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Everything posted by jon

  1. Maybe you should have gotten a downhill bike?
  2. LMAO dude! After we release the Mattp effortelessly cool alpine beta buddy doll we should release an entire line of SNAFFLE PATCH KIDS.
  3. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-026.asp I spent all of last week dealing with this shit at my work. Half of the computers at Stanford were hit with this prior to this newer version of the worm which is hitting the net today. This is being considered the worst M$ vulnerability ever.
  4. Hey, shouldn't this be posted in the new JUMP THE SHARK DUDE FORUM kawabunga dawg
  6. jon

    Poll for the ladies

    What do you gals think about dutch ovens? I think it's hilarious but I know people that don't. Dutch ovensI love Dutch OvensIt's funny once in a whileThat's sickDo that again and I'll never see you again
  7. "Blind people should have midgets instead of dogs."
  8. It's all about quality, not quantity. Ask Fido.
  9. The photo gallery isn't for you to post your avatar images in. I am constantly going through there and erasing shit that shouldn't be there. Whomever erased it probably didn't realize that it was your avatar pict in the first place. Relax.
  10. I've lost some weight and I did it by total caloric intake and didn't get too worried about fat although I tried to cut it out a little. I cut down my Coke intake and that makes a big difference, like if you drink 2 16 oz Cokes a day that is something like 400 calories. The typical person will drop 1 pound a week if you cut 500 calories a day from a previously stable weight, so by dropping the Coke you are on your way.
  11. You mean there are going to be people there who don't climb? I assumed that Rope Up meant a climber's rope-up, not a party for the masses from Wenatchee to come and crash when they get tired of trying to not get busted for cruising violations. So, just for clarification, this is NOT a CC.com event and is now a benefit for Access Fund, AAC, and any other sponsor who is being asked to participate? I think this needs to be clarified. If this is a mass benefit where we can expect a few hundred climbers and another 100+ non-climbers, that is much different than a rope-up gathering that cc.comers have participated in over the last few years in the Spring and Fall. I have no problem with this type of event, and will gladly support AAC and Access Fund, but if it is not for cc.comers specifically, one, I don't think it should be called the Rope up, and tweo, I think we should have just a cc.comers only "rope-up" on another weekend. Back to TG kegs, throwing puppies, and watching Erik solo 5.10 offwidths in the dark! I said people who don't ROCK climb. I don't know how many people here don't rock climb, but if they don't and don't have shoes then they have a way for getting them. What if you are a regular poster and want to bring a friend who doesn't climb. Guess what, they will have shoes to climb in!!!! I don't know what the top rope deal is but I think you guys are getting way to worked up over nothing.
  12. jon

    I almost.....

    Maybe you should do something about that diarriah of the keyboard.
  13. jon

    I almost.....

    I refuse to grown up Kitten. When somebody smashes a bottle over your friends head totally unprovoked it's time to beat some ass, whether you are 14 or 87 years old. Fact of the matter is that is the only fight outside of a soccer match (yes soccer doesn't count) that I've ever been in. I'm pretty laid back and am not one to start shit, that is what is so ironic about this story, is that I not only thought about pushing this guy down but beating him with his bike. Maybe I should stop drinking that Red Bull stuff.
  14. I would never support anything that would be a paying event, and I doubt that's what Beck is trying to do here. Seriously I think this is GETTING really blown out of proportion though. I've been talking with Beck about this for a couple months now. We have lined up some cool things, like for people who are coming who don't rock climb I think that Cascade Crags will have free rentals or at the very least a special for these people. I think they are also going to be giving some instruction to people as well, not like they are going to set up a top rope on every climb in the Icicle or something. From what I've heard there has been some serious stuff donated for this gear raffle which will support the Access Fund. You can say that you support the AF with your membership but every penny help and they do more out here then people realize.
  15. jon

    I almost.....

    Have you "almost" doing something so profound and out of the ordinary that it would change the course of your day at the minimum. I'm not talking about thinking about something, for a couple of days or weeks, I'm talking a decision on the fly. I'm on my lunch break and walking up the street to get some food and go to the bank. I'm walking on the sidewalk and I spot a guy on a bike riding towards me at a high speed. I recognize the guy instantly, a guy who has been an Ave rat since I first entered the university. Homeboy and I have some history. One fine evening he and some of his hombres decide to come into my house during a party and go from room to room stealing CD cases and such. In the back alley we catch them. All the sudden one of these guys smashes a 40 bottle over my friends head and hell breaks loose. We are throwing fools over cars and bashing their faces in. The police come and take these bloody fucks away. Anyways as this guy is coming at me on his bike I quickly relive what I just described. With people on the side of the street I realize that only one of us will fit through the sidewalk. Do I yield to him or cross check his ass into the street because he wasn't going to stop and teach the mofo a lesson? Well I decided to let him fly by, but all I could think about on my walk back the joy it would have brought watching him flying off his bike.
  16. Tool walks on a trail Rabid wants some nuts But Larry has none
  17. Here is mine from the ropeup thread. Hey Larry the Tool My stool I drop from up high Not the sitting kind
  18. Trask put that 8==D back in your mouth or hands or where ever and STFU!!!!
  19. Seriously I think EVERYONE needs to calm the fuck down. I think Beck's comment about Rat was a joke. Am I wrong?
  20. I would for the most part avoid Tiger Mtn.
  21. Dear trask, what is worse Two men being together Or you and a sheep
  22. The trail project, if there is one, will be something that has already been preapproved by the FS, meaning that it might not be one that goes to your favorite crag or to a crag at all. They have to do some bullshit enviro impact study that costs more then the work, meaining you can't legally go create or work on trails without their permission/bureaucracy. Hey Larry the Tool My stool I drop from up high Not the sitting kind
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