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Everything posted by jon

  1. Well I thought that was the thread????? The thread I really want is the post-ropeup one were every says they had lots of fun and pictures from the event. for snoboy
  2. Yeah that was the only one I could find too There were a bunch of pictures in the thread too so it was really good for what I'm trying to do.
  3. Man I'm searching my brains out and I can't find it. I need this for a contest that has been suggested I enter. Please help!!!!!! A Guiness at next Pube Club for whomever finds it.
  4. If I could find a lawyer that would be willing to do this pro boner or whatever they call it I might consider suing this guy, especially if he has been spamming everyone on the website. I'm considering doing what is described below, click if you are a nerd. http://www.kungfugrippe.com/previously/002462.php
  5. My new passtime while sitting on the bus in traffic is to trace my spam mail. I get a ton of spam, I think mainly because of this site. Anytime you post your email on the internet these spammer harvest your email and sell it and spam the crap out of it. So I'm starting to go after some of these fuckers. The first spammer I'm going after typically sends emails that are from Cool Bargains or something like that. What I challange you to do, if you are computer savvy enough and use something like Outlook is to search for emails coming from this guy. Using the IP address truncation 65.61 to search the headers of all your email. In the last month I have gotten about 100 spam emails from this one person. I have traced where they are being hosted from and have contacted their ISP and they are in the process of taking action. The State of Washington has tough anti spamming laws and I plan on going after this guy. Search your emails with the above string and send me a PM with how many you have gotten from this guy. I'll see you in hell spammers!!!
  6. jon


    it's hard to believe what once rolled in manure is now in my mouth
  7. I thought all midgets had mullets. On another subject, not to sound insensitive or anything, but is it just me or do mentally retarded people always have their sideburn shaved up WAY too high?
  8. jon


    haiku time. Tonights subject: Horsecock. Discuss.
  9. I was at the M's game the other night and the mulletdar was going CRAZY. I'm talking family's all having mullets, Mom and Dan, the kids, the drunk uncle, grandma and grandpa, it was mullet central.
  10. So what's the significance of you numbers, is it your age? If so where is climbinggirl24? Are you going to be asking us to change your name every year?
  11. jon

    Check this out!

    Washington DC- Utah senator Orin Hatch was critically injured in a car accident today. Witnesses say that seconds prior to smashing into a road side tree, the stereo of Hatch's Lincoln Navigator started blaring the song "Hey we want some pussy" by 2 Live Crue. An internet hacking group by the name of Cult of the Dead Cow claimed responsibility, saying that they hacked through a backdoor in WindowsSUV which was running on Hatch's vehicle.
  12. Trask I heard the Boston Archdiocese is looking for a driver.
  13. Trask you better throw tall boys I have a hard head.
  14. And as you watch your trailer home burn down take into consideration that the person you were throwing cans at might have a photographic memory to remember your license plate.
  15. Fine! I'll say it! When I'm on hour 5 of a 6 hour ride and I'm soaking wet and freezing cold and bonking out of my mind I could honestly give a fuck whether I'm holding you up from a hair appointment that you are already late for.
  16. According to my middle finger you can eat a dick Trask Jon, when you're picking tree slivers outta your ass from me blowing by you, I'll be sure to take note of the finger you gave me right before you dismounted. Well then you better starting winding up those rubber bands on your Pinto hombre.
  17. According to my middle finger you can eat a dick Trask
  18. No doubt, but it's still inconsiderate of you to hold people up. It's not about being impatient either. What's the rush?
  19. Ask your doctor for a presciption for Diamox. And drink water until it comes out of your ears.
  20. Anyone have any experience using these?
  21. That's fucking classic!!! I love it when people yell shit out of their window when they pass me, only for me to catch up to them at the next red light. There must be some name for that, like the Spando effect, where people think you are some 5'4" skinny french weasel just because you are riding a bike, until they see you up close and realize you're fully capable of bashing their head in.
  22. I just got a Canon G2 and I'm incredibly happy with it, although I'm still learning how to use all the features which it has a lot of. It's not small enough to fit in your shirt pocket but is much lighter then my Nikon SLR. Got a 512 meg card and I can take like 300 4MP uncompressed images. Got mine at buydig.com.
  23. You have to throw in Steve Larson in there. He would most likely win too. For those of you not familiar with Steve Larson, he was a professional road racer on Motorola with Lance. He then entered mountain biking and had an amazing career at what was ultimately the height of the sport. He got screwed out of the last summer Olympics because of some World Cup mechanical mishaps and in protest decided to win the last 4 NORBA cup races and the national title and then exit the sport. Two weeks before the Lake Placid Ironman Steve decides he is going to do it. The most he had been running going into the race was 6 miles a week. You run 23 miles in an Ironman, after swimming 2.4 miles and biking 112 miles. He won convincingly against a very stacked field. He went on to take 5 place in Kona that year. Steve was at a race I did last year in Bend, where the bike leg was on Cascade Loop and over the Mt. Bachelor pass down to Sunriver. He won, broke the bike record with an average speed of 27 mph.
  24. I didn't include the address because if you aren't smart enough to be able to figure it out you're too much of an idiot to deserve the deal
  25. Check out their website, they had some pretty incredible deals.
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