.
  9. Come on peeps we all know you are in your office sulking over this weak weather. Put your vote in! This is a democracy and we won't be shutting down on Friday!
  10. Great ideas! Everyone please use the non voting thread to post your favorite TRs. Don't be shy to to post your own! This contest is to reward you for being a supporter of cc.com! And Friedrich drop me a PM to claim your prize for last months contest
  11. Here is the thread to post your nominations. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1012179 If you've already nominated a TR, please use this thread to post your other favorites for others to possibly nominate. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1012180
  12. Hi Everyone, To celebrate 10 years, 1 million posts, 20,000 registered users, and 5,525 Trip Reports, we are thrilled to announce a contest to find the best trip reports ever posted on cascadeclimbers.com. Trip reports are what make this place great. This contest is being sponsored by American Alpine Institute with support from Pro Mountain Sports and Backcountry Gear. First though, the top 20 trip report contributors are going to receive a Cascadeclimbers.com T-Shirt. Details will be posted in a follow up post on how to get that. The winner will receive a $1000 gift certificate to AAI redeemable for classes and trips in the PNW. 3 Runners up will receive $150 gift certificates to Pro Mountain Sports. 5th place will receive a $120 gift certificate to Backcountrygear.com. Trip reports eligible for this contest had have been posted by noon April 4th, 2011. 1)How to Vote. So how will the actual voting work? It's pretty straightforward - in this thread nominate your favorite trip report. To nominate a TR for "Greatest Trip Report Ever" just follow a couple of steps. First, make sure your TR has not been nominated already. If not, copy the URL for the trip report: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/XXXXXX/1 Then add a shorthand entry in the following format below the URL: "TR-Author.Month.Year" (E.g. "Climber4000.January.02") that identifies the author and the date. For a TR to be considered for final voting someone need to reply with the nomination in quote with "+1". If a duplicate TR is posted and you identify it please reply with "duplicate". Finally, if you're feeling motivated to do so, tell everyone else why you nominated the particular TR. This is totally optional - and can be as little as a single word, or as long as a paragraph. 2) Who can vote. All users registered prior to April 1, 2011 are eligible to vote. One vote/nomination per registered user. We don't have the time or the resources to police multiple avatars, but we hope that all users will respect the spirit of the contest and the other members of the Cascadeclimbers.com community and abide by the honor system. If it becomes clear not everyone is respecting the honor system, we'll deal with that as necessary. Nominations have to be received by April 20, 2011. 3) Final voting. All nominated TRs will be available for voting on April 21, 2011. Winners will announced on May 1, 2011. We have not worked out the details on final voting whether it will be only registered users or if we will allow all visitors. 4) Spread the news! Please email this to all your climbing friends. Post it on Facebook and Tweet it. Get the word out! Thanks again to American Alpine Institute, Pro Mountain Sports, and Backcountry Gear for helping make this contest possible! Let the nominations begin!
  13. Mike Rogers Paragon Fitness PT. He was my PT for my labrum tear. Not a climber but avid skier and bike racer. http://www.paragonfitnesspt.com/ Good luck with your surgery and recovery. Have fun getting the scar tissue broken up on your portal holes too! Tell him I said that!
  14. If an April fools joke fell in the woods, and there was nobody there to get it, would it be funny? I've gotten two frantic concerning emails from moderators over this? Jokes on them I guess! SELECT * FROM `sometable` WHERE `trdate` > 1298937600 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1 Ok this was really done randomly. The real winners are... drum roll please! Z-man Friedrich Le Piston Please PM me your full name and I will arrange for you to redeem your gift certificates. Thanks to Jim Nelson and Pro Mountain Sports for sponsoring this contest. We had 68 TRs posted this month! Incredible! Thanks to everyone. And huge congrats to John Frieh, Mikey Schaefer, and Clint Helander on their major FAs. You three have been long time contributors here and we appreciate all the support you give us.
  15. Hey Everyone, Thanks for all the amazing TRs! Holy crap how many FAs were there, 4 or 5? Might be the most TRs posted in a month. We need to get our act together and get version 2.0 of our TR system developed. Ok with the magic of an SQL query this month RANDOM winners for the three $50 Pro Mountain Sports gift certificates are................ Fern......... Feck........ and Off White. Winner please send me a PM to collect your prizes. Thanks again everyone we have a big announcement on Monday for our next TR contest. Yes this is not just a one month deal!
  16. jon

    TR prizes

    What the prize for the climbing grant?
  17. Last Day Peeps. I want to make sure people understand it's 3 prizes to RANDOMLY chosen TR authors. Thanks to everyone who has posted a TR. It's not a competition.... yet. We have more of this in store!
  18. Only two more days to post a TR. Remember we are selecting 3 random TR for prizes. But you are all winners in our book sickie sickie sickie Big announcement on Monday for our next TR contest.
  19. He's a billionaire on paper. It was a good investment by the CIA, though. We just passed the 20k registered user mark. Maybe we should celebrate somehow? 10 years. 1 million posts. 20k registered users.
  20. Very cool. http://www.supertopo.com/climbers-forum/1451778/Metanoia-Update-Backpack-retrieved-from-Eiger
  21. I've figured out the problem. I have not tested to see how many browsers this affects, but in Safari there seems to be an incompatibility between the twitter feed box and the reply icon set. I've disabled the twitter feed until there is a workaround. I know you are all crushed
  22. It appears that some buttons have stopped working in Safari. We'll look into it.
  23. 6 more days to get your TRs in for the random drawing. Thanks to everyone who has submitted TRs so far. We <3 you guys!
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