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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Smack my bitch up

    Man my head hurts, but happy hour starts in an hour. yummy yum yum
  2. Matt, I've been in your shoes man. My bud was in a coma for about 5 days and it was really hard. Sometimes it will be a short time and they are messed up, sometimes it can be months and they wake up fine, you just never know. I hope he will be ok, hang in there man!
  3. jon

    Smack my bitch up

    Erik my chance of becoming a pro cyclist disappeared when I discovered beer. I should sue them, they don't pay me enough, and my perks is dealing with everyone's bullshit. The parking lot behind Architecture.
  4. jon

    Smack my bitch up

    So I'm just walking along campus, minding my own business, and all of the sudden somebody whacks me across the head with a baseball bat. It hurts like hell and I'm like what the fuck just happened, expecting to see that chump mikeadam or something. As I'm leaning over in unbelievable pain, I see a big tree branch laying next to me. Looking it over it's about 4 feet long and about an inch to an inch and a half in diameter. I pick the fucker up and it weighs probably 20 to 25 pounds. Had it fallen from a couple feet higher I'm not sure if I would have been walking away. Scary shit.
  5. Drink beer yummy yum yum
  6. Are you the bassist from 311? Do a search for resoles, there has been a ton of talk about this. beer yummy yum yum
  7. And if the bottom piece falls out as shown what happens? Obviously this is purely dependant upon how it's being used.
  8. Wouldn't you want to do that the other way around, so you aren't doubling the load on the upper piece if you fall on it?
  9. jon

    A question for Jon & Tim

    You can choose which side you want in your display preferences. If you decide you don't want it contact Tim and tell him you like peanut butter.
  10. jon

    A question for Jon & Tim

    We didn't get paid anything to make it "mandatory", we actually thought that it was displayed regardless, but because of a somewhat embarrasing incident I realized it wasn't. The advertising, along with some contributions, is how we pay for the website. When you are looking at dedicated servers like Tim and I were today we are talking serious mula.
  11. jon

    Good Beer

    While you clowns were off at Smith I was busy being sick, and nothing better then when you feel like crap then drinking a couple frosties to put your ass to bed. My new favorite I found at Trader Joes on sale for $5.99, Spaten Oktoberfest which is brewed in Munich. This is one of the best beers I've ever had.
  12. I did the "Freshman 45". I think my caloric intake was around 7000 a day.
  13. http://velonews.com/news/fea/5058.0.html
  14. Is anyone leaving the Seattle area on Friday in the evening?
  15. CC.com turned three today!!! To see how much we have grown in the past three years click here. May of 2001 we changed our host so that is why prior information is missing. Sept 2001 236956 pages served Sept 2002 910420 pages served Sept 2003 1810900 pages served That's a lot of spray!
  16. jon

    public relations

    I suggest all of you people stop taking everything you read and hear on CNN for face value, and actually talk to someone who has been over there. It is clearly obvious that the spin on things we get from the media is much different then the reality over there. For instance how there has been no power or water or whatever, that has been a problem way before we invaded. Iraq has only one source of power, one single dam. The thing with the unemployed Iraqis rioting because they can't find work is a bunch of nonsense, they don't want to work. We are throwing money at them, offering them jobs, and while not refusing to do it don't really make much of an effort to make money. Case in point, there have been problems with people cutting the power lines heading into the major cities. We are paying the Iraqis to go fix them, and a lot of money. But instead of them going and looking for broken lines themselves, we have to have Blackhawks constantly monitoring the lines and reporting them in. Shit if people would pay me a ton of money to fix power lines I'd be out there cutting the shit.
  17. jon

    Provide Caption

  18. jon

    Dwayner Now!

    I think it's time for some Taco Bells 49 cent menu trivia. What was on the 49 cent menu?
  19. http://www.bradenton.com/mld/bradentonherald/news/local/3233897.htm
  20. Langley sent it to me last night, to my cell phone, encryted in a picture of Britney Spears, and then my phone blew up. I'm sure Verizon is getting sick of replacing my phones. This is the assumption I am making. I don't consider the wife to be suspicious. It would be suspicious if she was digging around in the dirt with her high heels on at some compound. Her job most likely was managing assets and handling the data through the embassy. Where the problem arises is that people are going to be suspicious as hell now, whether they know who she had contact with or not. The problem is, it's almost more problematic to pull your people because then the enemy knows who was compromised. What ever the case may be, the Bush people really fucked up. Maybe it was a warning shot not to mess with the administration, but the are stupid to think they are in control.
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