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Everything posted by jon

  1. Better yet, come down with some disease that is funny and irritating as hell but they can't fire you for it, like Tourettes syndrome. In meetings just blurt out shit, you don't even have to swear, or include the word meow in sentances.
  2. Tell your boss you have been diagnosed with some rare disease and that you are going to die in 6 months.
  3. But how can you post if you can't login?
  4. I feel really bad for him....and Mike Price.
  5. I'm reading The Code . Good times.
  6. jon


    Isn't that how sport climbers horsecock is made?
  7. Who: Scott Backes When: Thursday June 5, 2003 7:30 PM Where: Second Ascent in Ballard How Much: Free, but donation encouraged This show is being brought to you by the local AAC chapter, Second Ascent, and CC.com. There will be a gear raffle at the show, and a Pub Club after the show. Props to brother Beck for throwing this gig together.
  8. jon


    You're next Dru!
  9. So maybe Dan, Peter, Jen, and Pierce all work at the same place? That explains everything!!!! Sorry Dan!
  10. jon


    I climb on almost the same knot, except I reweave it through the two loops and tie the end off on the rope leading out. What I like about this knot is that I'm a little heavier then others, and after taking a fall or hanging on the rope and the crag I have a hard time getting a figure 8 undone. With this you can get out in 10 seconds everytime. Once you learn it, it's easy as hell tie. Drawback is that most people don't know how to tie it so they can't really check your knot, so I always leave the option to my partner for me to use an 8.
  11. jon

    Friday Bloodbath

    It could be worse.......you could work for the state
  12. Ummm is it just me or was neither Vegi, DFA, or Trask there?
  13. Everybody make sure to bring extra food and drink for your starving admin.
  14. I have some old bieners with sticky gates I found in the weeds. Dave, the point of this gear swap thing is to get rid of old stuff you no longer use, not to trade away the best part of your rack. ERIK BRING THOSE SPLITTER CAMS I CAN TRADE THEM FOR A HAMBURGER OR SUMPTIN! Anyone heading out from the U district?
  15. jon

    Clarification for Iain

    Am I the only one who turned their monitor upside down?
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/Central/05/02/climber.amputation.ap/index.html
  17. Give me a fucking break Dan, don't contort the truth to fit your arguement.
  18. Once upon I time, I went to this youth group thing while I was in high school. I really wasn't into god or anything, more just going to hang out with friends and pick up on chicks. Anyways, there was this kid with Tourette's in the group. We would be singing some praise jesus song or "praying" and out of nowhere you'd hear this "cocksucker muther fucker rabbbabba blaaaahhh rabbah timmay". I don't know what about KatyM's post made me think of that, but I thought it was worth sharing.
  19. Complain about DonkeyPunch a lot more.
  20. Call up Cascade Crags, they are up in Everett, and offer both indoor and outdoor classes. http://www.cascadecrags.com
  21. GaperT worked his magic and the review system is up and running. We still need to work out some configuration and formatting stuff but it should be up shortly. I can say this, it will be the fattest gear review system on the internet, I haven't seen anything that can touch it. And it integrates well with the rest of our .SPRAY technology. We will add a guidebook section for reviews. Yes there was previously a couple forums for Jim Nelson's books, but they saw no use so I removed them. We could create a single forum for authors to ask requests for beta or post updates, and for people to ask questions about a book for specific area, or just armchair reading recommendations.
  22. Is Bahgdad Bob in Bham? No that really isn't true. You first would have to deplete your liver and muscle glycogen stores, and then your albumin protein in your blood. Evolutionarily speaking there wouldn't be much of a reason for fat if that was true beyond it providing insulation. You body can start breaking down your muscles for fuel, but that takes considerable effort, talking days of hard work and depletion. Check out Monique Ryan's Nutrition for Endurance Athletes if you are interested in this more.
  23. Yes, and god willing we will burn your muscle then your bones, and then you will burn in eternal hell!!!! Our initial assesment is you will die!!!!
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