I saw an interesting story on TV last night about the company Malden Mills, the maker of Polartech, which has filed for bankruptcy protection.
Seven years ago, during a time where other textile manufacturers where moving out of the country to cut costs, Malden Mills manufacturing plant in some podunk midwest town burnt to the ground. With 300 million in insurance money the owner could have easily have walked away with the money, or moved the plant out of the country. He decided to stay in the same town and build a state of the art facility. He unselfishly paid his workers until the new facility was ready. The owner (can't remember his name) said the biggest mistake he ever made was not patenting the polar fleece process which they invented. Now with intense competition from overseas and increasing costs the company may be in trouble.
As a consumer please make the right decision and support companies in the United States that remain commited to it's workforce and the environment, even if it means paying a few more bucks.